
Justin Holman is CEO of Aftermarket Analytics, where he leads efforts to develop cutting edge sales forecasting and inventory optimization technology for the Automotive Aftermarket. Prior to joining Aftermarket Analytics, Justin managed corporate consulting for the Strategy & Analytics division at MapInfo Corporation, leading major projects for retail clients including The Home Depot, Darden Restaurants, Bridgestone-Firestone, Sainsbury’s and New York & Company. Before that, Justin served as Vice President of Software Development at LogicTools, now part of IBM's supply chain application software group. Justin holds a B.A. from Claremont McKenna College, a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon and an Executive Management certificate from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.


  • Jo 13 years ago

    Excellent analysis, Justin! Congrats on your big decision— makes me want to move there too! Except we are so thrilled at the independent school our kids just switched to this year after having a less than satisfying experience at the #1 Public elementary school in Oakland! Hey! By the way, we are sending our daughter to Plantation for the first time this summer! She’ll be in sunnyhills! So exciting!!!

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Thanks, Jo! Let me know when handsomeinpink.com is ready to setup shop in Pueblo and I’ll put you in touch with the right people. Hope your daughter has a great summer at farm camp! Cheers, J.

      • Marie 11 years ago

        Do you have a map showing these good neighborhoods? I’ve been checking Zillow but don’t see any except Pueblo West, also, do you consider the area south of the hwy and pueblo west to be good? My husband thinks it looks a little run down on google earth 🙁

        • Justin 11 years ago

          Hi Marie – I’ve been meaning to make some neighborhood maps. I will try to get something posted soon. Thanks for the suggestion!
          Best wishes, Justin

          • michelle jaegers 11 years ago

            hi justin – thinking about moving to colorado either soon or a couple of years, we dont know yet, and pueblo sounds wonderful. pls give me as much info as you can. average rent for a nice 2 bedroom place – anything you can add would be wonderful. thanks a lot. mj in ny

            • Justin 11 years ago

              Hi MJ in NY! Glad to hear Pueblo is on your radar screen. For a nice 2-bedroom rental you’re probably looking at $700-900 or thereabouts. Obviously it depends on a variety of factors but that’s the ballpark. A bit less than NY? 🙂 Best wishes, Justin

          • Dusty 11 years ago

            hi Justin! Great posts! comments and replies too!! moving there w.my son by next mon. I’ve written several times but cell keeps messing up 🙁
            please e-mail me if you hav time, hoping it’ll work betr
            and you should be nothing less than mayor!!

            ms.Dusty and Cayce
            looking forward to being friends!

            • Justin 11 years ago

              Hi Dusty – thanks for your vote for mayor. 🙂
              I will send a quick email. Good luck with the move!

          • jar 9 years ago

            I’m looking at E. 19th, 18th streets to live. I know you say East Side is the worse, but they say this is very close to Belmont. Area looks nice on Google, very clean. What’s your thoughts on this area.

            • Justin 9 years ago

              I like the area you’re describing and I think you’ll find good value. My first home in Pueblo (as a baby) was on Crestmoor Drive, in the same vicinity. Generally, the further north and west you go (within the East Side neighborhood) the better. Good luck! Best, Justin

        • louis 10 years ago

          Looked at house after house in Pueblo was not impressed with the areas. some of the houses needed to be probably torn down and start new not worth the investment. And that’s coming from a handyman…

          • Justin 10 years ago

            Pueblo isn’t for everyone! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Best, Justin

            • Misty 8 years ago

              Hello Justin,
              Great post for people looking to move to Pueblo! Thank you for the honesty on good and bad parts etc. We will be arriving around the first or second week of September! Looking forward to the river walk and downtown festivities!

              • Justin 8 years ago

                Thanks Misty! Hope your move goes well! Best wishes, Justin

                • Karla Kirchner 4 years ago

                  You forgot to mention how much of a profit you make off your tenants. You sound like a slumlord. I moved smackdab into the center of the BELMONT neighborhood, you know, one that you claim to be “safe”. What does “safe” mean to a landlord? SIX WEEKS after I moved in, my car was stolen. The heat here is SO INTOLERABLE you can’t go out to enjoy ANY outdoor activities. You’re a fraud.

                • Justin 4 years ago

                  Sorry about your car and the heat. I guess it’s all my fault.

        • jar 10 years ago

          Can you tell me where to get a mortgage in Pueblo for loan amounts UNDER $50,000 which seems to be the minimum for banks.

          • Justin 10 years ago

            Not really. I would call every bank in town and see who will work with you. Best, Justin

        • Bob Wyman 7 years ago

          Why does zillow suddenly have the premier intelligence on every home for sale or rent or what rent should be in places it never has been to, seen or experienced? That human cost and damage to lives zillow is causing right now is utterly contemptible and inhuman in case you have not heard. Zillow has caused my rent almost double in a year if not for my begging the landlord for some slack. He gave me slack but his zillow plan will reinstate itself shortly, then I will be homeless and my wife as well. She will probably go to her family’s to live in Illinois but I will not. I am disabled so I must rent and she lost her 15 year job for being “too old”. We are in our 60s and the future is bleak. Zillow was the final and fatal blow…

    • sherry sanders 12 years ago

      i am planning on moving ther real soon! thanks

    • Chelle 9 years ago

      Wow! I made the fatal mistake of moving to pueblo 6 months ago. When my lease is up, I’m getting out of here. This place is a joke. Everyone is on state assistance, yet they all walk around with new phones, fresh tattoos and designer shoes. I avoid my neighbors bc they only come around when they need a ride to the pawn shop or liquor store. Lots of crackheads here. They walk up n down 4th street tweeking. If u go to the safeway on 8th, be prepared for the undercover cops to tackle and arrest someone for stealing. You can’t bring your purse into the dollar tree bc of the thefts. I’m white and have noticed the Mexicans don’t like white folks. The city council is a joke, there’s no mayor here and it’s a straight up joke! Potholes everywhere. Prepare for an alignment. Park view elementary is a joke. The special ed program is so behind in the times, it’s sad. Schools need a major overhaul. People are constantly fighting and stabbing each other at the 711, ironically, there’s a police substation across the street. The alleys are trashed, stray dogs everywhere, the weeds and sticker bushes will drive you nuts. Everyone is so “poor” that the parents aren’t even expected to provide school supplies or pay for lunch. Wow! Run from pueblo, it sucks. It’s low class people with they’re hand out all day long. No tax base here, no good schools. I don’t see hard working decent people here at all. You go to the park area and grown men are begging for change. You go to the grocery, they begging you. I hate this place! The rentals are cheap but you get what you pay for, cheap junk. It’s a mess here, I don’t know how you think this place is great. Oh yeah, have fun getting through to anyone at the state building. You will end up taking a ride over there just to ask a question. Alot of bad customer service here as well. I will be moving back to the Pacific Northwest to get around some decent people when my lease is up.

      • Justin 9 years ago

        Hi Chelle,
        Your fatal mistake was actually your neighborhood selection and not the decision to move to Pueblo. You mention 4th, Safeway on 8th, etc. These locations are all on the Lower East Side. You chose the wrong neighborhood.

      • Penny 9 years ago

        Thanks for the heads-up, but I’ve got to be somewhere within 50 miles of The Springs for a job and I don’t anticipate being able to afford anything decent there on what the job pays. What I hear you saying is that “it resembles New Mexico.” Well, that’s not where I’m “from” by a long shot but that’s where I’m coming OUT of after attempting to work THERE. So it’s all relative.

  • Susan (Abram) Culig 13 years ago

    Great article Justin!!!

  • Dave 13 years ago

    Maybe I should start a training gym there……..

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Worth looking into Dave!

    • Lois 5 years ago

      Justin. I see that most of these posts go back quite a few years. I have been researching a new place to li e and a new chapter of my life. I like what I have read, and your insight. I am a single female, early sixties, very active. Do you think Pueblo would work for me? Thanks for your input. PS Are you still in Pueblo? Please answer to my email. Much appreciated.

      • Justin 5 years ago

        Hi Lois,
        Yes, my blogging productivity has waned as I pursue other interests. I think Pueblo would be a great place to semi-retire or start a new chapter. Most of what I wrote here is still valid. Your main concern is most likely crime and it is a problem in Pueblo but not insurmountable. Get a home security system, lock your car doors and don’t wander around the East Side or Bessemer late at night and you should be fine. I now live in Colorado Springs (mostly because of Pueblo’s low performing schools) but I work in Pueblo. Hope this helps! Good luck with your new chapter!
        Best wishes,

  • Jenny 13 years ago

    Thanks for the enlightened words. I agree with everything except the clean air. We’re the mercury capital of Colorado. Although we don’t have the dirty smog, we have many toxins in our air that we can’t see. I still like to live here though 🙂

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Jenny – thank you for educating me about the mercury problem! Would you mind sending a link to more information about the air toxin issue?

  • Angela Krinsky 13 years ago

    NICE!!!! But we know you are really just moving here to be closer to the Krinsky’s!!! lol

  • Adam 13 years ago

    Great choice living in P Town. I grew up there and I love going back and getting my Pass Key Special. You should also check out Iannes Pizza on Northern and Pasta Cottage.

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Thanks, Adam! I’m familiar with Ianne’s but it’s been ages. Haven’t tried Pasta Cottage so I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks for the suggestions! Cheers, J.

  • Larry adamson 13 years ago

    What no comments about green chile?

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Larry – I mentioned green chile in the post – did I miss something? What’s your favorite green chile place in Pueblo?

    • ColdSassy 10 years ago

      The only great chile verde comes from Hatch or Socorro NM. Best Chile Rojo is ifrom Chimayo NM

  • Mary 13 years ago

    The racial make-up statistics look strange. How can the city be 76% white and also 44% Latino? Plus all the other percentages-they don’t add up.

    By the way, since I’m a big city girl, I am really excited about the new Indian restaurant, Mr. Tandoori, on Victoria, near the Historic Union Depot. They also have an American food menu for the faint of heart. 😉

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Good question. From wikipedia: Race and ethnicity are considered separate and distinct identities, with Hispanic or Latino origin asked as a separate question. Thus, in addition to their race or races, all respondents are categorized by membership in one of two ethnicities, which are “Hispanic or Latino” and “Not Hispanic or Latino”.

      So the first set of percentages are racial (76% white, etc) and then the ethnicity breakdown is 44% Hispanic and presumably 56% non-Hispanic.

      Mary – I can’t wait to try Mr. Tandoori! Thanks for the tip!

  • The Cost of a Sunny Day « justinholman 13 years ago

    […] recently learned that my hometown, Pueblo, Colorado, receives more sunshine than San Diego, California.  I was really surprised and began to wonder […]

  • Elizabeth 13 years ago

    I like knowing more about your move, Otto, but it seems you don’t have quite enough research or knowledge to make a fair analysis of Pueblo 🙂 I look forward to visits in sunny Colorado.

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Look forward to seeing you in the state’s sunshine capitol, Biz!

  • Dena Stevens 13 years ago

    Pueblo is one of the best kept secrets around yet, Pueblo makes various national lists once in awhile. Several senior magazines have recommended Pueblo and the Southern Colorado area for the same reasons you listed above. I moved to Southern Colorado in 1999 without doing much of the research you did. I figures out that this is a great place to live all on my own. Now we need to let others know Southern Colorado is still a well kept secret!

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Hi Dena – thank you for the comment! Let me buy a few more investment properties before we get the word out too far and wide. 🙂

  • M.Huhn 13 years ago

    Glad to hear things are going well. Congrats on the move back home. It sounds like it was a pretty smooth transition.

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Thanks, Matt! We’ll see how it goes – transition yet to come this summer.

  • zoecholman 13 years ago

    Very impressive Mr. Proffeser. However you need a bit of jazz to spruce up your writing. Add a humorous comment every now and then and your readers will relax while learning.

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      Thank you for the comment, Miss Zoe (my dear daughter). I will try my best to improve. 🙂

  • zoecholman 13 years ago

    Sorry. English teacher intruding. Please for give my ciritzisim and enjoy writing. That’s what matters. *wink* *wink* Dad!

  • Banks are Destroying America’s Neighborhoods « Geographical Perspectives 13 years ago

    […] the past 2.5 years I’ve been investing in real estate in my home town Pueblo, Colorado.  What I’ve found is that large banks are dragging out the foreclosure process so that homes […]

  • Banks are Killing America’s Neighborhoods Part 2 – Response to Comments « Geographical Perspectives 13 years ago

    […] response to their valid cash, or approved loan offers. ”  I have had similar experiences in Pueblo.  One property in particular comes to mind; this one owned by a large bank.  I made a cash […]

  • justinholman 13 years ago

    I received one comment regarding Pueblo’s air quality. I’m not at all knowledgeable in this area but there are toxins in the air in Pueblo, particularly near the steel mill in the southeast part of the city. I found a report on the topic that didn’t set off any alarm bells when I read it but, like I said, I have zero expertise in environmental chemistry: http://www.colorado.gov/airquality/documents/PuebloAirToxics.pdf

    • Paige 10 years ago

      Hi Justin I loved reading your post. I am from Michigan (The downriver area) not as cool as Ann
      Arbor that is for sure. I now live in North Dakota. My family of four came out here to get work. My husband is a carpenter and has been out of work in MI for years. I have a degree in Criminal Justice and Administration and could only find work waiting tables and bar tending…so we are here. There are jobs everywhere here and we have been able to save up some money to move out of here. Don’t even get me started on why we need to get the hell out of here (We are liberal democrats living in a dark red state). I was thinking about Eugene, Or, Eureka CA and Colorado Springs. After reading your article Pueblo in now on the table . I was wondering if you could give me any more info on living in Eugene vs Pueblo? I have boys ages 12 and 14. My 12 year old has dyslexia and my 14 year old has long black hair and is kind of a rocker kid so gets picked on a lot. As you can imagine schools are very important to our needs. I can not afford private school so if we were to live in Pueblo can you recommend a neighborhood? How hard is it to find housing? We would need a three bedroom house to rent. Can you ball park what we should expect to pay? What is the employment situation? Any info you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.Paige [email protected]

      • Justin 10 years ago

        Hi Paige,
        Eugene is the Garden of Eden for liberal democrats. The annual Country Fair just west of Eugene is the biggest collection of hippies you’ll find anywhere since the Grateful Dead stopped touring. If you don’t mind the grey and rain for 7-8 months per year it’s a great place to live. I love Eugene but I’m happy to be in a sunnier corner of the world. Public schools in Eugene are quite good, certainly better than here in Pueblo. The best high schools in Pueblo seem to be Centennial High (though I’m biased as a grad) and Pueblo County High, especially the “SEBS” program. Housing inventory is relatively low so it’s difficult to rent a good place. Far easier to buy. A 3-bedroom in a good neighborhood would run somewhere in the $800-$1200 per month range. Although the employment picture is brighter than it was a few years ago, good jobs are difficult to find and salaries remain fairly low. Housing in Eugene would cost way, way more but jobs would likely be more plentiful. Might be construction work in Colorado Springs as building activity has resumed. Hope some of this helps. Best wishes, Justin

        • Joe Dirt 8 years ago

          Justin, you are FOS. First you say Eugene, OR schools are less than desirable. Then you claim they are great. I’m willing to bet you are a real estate agent trying to reel people in to your s#!**y town. Thanks scumbag, we appreciate your hard work. Next time get your story straight.

          • Justin 8 years ago

            Joe Dirt,
            Thanks for your kind words. Happy holidays.

  • justinholman 13 years ago

    Also, a friend asked about diversity in Pueblo. This is an important question. In my opinion, Pueblo is quite diverse but certainly less so than major cities like SF, LA, NYC, Chi, etc. Pueblo has a large Latino population and the steell mill attracted immigrants from eastern and southern Europe so there is a nice fabric of cultural diversity. But, it would be interesting to hear other people’s perspective on diversity in Pueblo. Here are some simple statistics from the census bureau via wikipedia:

    The racial makeup of the city was 76.21% White, 2.41% African American, 1.73% Native American, 0.67% Asian, 0.06% Pacific Islander, 15.20% from other races, and 3.71% from two or more races. Latinos made up 44.13% of the population. 10.1% were of German, 8.1% Italian, 6.0% American, 5.5% English and 5.4% Irish ancestry according to Census 2000.

  • Banks are Destroying America’s Neighborhoods : JustinHolman.com 13 years ago

    […] the past 2.5 years I’ve been investing in real estate in my home town Pueblo, Colorado.  What I’ve found is that large banks are dragging out the foreclosure process so that homes […]

  • Kitchen Updates to Help Sell Your Colorado Home | Relocation Exchange 13 years ago

    […] grade students with 2 teachers where the social stratification scene was already completely overwhelming any effort to focus on academics.  Our son was being labeled as a problem child because he was too bored with hour after hour of sitting quietly and listening to teachers talk rather than allowing his natural curiosity to explore ideas and stretch boundaries.  Gym was offered a whopping 2 times per week for 45 minutes and recess was scheduled once per day at 2pm.  How is an active 2nd grade boy supposed to contain his energy when he has to wait until 2pm most days to run around?  We solved the problem this year by sending our kids to a private Montessori school but at significant expense.  Like most things, private schools are more affordable in Pueblo and we will likely take advantage of one of several good private school options because the wait lists for the high performing charter and magnet schools are probably too long.  For high school, we are intrigued by the early college programs offered through Pueblo Community College.  Educating our kids in today’s world will be a challenge wherever we live.  Pueblo is no exception but it does offer many innovative options at a more affordable price than in most communities.Source: justinholman.com […]

  • brian 13 years ago

    @ Justin – You forgot to mention the high crime rate in Pueblo. I looked at homes in Pueblo West and almost fell for it, then a home in Falcon caught my attention and that was all she wrote…Pueblo has a VERY HIGH sales tax rate, 7.5%, is it? Falcon’s county rate is 4.9%!! I am glad I didnt’t move to Pueblo, I already discovered all I want and didn’t like what I learned or the bad vibes with gangs there…No thanks…

    • Justin 13 years ago

      Hi Brian, actually I did write about crime in Pueblo – see below. I’m glad you found a place to call home in Falcon (Colorado Springs metro) but if you’re moving to avoid crime and high tax rates I’m afraid you’re not seeing the forest for the trees. Pueblo is *significantly* less expensive than Springs, no matter how you slice it. Sales tax? Is that how you compare cost of living? Take a look at housing, the main expense for most folks. And crime isn’t much better in Springs. It varies quite a bit there too. Broadmoor area – not much crime. East/SE Springs – different story. Best wishes for success in Falcon and thanks for the comment. Best, Justin

      Here’s the part about crime (and schools):
      “Okay, the Pueblo naysayers are waiting for me to turn to public schools and crime. Isn’t Pueblo a dangerous place to live? Aren’t the schools some of the worst in the state? Not if you look closely. Pueblo does have one or two really bad areas. The toughest part of town is the Eastside, a great community with a lot of pride, but home to plenty of crime and low performing schools. What’s happening on the Eastside gets included in all the statistics for Pueblo as a whole and really brings down Pueblo’s profile when it comes to crime statistics and test scores. So, before you dismiss Pueblo, take a closer look at disaggregate school performance and crime statistics. Life in Belmont, Aberdeen, Mesa Junction, the Northside, Pueblo West and in many other neighborhoods is safe and family friendly.”

      • jar 10 years ago

        My son and I have been looking at homes in Pueblo area. How is the State Fair, Bessemer, Hyde etc. areas in crime and nice looking neighborhoods. We are from Md. and are shopping over the internet. Some look so nice and others not too nice. Need to know all the neighborhoods. Thanks a lot.

        • Justin 10 years ago

          If you prefer the South side of town look at Mesa Junction, Sunset, El Camino, Aberdeen. State Fair is hit and miss. There are good spots as you move toward PCC. Bessemer is near the steel mill with mostly small homes built for factory workers back in the early 20th century. You can find bargain basement prices and nice, well-kept neighborhoods but you’ll also find neglected homes and crime, albeit mostly petty. Hope this helps. Best, Justin

      • Phillip 4 years ago

        I have a buddy who wants to build free homes in Pueblo based upon donations and hopefully land grants. You could probably offer him some insight and maybe even some connections! Here is his site if you’re interested in his project:


        • Justin 4 years ago

          Interesting idea! I’m happy to help him if I can. Thanks for sharing!

  • Brittany M 13 years ago

    This essay-of-sorts was like an answer to prayer for me! I’ve been looking into relocating to Pueblo for work, and in all my research, I’ve had difficulty finding information about Pueblo in terms of places to live and what there is to do. I appreciate you breaking the town (hey, I’m from a big city — a town is anything under 500,000 — and even that’s low) down in such a way.

    I do wonder if you have any more suggestions on areas to live. I won’t be buying for a while, and can’t differentiate parts of town/neighborhoods just quite yet.

    I’ve also heard a little bit about a City Center, but don’t quite understand what it’s about. I’d really appreciate if you could help me out!

    • Justin 13 years ago

      Hi Brittany – welcome to Pueblo! I’m glad my blog post was helpful. I will send an email to you to learn a bit more before I recommend a particular neighborhood. Not sure what you mean by City Center? Maybe the Union Historical district? In any case, best wishes on the transition and thanks for your feedback! Cheers, Justin

    • Valentine 12 years ago

      Hi Justin,

      Can you give more details for say someone single moving there. I work from home. I’m looking for reasonable. I’m also looking for things to do. Originally from Chicago, I prefer living outside a city but close enough to go in. Pueblo has me interested but I’m at the same point as another person looking at say the 30’s scene and the size of the location I move to. I’ve lived in New Mexico. I understand all places have crime. I would love to have some more information if you could email me. I would love if you have any idea on medical care quality. It’s a huge issue. Thanks so much for your article! Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

      • Justin 12 years ago

        Valentine – I think you’d find plenty to do here in Pueblo but it depends on what interests you. No way will it compete with Chicago, nor would Denver, in terms of urban cultural offerings but I think Pueblo holds its own. And, given the cost of living, I don’t think you’d find a better bargain anywhere. What do you want to be able to do?

        Medical care in Pueblo is absolutely first rate. Both St. Mary Corwin and Parkview have an excellent reputation and Pueblo has outstanding medical professionals. You may find more sophisticated medical resources in Denver with the University of Colorado Medical Center, etc but you can drive 90 minutes to get the same care and pay about 1/3rd in housing costs here in Pueblo. Pretty easy equation to solve.

        Hope this helps!

  • Mark 13 years ago

    Just retired and moved to Pueblo 2 weeks ago. I’ve lived in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Hawaii, and Alabama. I have found the people of Pueblo to be the most friendly by far. I have not had a single bad encounter with all the hard working retail employees I have encountered in he past 2 weeks. I love it here so far. Paddle boarding on Pueblo lake is terrific, almost as good as Hawaii, except no surf, unless a boat comes too close. Also liking the mountain biking, except for those little seeds with the fish hook attached to them. Had 2 flat tires first time out. I now have the thicker tubs. Justin, I think you’re right, Pueblo may well be discovered in the next 10-20 years as the place to be. However,for now we’ll just keep it a secret to preserve what we have now. Aloha is definetly part of the Pueblo community.

    • Justin 13 years ago

      Hi Mark – glad to hear that your retirement is off to a good start and that you’re enjoying Pueblo (despite the heat). Hope you continue to have a good experience. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there’s anything I can do to help you acclimate. I think Pueblo is an ideal retirement spot and, I agree, I’m happy to keep it our secret. Cheers, Justin

  • zach smith 12 years ago

    this is really interesting. i am in the same position – can work from home – and i am coming to this area in a few days to look at some land options in person. any advice on 35+ acre options in the area, and what to look out for?

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Zach. If you’re looking for acreage you can certainly find a great deal in/near Pueblo County. Question is what kind of acreage – farm, ranch, mountains, prairie? There are several choices – mountains toward Beulah, prairie with mountain views in Pueblo West, farmland in Blende and beyond to the east, etc. How far away from Pueblo do you want to be? Do you want an existing house/structure or not? Lots of variables. I have a real estate agent recommendation if you need one. He’d be a big help for this type of purchase. Let me know if you want to discuss further. And, welcome to Pueblo! Hope you find a home here. Cheers, Justin

  • Hans Thoma 12 years ago

    Interesting analysis. I used to live in Denver, and never really learned anything about Pueblo. Nobody really said anything about it. I never knew that steel was big down there. I was kind of on the fence about Colorado though, I found all those cities to be rather hot and dusty for my taste. 75 degrees is enough for me. But this is coming from someone born and raised in Michigan, lol.

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hans, Pueblo is hotter and dustier than Denver so it may not be for you. On the other hand you may love the western slope or life above 10k ft in Summit County. That’s one of the great things about Colorado – lots of options for different environments, both physical and cultural. Thanks for the comment! Cheers, J.

  • Jules 12 years ago

    Thanks Justin for the write up! My wife and I may be moving to Pueblo soon so she can work there, for a few years anyway. I myself have a hard time moving anywhere as Ive lived in the same place for over 40 years and change is something I resist, we just moved twice in the last 6 months. None the less I will do this for the wife (move again) argg!

    I would like to hear more about the gang (crime) problem there if thats possible? Im asking only because Im disabled and also worry about my wifes well being. Then again we both have CCP’s even in CO. Who wants to hire an attorney though, LOL! Jules…

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Jules, crime is a real issue in Pueblo. There are gangs and violent crime but, as far as I can tell, it’s mostly limited to a few rough areas including the Eastside and Bessemer and doesn’t really affect quality of life for most residents. There is also a lot of petty crime, in particular there have been problems with daytime break-ins. People go to work for the day and then the bad guys break in and steal stuff that they can quickly convert to cash. Probably so they can buy drugs. The police department is overwhelmed and understaffed and, as I’ve heard from some inside local government, not particularly well-managed. Of course, like just about everywhere, the city is dealing with budget challenges that exacerbate the problem.

      All that said, I would definitely encourage you to give Pueblo a try. Every place has it’s trade-offs. Colorado is a beautiful place to live and Pueblo is the best bargain in the State. In fact, if there’s a better bargain in terms of cost of living, climate and livability anywhere in the US I’d like to know about it. Crime is a problem but you won’t escape crime in Denver or Colorado Springs and there you’ll pay 3 times more for housing.

      Best wishes on the move and let me know if I can help in any way. Cheers, Justin

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Jules – here’s an article I saw today on yahoo that ranks Pueblo as the #4 least expensive city in the U.S. None of the others are in a “blue” state, have views of the Rocky Mountains and world class skiing within a few hours drive.


  • Barrett 12 years ago

    My wife and I are in much the same situation you were and have been looking at Pueblo. Has it panned out as well as you expected? How are the primary level schools? Any tips for those of us coming from the DC sprawl-zone?

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Barrett – I was thinking of writing a blog post to address this very question sometime in the next month with a sort of 1 year after the decision review. I’d say that, yes, overall it has panned out very well. First off, the real estate investment climate can’t be beat. The demand for rentals is very strong and prices remain more or less depressed although I’ve seen clear signs of a healthier market over the past year – i.e., more renovation work, fewer properties available at basement prices, good deals only on the market for a short period of time, more competition when purchasing, etc. Second, the cost of living in other realms is also amazingly low. Activities for kids, prices for various services, etc are nearly across the board quite a bit lower than they were in Ann Arbor, Michigan or Eugene, Oregon. Significantly lower. Another huge plus is weather. The sunshine is truly abundant and the weather in general has been outstanding. I played golf on Dec 24th! Amazing. On the downside, crime is a problem. Pueblo is a small city and, unless you live on the outskirts, crime will be something to deal with. Mostly petty burglary but there is plenty of violent crime in the news. I think the thing to keep in mind is that while Pueblo is a small city, it’s still a city. So we have gritty crime similar to what you’d find in Denver or in Metro DC but because Pueblo is small it hits closer to home.

      You asked about Primary Level Schools. I think there are excellent options though not nearly as many as you’d find in parts of DC. We have been very pleased with Fountain International and Corwin International, magnet schools offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. I’ve also heard great things about the Pueblo School for Arts and Sciences (PSAS). The Connect (District 70) is generally considered to be the best middle school and Goodnight and Heritage also seem to get consistently good marks. Note that all of these, except Goodnight and Heritage are Magnet/Charter schools where you’ll have to enroll proactively and possibly deal with wait lists, etc. But, it doesn’t seem to be that challenging to get into the school you want, perhaps with the exception of The Connect. There are also several good private school options. The McClelland School is a great option and coming from DC you’ll think the tuition is absurdly low although in Pueblo it’s considered pretty high. If you are Catholic or Christian there are also good religion-based options including Saint Therese, John Neumann and Trinity Lutheran. High School seems to be more of a challenge as there are no private options in Pueblo (some send their kids to schools in Colorado Springs) but there are a few innovative program options including the IB program at East and the Early College program in partnership with the well regarded local community college, Pueblo CC. Overall, schools have been better than I expected.

      Tips for coming from DC? Tough one. It will be a culture shock. Pueblo is more like New Mexico than it is like Denver in many ways. The large Hispanic population (~50%) and the high desert climate make it feel more like the Southwest than like the Rocky Mountains. I love it. But it’s not for everyone. Also, Pueblo is a place where people spend their whole lives and don’t move away. At the same time, due to a weak economy, not many people have moved to Pueblo from different places, especially compared to Metro DC. So it may be a challenge to establish a social network. People are extraordinarily friendly but they have life-long friends and relatives with whom they spend most of their time. I don’t see that as an insurmountable challenge but it’s something to be aware of before arriving.

      One other surprise on the upside that I’ll mention. The Colorado Springs airport has become my go-to airport. It’s a super easy drive, about 30 minutes, never any real traffic. Parking at the airport is very easy and inexpensive. Pick-up and drop-off are a piece of cake. And prices are surprisingly affordable, even cheaper than Denver in many cases. Mostly you have to connect through Denver and there are cancellations from time to time but overall this has been a pleasant surprise and a boost to quality of life because I travel with some frequency for work.

      Barrett, I hope you’ll give Pueblo a try. Come visit this winter or spring. Grab a cup of coffee at Solar Roast (Pueblo’s very own solar-powered coffee roaster) and explore the Mesa Junction, Aberdeen, Belmont. Eat some green chile at one of the many excellent Mexican restaurants in Bessemer. Stop by the Coors Tavern for a slopper and a schooner. Take your kids to the Pueblo Zoo and the Sangre De Cristo Art Center. Go for a bike ride on the trails near Lake Pueblo. Play some golf or go for a walk in the sunshine. Check the prices for soccer camps, art camps, after school activites. Take a close look at the price of housing. Cruise around town with no destination further than a 10 minute drive. It’s not perfect but, on balance, I don’t think there’s a better value in North America.

      Be sure to look me up when you arrive. I’d be happy to welcome you to Pueblo. Your first slopper is on me.

      Cheers, J.

      • Barrett 12 years ago

        Thanks for the quick and thorough response, Justin. If the city of Pueblo isn’t paying you, they should. You do a great job of marketing the city. We’ll be coming out in the next couple months to scope out the area. I’ll drop you a line when we do.


        • Justin 12 years ago

          Thanks, Barrett. Look forward to hearing from you.

  • Francis 12 years ago

    Thanks for the informative and well written info. My GF and I are planning a move from Tucson to Pueblo after school gets out at the end of may. We mostly picked Pueblo due to the affordability of the housing. After reading some negative things elsewhere I was beginning to doubt whether we were making a good decision (this isn’t a job transfer or anything, we’re just looking for a change of pace). I think Pueblo sounds like a good move and I’m looking forward to checking it out…may avoid the Eastside though:)…

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Francis, thanks for the comment! I hope you’ll enjoy Pueblo. It’s not for everyone but I think coming from Tucson you’ll find yourself more or less at home. Often the trouble is that people come to Pueblo from Denver metro and expect Pueblo to be similar to Northern Colorado. It’s different…probably closer to New Mexico culturally and possibly closer to a place like Tucson. Housing remains unbelievably inexpensive so I’m pretty sure you’ll like that part. It may take some time to find your niche, which is always the case when you move to a new place, but I hope it works out for you. Let me know when you arrive if there’s anything I can do to help with the transition. By the way, I wouldn’t say avoid the Eastside – just be aware that you’ll find more crime on the Eastside. We shop on the Eastside regularly for specialty groceries and I drive my son to a Magnet School on the Eastside every morning. And there are a few restaurants I’ve been meaning to visit. That said, my recommendation for finding a good, affordable, walkable neighborhood with character to call home remains the Mesa Junction. Best wishes, Justin

  • Jennifer 12 years ago

    I want to reiterate what others have stated about this post. It is so good to get some current information about Pueblo that is not negative! My husband and I are relocating to Pueblo from Houston with our infant son at the end of April. We are looking at houses online and desperately looking for information on the safest areas. I love that the older homes in Pueblo are so affordable but need help with choosing the best areas. If we can’t figure out the best area within Pueblo then we’ll be moving to Pueblo West which isn’t what I prefer since it seems to be more rural than Pueblo. Would you be able to give some guidance about the safety of homes near (basically across the street)Central High School? I don’t think that area is one that you mention as safe. The other area I was uncertain about is near the Rosemount Museum. Also I was wondering what streets border the Mesa Junction area, looking at maps online its hard to be sure where the neighborhood begins and ends. Thank you in advance for any direction you can provide and again thanks for this excellent post

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Jennifer – the area near Central High School is probably my favorite neighborhood in all of Pueblo. This area, bounded by Abriendo and Adams to the North/South and Lincoln/Lake to the East/West is what I think of as the core of the Mesa Junction neighborhood. Right next door to the Pueblo Community College, shopping on Abriendo/Broadway and Abriendo/4th, the main public library, good restaurants – everything walkable. And only a 15 min walk or 5 min bike ride to the Union Ave historic district and downtown. Really it’s the most centrally located neighborhood in Pueblo. It has a great mix of housing, everything from 4-story mansions on Pitkin to 700 sq ft 2-bedroom cottages in some state of disrepair. All very affordable with prices from $80k to $130k for move-in ready, decent housing. Nothing fancy but unbelievably inexpensive. If you want one of the mansions on Pitkin it’ll be closer to $300k, still reasonable actually although I wouldn’t want to pay the heating bills in one of those huge places. In my opinion, the Mesa Junction is safe. Crime is definitely an issue in Pueblo but you’ll have to deal with it wherever you go. Mostly it’s just petty robbery but you’ll probably want a security system (or at least a sign that says you have a security system). If you can afford more for housing, like something in the $150-300k range, then I would opt for Aberdeen, arguably the nicest neighborhood in the city. You can find fancier homes in other parts of town, like near Walking Stick, but perhaps not a more pleasant neighborhood.

      You also asked about the area near the Rosemount Museum. This would generally be known as the Northside, although I think it needs a new neighborhood name because it’s not really anywhere near the north edge of the city and hasn’t been for sometime. This area near Parkview Hospital is really hit and miss. There are some very rough areas and then there are some lovely little neighborhoods here and there with plenty in between. I wouldn’t recommend anywhere south of 17th Street nor west of West Street, at least until you’re north of Freed Middle School. I think I need to make a Pueblo neighborhood map. Again there are a few streets, like 18th, parts of Greenwood, Elizabeth and Court that have lovely homes and mature tree-lined streets just blocks from Mineral Palace park. You might also check out a few neighborhoods between 24th and 29th and between West and High. Also, take a peak at some of the small streets just south of 24th like Echo, Coronado, DeSoto, etc. Good bargains can be found in these locations. Probably should just turn this into a full blog post…anyway, hope this helps! Let me know if I can answer any other questions. Cheers, Justin

      p.s. By the way, please don’t move to Pueblo West and become part of the unnecessary traffic procession on Hwy 50. There’s no reason to have a big commute if you live in Pueblo. The wind blows non-stop in PW and, while the view of mountains is better, the landscape is bleak and unappealing. No character whatsoever. It’s also a drag on Pueblo city services. I do know lots of wonderful people who live in PW and seem very happy to be there so I’m sure it has its good points but, to me, it’s not Pueblo and I don’t recommend living there.

  • Moe 12 years ago

    Thank you for this thorough analysis.

    I am moving with my wife this coming July to Pueblo from Royal Oak , Michigan. I will be looking for a house rental in one of Pueblo’s decent neighborhoods. Any tips on the best way and time to do that?

    Thank you

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Moe – welcome to Pueblo! Not sure if you noticed but we just moved from Ann Arbor. I think you’ll enjoy the change in climate.
      I’d be happy to help with your housing search. I will email directly and see if we can identify the right neighborhood for you.
      Best, Justin

    • Howie 12 years ago

      Hi Moe – welcome to Pueblo! We have a house for rent in a great neighborhood (626 Polk).

      Our agent is Marilee Nickelson (719) 406 4425

      Good Luck, Howard & Jude

      • Justin 12 years ago

        I don’t know Howie or Marilee Nickelson and I haven’t seen the house but I can say that 626 Polk is an excellent location in the Mesa Junction neighborhood and, at the right price (I would guess somewhere in the $750-850 range), would probably be a great rental.

  • Nubia 12 years ago

    My husbands company just recently relocated him to Pueblo, we have 5 children and I stayed behind to wait for the school age ones to get done with school. His company is paying for him to stay in a hotel until we find a homeland move this summer. We live in a small town in Central Illinois and I’m really worried about making the big move to Pueblo. I’ve been looking online for a rental house. What neighborhoods would you recommend?

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Nubia – welcome to Pueblo! I will email you separately to find out more about your situation before suggesting neighborhoods. I hope you’ll be happy in Pueblo! Best, Justin

      • Sandy 11 years ago

        Hi Justin,
        My husband and I may be moving to Pueblo this month for a new job. We appreciate your information as we may need to rent a place sight unseen due to the time crunch and distance from Illinois. I’d love to be in a place that is walking friendly. We’ve been getting by with only one car for several years and would like to continue. I work at home and we’re senior citizens who may have one or two grandchildren living with us for a short time. We’d like your suggestions on a relatively safe, quiet area. Thanks. You’ve already given valuable information.

        • Justin 11 years ago

          Hi Sandy – I would recommend the Aberdeen neighborhood, followed closely by Sunset and then the Mesa Junction. It depends on budget of course but these locations offer a good blend of walk-ability and relative peace and quiet. The rental market is fairly tight so you may need to make temporary housing arrangements and then find a rental upon arrival. Best of luck on the move and welcome to Pueblo! Best, Justin

          • Sandy 11 years ago

            Hi again Justin,
            My husband just this morning accepted a job in Pueblo starting July 1. We have buyers for our home in West Central Illinois with the closing set for on or before July 8. We want to start out renting in Pueblo but we need to find an apartment available this month so we can make the move within the next three weeks. I’m checking with the bigger apartment complexes that advertise security and 24-hour maintenance. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks! You’re very helpful to all your readers.

            • Justin 11 years ago

              Congrats on having buyers! I guess I’d want to know where your husband will be working (general vicinity is fine if you prefer not to reveal precise location) before I made any suggestions. Besides his place of work, what else do you want to have close by? Thanks, Justin

          • Sandy 11 years ago

            Spanish Peaks, and we’ve pretty much reconciled ourselves to the need to buy a second car.

            • Justin 11 years ago

              Spanish Peaks has several locations so I’m not sure where to suggest. I stand by my Aberdeen, Sunset, Mesa Junction recommendations. Belmont is another good option if your husband will spend most of his time at the Spanish Peaks facility just east of the Fountain River. Again, best of luck! -Justin

  • Muriel 12 years ago

    Hello Justin,
    Thank you for your post. I am contemplating relocating to Colorado and enjoyed your insight into this area. I have applied to a few open social work jobs in the area and we shall see what turns out. Could you comment on the church community within Pueblo?

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Muriel, Thanks for the comment – I hope you find a home in Colorado! I’m really not the best person to comment on Pueblo’s church community. There is a strong Catholic community – I attended one of the Catholic schools for a few years in the 80s, and I think most people of faith could find what they’re looking for here in Pueblo. If not, Colorado Springs is a larger city about 40 min away with a very well established Christian community. I think you’d need to explore on your own to see if Pueblo was able to offer what you’re looking for in a church. Sorry I can’t be more help on this topic. Best wishes! Justin

  • Perry Cabot 12 years ago

    Justin: I appreciate your thoughtful honest analysis and commitment to Pueblo. I am actually a transplant to this community, having lived here for the past 5 years. I live in the Pueblo Community College neighborhood and have always enjoyed it. You have listed all the things I like about Pueblo. I will only add that we need more people to move here (or come back) with the enthusiasm to build a strong community. There are a lot of houses in very good neighborhoods that just need to be purchased and fixed up, as you have done. So yes – folks out there – this is a good town and we need you!

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Thanks for this comment Perry! Hope to run into you around Pueblo sometime! Cheers, Justin

  • Leah Pulsifer 12 years ago

    It’s great to see this posting. My family and I will be moving to Pueblo in June. My whole family lives there, but I haven’t lived there since 1983, my husband is a native Floridian and we also spent 15 years moving around with his military assignments. Now that he’s retired, his parents have passed and my son has graduated high school, I’m ready to get out of Orlando. It’s too populated, the traffic is a nightmare and I have no interest in Mickey Mouse. I’m so excited to be in a community that I can feel like I’m a part of. I think Pueblo has the potential to be a great little city, it’s already on it’s way. The 10 minute trek across town is the most exciting for me, I’m currently commuting almost an hour and that’s keeping well within the city of Orlando. We were there for Christmas and when my sister commented on traffic being heavy around the mall I thought I’d fall on the floor laughing. If she only knew! Anyway, kudos on giving Pueblo some gold stars.

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Thanks for leaving a comment, Leah! Welcome back to Pueblo! I hope the move goes smoothly. I’ve been to Orlando many times on business so I think I can relate. It won’t take you long to adjust to traffic in Pueblo (or the lack thereof) and soon any 5-10 min delay will seem like a big interruption. But be sure to find a place to live in the city of Pueblo; if you locate in Pueblo West you’ll soon discover that US 50 has become a lot more congested since 1983. Best, Justin

      • Ron Wiley 11 years ago

        Hi Justin! I moved home to Pueblo 4 years ago to help the family with elder care, and we ended up in the Old Northside historic neighborhood to make my commute to work in Colorado Springs shorter. I just wanted to confirm your traffic report… we used to say that if we were southbound on Santa Fe, wanting to turn left on 13th to get on I-25, and the light changed before we could make the turn, that we were in a traffic jam. But then the city installed a left turn light… no more traffic jams! We just avoid US 50 West, because it reminds us too much of streets in Colorado Springs.

        • Justin 11 years ago

          Hi Ron!
          Love the Pueblo traffic jam anecdote! And glad to hear it’s now been cleared. 🙂
          Yes, the 15 min from anywhere in Pueblo to anywhere else in Pueblo sure is a nice feature. And, I definitely agree re avoiding Hwy 50. Did you see my piece in the Chieftain about setting up a toll booth for eastbound traffic?
          Got some good hate mail from PW for that one.
          Thanks again and best wishes!

  • Howie 12 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    Great read on Pueblo ! Can you enlighten me on the water (shortages) situation for Pueblo ?


    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Howie – Great question! I’ve been meaning to do some research into this very topic but haven’t had time. My general understanding is that, thanks to Pueblo’s location at the confluence of the Arkansas and Fountain rivers, Pueblo is very well positioned, at least relative to the large population centers to the north (Denver and Springs), if there are water shortages in the region. That said, I don’t have enough information to speak with any confidence on the subject. I will post more here as I’m able to find more information. Thanks for raising the issue! Best, Justin

  • Rachel 12 years ago

    Wow. Thank you for generously providing such detailed and helpful information. It looks like there are more people moving to Pueblo than I thought. We are planning a move in July and I intend to open my own business there. The crime rate information on the web is the most disturbing, so I appreciate your balanced view of it. I lived in Topeka, KS for a short time and just never felt safe there. Our car was broken into twice, in the supposedly nice SW area of Topeka, and we ended up moving out of Topeka when I was nine months pregnant because I couldn’t stand it anymore. Hopefully, I will not pick up the same vibe in Pueblo. We are planning to rent (let me know if you have any units available) initially to be sure we have picked the right area for a school and safety, but I am also considering that for the money it may be better to just hope for the best and make the commitment to buy right off the bat. Thank you again for your helpful info. The Chamber of Commerce should start paying you or at least give you a free membership!

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Rachel – thank your for your kind words and positive feedback. Be sure to call the Pueblo Chamber and tell them I’ll be waiting for my check to arrive in the mail. 🙂
      What sort of business will you be starting? Depending on where you plan to work and what your objectives are for neighborhood and education I’d be happy to recommend a few places to look for housing.
      If you have cash and/or are in position to secure a mortgage you may have better luck buying than renting but you should be able to find something decent either way.
      Welcome to Pueblo! Cheers, Justin

  • Gen 12 years ago

    Thanks for all the great info! I just got a job offer in Pueblo and we are still making our decision, but I am excited about this town.
    I’m wondering what the renovation market looks like? It seems like rental investments is a good way to go, but are folks renovating their homes in general? And pardon my ignorance, but is cheap labor an issue with those working in construction?

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Gen. Congrats on the job offer! Yes, I think there are plenty of people renovating their homes but it’s pretty mixed and depends on what part of Pueblo you’re talking about. Labor rates are very reasonable in Pueblo. The going rate seems to be about $10-$12 per hour for general labor up to $25-$35 per hour for skilled contract labor. You can certainly pay more than that but you can find good people available at these rates if you know where to look. Hope that helps. Best of luck with your decision – I hope you like Pueblo! Cheers, Justin

  • Pueblo article - City-Data Forum 12 years ago

    […] Pueblo article I thought I'd share this article I found while researching for the upcoming move. If it's been posted before I missed it. Why Relocate to Pueblo Colorado – a Geographer’s Approach to Residential Location | Geog… […]

  • Michelle 12 years ago

    We’ve already made the decision to move to Pueblo from Whidbey Island, WA this summer (July/August) and while I do have a couple friends living there already singing the city’s praises, I really appreciate hearing both sides of some pretty key issues in your article. Thank you! We’re actually getting ready to put an offer in on a house near Minnequa Elementary and I’m just curious if you’re familiar with this particular neighborhood. We’ve got two small kids, one starting Kindergarten and the other in preschool, so I’m also curious if you are familiar with any activities/clubs/etc. for kids their age to get involved in. We were going to start our son in soccer this fall and our daughter in ballet and with it being such a big city compared to where we live now I’m hopeful there will be similar opportunities. Thank you in advance for any information you can send my way =).

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Michelle! Thank you for the comments! I have family living on Whidbey Island and I’ve been there a few times – Pueblo will be a big change!

      The area near Minnequa Elementary is an interesting location. Close to the Steel Mill and on the edge of what I would consider the historic Bessemer neighborhood but near St. Mary Corwin hospital so it has a different dynamic. Depending on the price range you’re shooting for I would probably recommend that you consider other neighborhoods before you commit. I prefer the Mesa Junction neighborhood, State Fair area, Sunset, El Camino, Aberdeen – if you want to be on the south side. Of course, all of those locations will likely cost a bit more for housing … but not that much and worth every penny in my opinion.

      Re kids activities. Soccer is big in Pueblo – check with the Pueblo Rangers soccer club to get your son plugged in. Also, they have a good soccer camp at CSU-P that is offered a couple weeks during the summer. Don’t know about ballet but there are several dance studios in town and I’m sure you’ll find something. For schools, you should probably get on the wait list at Fountain International and PSAS and also The Connect, even though it may seem early. McClelland is a good private school and there are other good options if you are interested in religious education.

      Let me know if I can provide anything further! Welcome to Pueblo!

      Cheers, Justin

    • Justin 12 years ago

      I forgot to mention to check out the Pueblo Zoo and Kiddie Rides at City Park and the Sangre de Cristo Art Center on Santa Fe for summer activities. Also, the YMCA on Pueblo Blvd near Hwy 50 is a fabulous facility and a must see.

  • David 12 years ago

    Hi Justin–

    I understand that Pueblo is not Denver but are there at least 1 or 2 good vegetarian restaurants and/or organic food stores?

    • David 12 years ago

      And here’s a weird contradiction: Pueblo ranked #5 most stressful place to live yet #20 best place to retire…

      • Justin 12 years ago

        David, my guess is that Pueblo ranks high for stress because of relatively high unemployment and a fairly weak economy. However, if you have retirement savings or a pension your dollars will stretch far further in Pueblo than almost anywhere else in the US. Plus Pueblo has a good university, excellent hospitals, many cultural amenities, proximity to the mountains and superb weather. So, it does seem like a strange contradiction but I think the rankings are probably accurate on both counts. Cheers, Justin

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi David, there is a Natural Grocer’s Vitamin Cottage near the Pueblo Mall and Schrock’s Health Foods (http://schrockshealthfoods.com/) on the south side. Never been to Schrock’s. You can also drive 40 min to Colo Springs to visit Whole Foods and the large chains, e.g., Albertson’s, have some organic offerings. For vegetarian restaurants I recommend Mr. Tandoori and The Daily Grind but I think you can find vegetarian options at most of the many excellent Mexican and Italian restaurants around town. Vegan would be a challenge but vegetarian shouldn’t be too much trouble. Hope this helps! Best, Justin

  • Bruce 12 years ago

    Thanks Justin for the great summary of Pueblo. My wife and I are talking about a very early semi-retirement and were looking for a great place to go that we could afford soon. We live in WI now, but I was interested in the the area because I lived in Crested Butte many years ago and loved the area, but wanted somewhere a bit warmer (Gunny…brrr). We had lots of questions, but you answered them.

    Thanks for the tips on the neighborhoods. We’re looking for an in-town (walkable/bikeable) spot with decent safey. Is Central High the best choice? Thanks, Bruce

    PS – my wife said she was sold at the first mention of great green chile. We stll talk about some we had in Durango that we could have eaten every day forever.

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Bruce!
      So glad to hear that you found my blog post useful! I think Crested Butte is the coolest mountain town ever so I’m jealous of your stint living there. Pueblo is definitely warmer but you’ll find more of a New Mexico culture here so don’t expect the same environment you found in CB or Gunnison or Durango. If you’re looking for walkability then, yes, I would recommend the Mesa Junction neighborhood (this is near Central High and toward the Pueblo Community College). Aberdeen and Sunset would be good too but more of a bikable distance from shopping. Also depends on your housing budget of course. Aberdeen will cost more but it’s very nice and probably the safest of the neighborhoods mentioned. You can also spend plenty for a mansion on Pitkin near PCC. Or, you can buy a smaller house that may need a few finishing touches for under $100k a few blocks away.

      When you get here let me know and I’ll take you and your wife out for your first batch of Pueblo’s finest green chile!

      Best, Justin

  • Elizabeth 12 years ago

    Hello Justin,

    I love the post about Pueblo, my husband just graduated from law school and we are actually thinking of moving to Colorado (because one its close to Tx where my family lives, right now my husband and I are in FL and two my husband has never lived anywhere but FL and would love to try and live in CO) and Pueblo caught my eye. Could you give me an suggestions on neighborhoods to buy a house. It would be our first house and we are pretty excited and trying to do some research before completely setting our sights on CO.

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Elizabeth! Glad you enjoyed the post. I’d be happy to help with target neighborhoods. Generally speaking, I like Aberdeen, Mesa Junction, select Northside locations (Country Club, near 18th/Greenwood), Sunset, El Camino, University Park and Belmont. Please avoid Pueblo West which has a nice selection of modern homes but the location is miserable for a variety of reasons. Narrowing your choices would depend on budget and housing preferences. I will send a quick email to your yahoo address and would be happy to answer further questions. Best wishes to you and your husband on this big move! I hope you choose Pueblo! Cheers, Justin

  • Funding the City of Pueblo | Geographical Perspectives 12 years ago

    […] to fund these important organizations, because I believe they contribute significantly to the quality of life in Pueblo (some more than others, but that’s another topic), I disagree with the use of sales tax as […]

  • Larry LaFollette 12 years ago

    I’m in Oklahoma City and planning on a retirement relocation to Pueblo this December. It’s just me and my parakeet but would like an extra room so I’m looking to rent a nice 2 bedroom home in a peaceful neighborhood. How plentiful are 2 bed homes on the rental market? How far in advance should I start looking? Do you have any advice as to an agent to contact for help?


    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Larry – I hope you’ll be happy in Pueblo! You shouldn’t have trouble finding a nice 2-bedroom home for rent but the market is somewhat tight, especially in the most desirable neighborhoods, so I would allow yourself some time. If it were me I would make a trip here to Pueblo a few weeks in advance to make arrangements for a rental house. Be prepared to put a deposit on the house. But, BEFORE YOU GIVE SOMEONE MONEY, please verify that they are the actual property owner or represent the property owner. You should be able to check using the county property records for verification. Sadly, I’ve heard stories of people paying someone a deposit and then finding out that their money has been stolen. Not often but it happens. I can probably put you in touch with an agent to help but they are typically most interested in helping a buyer purchase a home; it’s not common for agents to help locate a residential rental. When you arrive in Pueblo stop by 105 Colorado Avenue and ask for me. Anyone working there will be able to get a message to me and I can call or meet you to help find a good rental. Best wishes, Justin

  • NorahG 12 years ago

    Thank you Justin for your wonderful information. I plan to relocate in March, 2014 to either Pueblo or Albuquerque. I’m so psyched. I prefer renting to owning. Renting from a family owned place as opposed to ‘management run’ works best for me. Your piece has me favoring Pueblo. I will definitely check out the Mesa Junction and Belmont areas. I hope that I will find that perfect rental in a walkable neighborhood. Even though it’s a great place to live, I am tired of the humidity of Cleveland, OH.

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Norah – I hope you choose Pueblo! Let me know when you’re in town and I’d be glad to help in your search for a rental property. Best wishes! -Justin

    • Penny 9 years ago

      This may be a bit late, but I’m finding that those two cities feel similar, only Pueblo is smaller and probably somewhat safer. There’s also the increased proximity to something better (Denver.) And depending on what industry you’re in, or looking to get into, more jobs (or, again, proximity to Denver). I think people who criticize Pueblo for its crime rate and what not, may be comparing it to Denver or The Springs but when you compare it to Albuquerque, Pueblo comes out on top!

  • Melanie 12 years ago

    Thanks for the informative article! My family and I are thinking about moving to Pueblo. It’s just me, my boyfriend, and our 2 year old daughter. We plan to unschool so we’re not concerned about the schools. We are healthy eaters and the little one and I are vegetarians. We want a to rent a pretty 3 br with charm but fairly modern. Safe area. Decent yard. Maybe walking distance to a park and a coffee shop. Any area you’d recommend? Any farmers markets? Do you know if the ground is amenable to planting gardens? Any areas to definitely avoid? I know you’ve mentioned avoiding the west and the south if I’ve read correctly. Any specific neighborhoods? We plan to set up a number of appts to view apartments before we move down and find a place within a day or two of our move. Is that possible there? I’ve done that here in New Orleans and back home in NYC but they’re bigger cities.. Also, do you know what the bar scene is like? My bf bartends and also has experience working in construction, welding, etc. Will it be difficult for him to find work? Thanks, sorry for so many questions! It’s a big move for us. Looking forward to quieter life with a little more space! 🙂

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Melanie – thank you for reading my post and for these questions. For good, safe, walkable neighborhoods I recommend Aberdeen and Mesa Junction plus parts of the Sunset and just north of the State Fairgrounds. Other nice areas that aren’t as walkable include Belmont, Northside near the Pueblo Country Club or Northside near 18th/Greenwood. There are farmers markets but I don’t have all the details – there are also a few local CSA programs that sound good. And, yes, you can certainly plant a garden but it will likely be a change from gardening in New Orleans. Aside from 100% car dependence in bleak Pueblo West, I don’t have any neighborhoods that I would absolutely avoid. But, the East side and especially the lower East side (south of 4th St.) can be unsafe in certain places at certain times. Same, but to a lesser extent, in parts of Bessemer, the West side as well as the area just north of downtown but south of 17th and west of Elizabeth. I really need to create a neighborhood map of Pueblo to refer to….hopefully soon. It won’t be easy to find a good apartment in just a few days but it’s possible. Just need a bit of luck. I don’t have much first-hand experience with the bar scene so can’t say for sure how your boyfriend would fare in seeking a bartending gig. I know some people to ask and could connect you once you arrive. Generally speaking, like many places, good jobs are difficult to find in Pueblo. Construction work in particular will be a challenge because many skilled people are waiting on the sidelines for housing construction to resume. Don’t know about welding. I hope you’ll be happy in Pueblo! Drop by Mesa Junction Wine & Spirits at 105 Colorado Ave and leave a message for me if you’d like to connect after you arrive. I’d be happy to try and help in any way I can. Best wishes! -Justin

  • McKenzee 12 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    My husband and I are planning to move to Colorado next summer, probably sometime between June-Sept 2014. I am graduating with my BSN in nursing and plan to attend graduate school to become a nurse practitioner a few years down the road. My husband has 5 years of construction experience and is also obtaining and Information Technology degree online. We had our sights set on Colorado Springs area, but my husband is much more thrilled about a smaller town. What are the biggest differences in Co. Springs and Pueblo? What would make us move to Pueblo over Co. Springs? The cost of living seems quite low in Colorado Springs for all the wonderful amenities and hospitals they offer. Also, being we are moving from North Dakota (which happens to have by far the best job economy in the country) what is the job situation like in Pueblo and Co. Springs? Your comments and advice would be much appreciated!!

  • Kelly 12 years ago

    Thanks for the post, Justin! I am seriously considering a move to Pueblo & I’d appreciate it if you could make a map of the city so I know where east side is. I know it sounds stupid, but its hard to research without knowing what areas to avoid & have a visual aid. Thanks much!

  • Bo 11 years ago

    I was wondering about the job market in Pueblo. I live in small town in Missouri and there is nothing here to do as far as jobs go, or even entertainment. We have streams and Current River and that’s about the sum of it. I have family in Pueblo West who are really pushing for my wife, son and I to move in with them until we can find work and a home of our own. I was wondering about the job market in Pueblo. Is the job market in Pueblo vast or pretty shallow?

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Bo, Great to hear that you’re considering a move to the Pueblo area. Unfortunately, the job market is relatively weak. Some people live in Pueblo and work in Colorado Springs where the population is much larger and the economy is more diverse. If you have nursing or medical training of any kind Parkview and Corwin (2 major hospitals in Pueblo) seem to have plenty of positions. There are certainly other organizations hiring in a variety of fields but, on balance, it’s not easy to land a good job. That said, it really depends on your skills, background and interests. It also depends on your level of entrepreneurial spirit. I see tons of opportunity to start and grow businesses here in Pueblo but it requires patience, determination and a long-term vision. It also typically requires short term financial sacrifice and not everyone is in position to make that type of sacrifice. If you’d like I could try to help more but I would need to know more about your personal situation. Feel free to submit a comment/message here on my blog or you could send a direct message to @justinholman on Twitter. Best wishes, Justin

  • Michelle Delarosa 11 years ago

    Very Nice Article. I like the way you are so positive and are able to see things that are not so great about Pueblo. You see it for the way it is and tell about the good and bad. While It’s true the economy is not great and if your not employed by the hospitals, or the mill. Work can be scarce.
    I do agree on the weather it is nice and sunny and I am glad you pointed out how inexpensive it can be to live in Pueblo. However I disagree on restaurants maybe casual at best they are just okay. There are a few of course DJ’s, Jorge’s, and aside from the chains over on HWY 50, thats as good as it gets. I do however like Gaglianos in Bessemer and apart from that, the deli’s are just mediocre. Anybody from a big city or overseas might differ in your opinion there. There are people that try and come here and with them they bring there culture take 1521 over on main that place was divine. I seen the owner and his wife so things with food that was different and exciting. They even went above to infuse the local produce from Vineland and the county into works of art.
    Even the green chili which Pueblo is famous for didn’t mesh with the locals. Regretfully it didn’t last. to bad loved that place.
    There are retailers that try and come here and show the people something different and exciting something that they have never seen. But people here do NOT like anything different. I think Pueblo west is different from the city as a whole. People are more open to things that are “new”.
    I think Pueblo would be more vibrant and if it just allowed for things that are cultural to come in and not just Mexican, or italian. Understandably there are a lot of hispanics in pueblo and a small italian population hispanics seem to dominate pueblo as I think demographically it’s about sixty percent. That little dutch place has been there for years that was when the mill was recruiting europeans hence the term Bojon. I do like the city park and the library. Both great Places to work and workout. I think it’s a great place if you have little money to invest in housing or if your looking to go to school And get an education PCC and CSU Do offer great classes and the tuition is affordable. I wished it was more open culturally. And hopefully with the influx of immigrants leaving the big cities for smaller one’s like Colorado springs and Pueblo will change the face of Pueblo maybe in 10-20 years. In the meantime I think Pueblo is and always will be a place to raise children. The people and the way they think, truly reflect that. If you have something different to offer the community and you are moving to Pueblo it wont be as easy as it looks. good luck, Do your research check how many new business’s fold. If it doesn’t pertain to anything spanish or kids, or if it’s to high end or different .. Chances are it wont last.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Michelle, thanks for the comment and your kind words. I agree with you in part in terms of Pueblo being reluctant to support new ideas but I think it cuts two ways. I often see investments in business, real estate etc made by people from out of town – Denver or elsewhere – that are destined for failure from the get-go because of a lack of understanding about what motivates Puebloans to open their wallet and spend money. The key in Pueblo is to provide excellent value. An excellent product at a high price won’t fly in Pueblo. It has to be a great price or it will struggle. Let me give you an example. A real estate developer, I think from Denver, built some beautiful, high-end condos right on the corner of Union and Riverwalk, across from Angelo’s Pizza, which is a great place to eat and watch pedestrian traffic on the Riverwalk by the way. They spent way too much money on the property, putting in high-end kitchen appliances, counter-tops and various other luxury amenities. People in Pueblo don’t care about that kind of thing enough to pay top dollar for it. It’s not that people in Pueblo don’t like nice kitchens with fancy counter-tops it’s just that they’re not willing to pay a premium when they know they don’t need it. So, despite a superior location and a terrific product (so far as I can tell), the investment was a colossal failure and aside from a few units the place has been almost completely vacant for years. If someone who understands Pueblo had built the condos they would have been far more modestly priced with fewer luxuries. And the building would now be fully occupied, the investment would have paid back handsomely, etc. Here’s the thing – if you want to sell over-priced Granite Counter-tops or Luxury SUVs go to Cherry Creek or Summit County where people are falling over each other to throw their money away on style rather than spending prudently on substance. If you have a product or service that creates value and you sell it at an attractive price, then you’ll find a place in the business community in Pueblo. I’m not saying it will be easy…but you won’t fail just because it’s new.
      Thanks again, Michelle! Best, Justin

  • Michelle Delarosa 11 years ago

    Thanks Justin I do agree. However, i don’t think all investments are geared particularly for people
    that are from Pueblo. Like i mentioned earlier, demographics are changing.. We all know that the people that are from here almost always won’t pay for such things. Not because they don’t like it, it’s because there financial status or income can’t support it. There simply is not enough Economic growth. The best thing about Pueblo is also keeping it from being a place that competes with other markets like Colorado springs and Denver or any of the beautiful mountain communities in Colorado. But If your looking for for inexpensive living and a relatively great place to raise kids. Pueblo can’t be beat.
    I’m hoping that people will embrace change and will be open to things that do include luxury and other cultures. If only hopefully one day….

  • Mark 11 years ago

    Hey Justin… Have to say you are great at depicting Pueblo… I have been looking to re-locate to Colorado from Southern California, (North East San Diego County, which is High Desert) While I do love the weather here and the general location to many amenities like desert, mountain, ocean, citys, etc. California is just un-reasonable to try to live in economically.. Both property tax’s and sales tax’s are extremely high not to mention the cost of living… anyway.. my question is: I notice you mentioning the west side of Pueblo being bleek or however you described it… I am coming to find/purchase property to have/house horses as well as myself, now I don’t need a bunch property.. just maybe 5 or 10 acres with a nice ranch style home and maybe a barn/arena etc.. is the west side where most likely I will find these style homes/properties? I understand Colorado Springs is probably more of a ‘Horse Community’ but may be out of my price range for property.. I am still researching, and really appreciate all you have posted about Pueblo..

    I also currently work in the Indian Gaming Industry Here in California (Casino Gaming Industry) Are there any Casino’s around Pueblo and do you know anyone that might work there and how they are to work for?

    Thanks In Advance!!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Mark, thank you for the comment. If you want horse property with acreage near Pueblo I think you could look in Pueblo West, Beulah, Colorado City, Rye and east along the Arkansas toward Fowler. I don’t know much about horses so there may be some locations more favorable than others. Should be plenty of affordable options. As far as the gaming industry there are only a few locations offering legal gambling in Colorado. Cripple Creek would be the closes but not really within commuting distance from Pueblo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Gambling_localities_in_Colorado
      Hope this helps! Best wishes, Justin

  • Chris 11 years ago

    I grew up in Pueblo and lived there for 24 years. After having moved to two different cities in Colorado, and now living in Longmont, I have to say that Pueblo is by far the worst. The steel industry is mostly dead in Pueblo – yes they WERE a huge thing. Not anymore. The top 10 employers in Pueblo are comprised of Hospitals, Walmart, and City Government/Education. There is no real industry in Pueblo anymore, and virtually no economic growth. If you telecommute and work from home, then sure it can work (though so can any other city). Do not expect to find a high paying job in Pueblo though – though commuting to Springs is a possibility.

    As far as my own experience? Well, I was robbed twice. Once at my apartment on the South side, other in Bessemer. Wiped out everything – I knew exactly who did it both times and the Police did not care or do a single thing. One of my best friends was murdered. Another was beaten to an inch of his life by a gang/drug dealers.

    Drugs, especially opiate pills and crack, have exploded in popularity in recent years. In fact, the people who robbed my house and apartment were druggies addicted to pills – as someone else mentioned, coming in during the daytime while you are at work and grabbing everything valuable is an extremely common occurrence in Pueblo now. If you aren’t going to live in one of the few pristine neighborhoods in Pueblo, get renter’s insurance!

    Homicide rates are ridiculous, as is rape, gang violence, etc. I looked at the crime rates for Longmont – where I now live – there has been 0 or 1 murder per year. Pueblo has 5-10+ nearly every single year, with a similar population! Overall crime rates there are nearly twice the national average.

    Pueblo is a city with
    -Stagnate population
    -Very poor economy and a mostly shut down steel industry
    -Very high crime rate
    -Cheap houses! I will give it that.
    -A bar or liquor store on every corner
    -An idiotic city council

    Pueblo West, some areas of the south side, and Belmont are about the only “nice” areas (read: not a complete dump) of Pueblo. Honestly? I’d recommend any other place.

    Full disclosure: I lived mostly on the south side, later in Bessemer, which is where all the really horrible stuff happened.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Chris – thank you for sharing your experience and perspective. I’m sorry to hear that it was so negative. Pueblo most certainly has a crime problem. And, you aren’t the first one I’ve heard complain about the police department. Partly I think Pueblo police are overwhelmed and partly I think they suffer from poor leadership. I suppose that City Council bears some blame but I think idiotic is too harsh. As a geographer I can’t help but point out that a lot of the criminal activity is concentrated in a few areas and living in Bessemer did not improve your odds of avoiding problems. Longmont is indeed a nice community from what little I know about it. A good location near Boulder provides access to economic opportunity but I suspect that the high cost of housing in Longmont is partially responsible for the lower crime rate. For me, paying an extra $50 per month for a home security system makes more sense than paying triple the mortgage for housing in the Denver/Boulder metro area. You’re also correct to point out that Pueblo’s economy is weak but I think that could change if Puebloans will become more entrepreneurial and take advantage of the competitive advantages that we have in our community. For example, I think Pueblo could become a leading producer/exporter of solar energy. Pueblo could also benefit from greater investment in agricultural productivity. Pueblo has a lot more in common with the rust belt communities in the Midwest than it does with high growth Front Range metros to the north. I see Pueblo as a sunnier and warmer version of Pittsburgh transitioning from a Steel City to a more diverse and technologically advanced economy. There are many opportunities for Pueblo but it won’t come easy. Hopefully I can make a small contribution. Best wishes, Chris. I hope things work out for you in Longmont and I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised on a future visit to your home town. Cheers, Justin

    • Penny 9 years ago

      Again, thanks for the heads-up. But having tried to work in New Mexico, coming out of THERE, I still maintain that even though I won’t be able to lead any kind of normal life anywhere near where the closed-captioning companies ARE, Pueblo still has it all over anything further South of it. When I drive the 7-1/2 hours north and get to Pueblo, I’m going, “Whew! This even LOOKS better.”

  • Darla 11 years ago

    My husband and I are both disabled and live on the eastside, but not very far on the east side..we have no trouble in our area, it is my understanding that the far east side(around 20th street) is where most of the crime is. I love Pueblo and we moved here from Colorado springs and we agree, with the cost of living, even though we rent we rented a 2 bedroom HOUSE with large fenced yard, for what we rented a small 2 bedroom APARTMENT in the springs…we are in a quieter and SAFER neighborhood than in the south west side of colorado springs!! It is so easy getting around in Pueblo, and the medical care here has been superb and since my husband has had health issues since moving here we have had first hand with the hospitals and emergency services, and I could not complain one bit. We have found more physicians here that are willing to take medicare, and that makes our lives a whole lot easier, there is good public transportation if we need it, and we also love the climate, and the “clean” air and we are considering purchasing a home and I believe it would be here in pueblo if we do…thanks for the article, I found it very informative and every bit a true statement…

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Darla – thank you so much for sharing your experience as a resident of the East Side and as someone who has relocated to Pueblo from Colorado Springs. I’m so glad to hear that your move to Pueblo has been positive and that you found my article to be informative. I hope you and your husband have many happy years in Pueblo. Thanks again for reading and commenting! Best wishes, Justin

  • Sapphire 11 years ago

    Thanks so much for an informative article and thanks everyone, for all the comments. I was very pleasantly surprised to see the date this article was published and comments still being posted currently.

    We are planning to move to Pueblo next summer from Wisconsin. The climate change will be very welcome, first of all. I am very pleased to hear of the 4-year university and community college as well, that’s what both of us are looking for and was our main priority.

    We will be living there most of the year in an RV, Colorado will be our primary residence.

    Wondering about the beer? Husband has gotten used to the smaller craft brews here in WI, and is extremely interested in the availability of those in CO.

    We are also bikers, and looking forward to good riding around the area. I assume it’s beautiful up in the mountains?

    Very pleased to see CCW laws there as well, which will honor my permit.

    What about local lawn care services, the smaller independently-owned services, for husband to get a job? Also, any small engine repair services would be opportunity as well.

    Pueblo seems to be what we’re looking for, so far. Any comments or responses with advice are welcome.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Sapphire, thanks for the comments! You will indeed love the climate in Pueblo. Bountiful sunshine and pleasant temperatures almost year-round. Some snow/cold in the winter, some hot days in the summer but, overall, about as nice as it gets more than 20 miles from the Pacific ocean. Craft beers are big in Colorado so I don’t think your husband will have a problem. Try visiting Mesa Junction Wine & Spirits at 105 Colorado near Abriendo for an excellent selection. If his favorites are not in stock just request a special order. Ask for Shannon; she will help you out. Mountains are certainly beautiful for biking and no crowds this far south of Denver. Not sure about lawn care or small engine repair shops but there should be options for someone with skills and a good midwest work ethic. Note that a good job won’t come easy in Pueblo. On the other hand, I think Pueblo is a terrific place to start a business. Good luck with the move! Best wishes, JH

  • Julie F 11 years ago

    I grew up in Pueblo in the 1960s and early ’70s. It’s interesting to read someone’s take on it now. Pueblo was a great place to grow up. It had a downtown that thrived (until the mall was built), and people took pride in their homes. I lived on W. 11th and Elizabeth, and was able to safely walk to school from kindergarten through high school. We knew all of the neighbors within a 4-block radius. The “east side” that is now crime-ridden, was low-income at that time, but there were no gangs, and crime was low. At that time, the schools were fantastic. Teachers were well educated, and there was strict discipline. The town supported high school athletics, and everyone went to football games on Friday or Saturday night.

    I left for northern California in 1977, and now live near Philadelphia. Going “home” to Pueblo is bittersweet for me. My home on W 11th St, which my dad built after WWll, is too sad to look at any more. The neighborhood has become mostly rentals, and is badly decayed. There are a few gems in the ruins, but this is Pueblo. You can work hard to make your house look nice, but your neighbors can throw their couches and old refrigerators in their front yard and there goes the neighborhood. I was just in Pueblo in mid October, and encountered 3 stray dogs, in 2 different neighborhoods. All seemed friendly, but the owners apparently just didn’t care enough to keep track of them. My uncle said that stray dogs are a big problem now in Pueblo.

    What’s good about Pueblo now? The cost of living is still low, the River Walk is nice, Coors Tavern is still serving up the best sloppers, and PassKey is still in business. I don’t know that I could live there again, having lived there at its best, but it’s still a good place to eat green chile! I do hope that people will move there and help renovate the old, great neighborhoods before it’s too late.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Julie – thanks for your comments! I share your hope though I think I am a bit more optimistic about Pueblo’s prospects. I think Pueblo’s best days are yet to come but the city needs people who care about it to come home, if they can, and help rejuvenate. I hope you’ll reconsider and move back where your Northern California housing dollar will buy a palace near Mineral Palace or a mansion in the Mesa Junction. Thanks again and best wishes, JH

  • Amy Kunstle 11 years ago

    Your article touched on all the reasons I went to school and worked hard to come back home to Pueblo. My husband and I each own our own business, we own our own home on Colorado Avenue, our kids have enjoyed a great education, we have more than we know what to do with activities all the time and we enjoy a twenty minute drive to our second home in Beulah when we want downtime. We love to travel and can easily go anywhere we want out of Springs or Denver and can afford to travel often as our cost of living is so low. We know our local government representatives and city officials and have the opportunity for personal conversations on issues that affect us. Best of all, we know our neighbors, have a relationship with friends, family and customers everywhere we go and feel a strong sense of our roots and our community. Glad you are back and thank you for your ongoing welcoming of our new neighbors and friends that are coming to discover a well kept secret!!!!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Amy, thank you so much for your kind comments! Isn’t it great to be a fish in a small pond? I strongly suspect we have friends in common and will be crossing paths soon….perhaps in the Mesa Junction. Thanks again! All best, Justin

  • Maribeth 11 years ago

    Hi Justin, thank you for this site and all of the good, honest comments and advice. I am 65 years old, grew up on Evans ave and Lake ave ( both considered Bessemer), never any problems, great neighbors! Walked to Corwin middle school, central HS. I now live in sunset park, and will never move. I think the robberies, violence, etc are generally gang related, sadly. Just need to be vigilant. Liked darla’s comments about the Eastside, totally on track. Yes, avoid the west side near and west of the State hospital. I was a homecare nurse for years, discovered there are good and bad everywhere. Sadly, you are right on about pueblo west, have friends out there, also family, only because building or buying a home is cheaper, bless them! Just a few things I would like to add about Pueblo, as far as jobs, my daughter is a drug rep, makes well over$100k a year, plus many extra’s company car, trips, etc. her husband is in building, his company built the beautiful new dorms at CSU-P which resemble condos, also the magnificent University’s football stadium. Their team is now# 3 in the nation div Ii. As you know, Dick Krinsky’s raquetball team is nearly unbeatable. Last year our university hosted the national Div Ii track and field completion. I attended our university, made a very good living as a registered nurse. All of my girls and their husbands attended CSU -P and all have well paying jobs. The high schools are encouraging students to take college classes at PCC while still in HS , now many are graduating HS with a 2 year associates degree. Read recently that our university had the 2nd lowest tuition in the nation. Oh, and by the way, they just announced millions of dollars have been raised for scholarships and renovating buildings there, so I think they will generate work for newcomers. One last thing, personal. Pueblo has a significant number of Croatian, Slovenian natives, we call ourselves “Bojons” and are very proud of our heritage. Many of our hardworking men worked the Steel mill after serving time in the military. Very few Bojons leave pueblo, they follow their fathers, family into good jobs. My dear mother, nearly 89 years old, many times calls out about 5 names before she “gets it right”, we call it the Bojons rollcall. My daughters recently made a onesie for my new great nephew that read ” I am #15 on the Bojon rollcall”. That is my funny. Now, one last note, my brother has lived in Colorado Springs for 40 years (got a teaching job there out of college), he hates it. The traffic, always transients, and the military. Says people are unfriendly and rude. There you have the haves and have nots, here we have tolerance, and a love for all. For new comers wanting to meet people, I would recommend volunteering or visiting the Buell museum, ESP the children’s museum.,and the zoo. They are delightful! Thank you once again!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Maribeth, thank you so much for sharing these comments! I love the “Bojon rollcall” story – hilarious! I think you point out an important part of Pueblo’s economy and culture – family is valued in a way that translates into multi-generational businesses and careers. I think this approach runs contrary to many accepted ideas regarding what it means in America for your children to succeed. I also love the anecdote about your daughter making a 6-figure salary as a drug rep. If you really want to live in Pueblo and you really want to make good money it can certainly can be done but you have to MAKE it happen. Your daughter is probably a serious go-getter, and that’s what it takes. Those who complain about low salaries are often expecting to just show up with a job application and, in return, receive a solid middle class salary. That was possible in the 70s, in Pueblo, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and lots of other places with a manufacturing-based economy; but those days are long gone. Thanks again Maribeth! Hope we cross paths in Pueblo one of these days. Cheers, Justin

  • Mark 11 years ago

    I grew up in Michigan and have lived longer in Pueblo than I did in Michigan, but would take the Michigan 70-80 degree summers over Pueblo’s 90-100 degrees any day (since you work at home you don’t have to get in your 130 degree car to go home at the end of the day). I would rather sit on the beach by the bonfire, eating smores while watching the sunset over Lake Michigan than be at the Pueblo Reservoir. There are many great things about Pueblo, the people, the food, and the low cost housing (but your salary for those of us who work for a business in Pueblo reflects the low cost of living).

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Mark, thanks for the comments! As a former Michigander I can definitely appreciate how nice it is to be “Up North” relaxing on a beach overlooking Lake Michigan. Delightful. Northern Michigan is perhaps one of the most under-appreciated places in all of North America. However, I also experienced eight grey, brutally cold Michigan winters. So, while I will concede the summer season, I will take Pueblo over Michigan the other 9 months of the year…and by a landslide from Jan to May. So, given the option, I would choose a hot summer in Pueblo over a cold winter in Michigan every day of the week. Maybe we should charter a bus from Pueblo to Petoskey in July? Best wishes, Justin

  • Cordelia 11 years ago

    Thanks for this great article. I am considering your town for my business relocation.

  • Mike 11 years ago

    Hello, Justin,

    Just wanted to thank you for the straight-forward, yet detailed summary of life in Pueblo. It was just what I was looking for. My son is very interested in a program offered by CSU-Pueblo, and, while I’ve driven right through town many times, I’ve never gotten off the freeway. Thanks again!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Mike – Thanks for your comments! I hope your son lands in Pueblo – I teach statistics at CSU-Pueblo and I think it’s a great University. Best wishes, Justin

  • Guy 11 years ago

    I grew up in Pueblo, from the time I was 2 until the time I was 18. When I moved away, it was a bit of a culture shock, and I often felt very idiotic when presented with new information that I had assumed to be true everywhere in the United States.

    First, were issues concerning diversity. Moving away from Pueblo, I was shocked to learn how Latino and Hispanic individuals were regarded. In Pueblo, being Latino was completely normal, so much so that I didn’t learn some of my friends were Latino until I left Pueblo; on a recent trip back (I am 28), I learned that my friend since middle school was Latino. It had never even crossed my mind. Also, Latino individuals are so integrated and Americanized, that it was odd to me when I met Latino people who only spoke Spanish when I left Pueblo.

    And Pueblo most certainly did not prepare me for interacting with African-Americans. I remember when I had first moved to Minneapolis, I thought to myself that African-Americans only acted like “this” on television, and I thought the TV exaggerated their behavior. I was shocked to learn that there were some people who reinforced the stereotypes that I didn’t think were true. I got used to it though.

    Another instance when I felt completely out-of-place outside of Pueblo was when I was in the Army. I was studying to be a medic in the Army, and we started to learn about certain diseases that existed. The instructor started talking about the plague, and my fellow soldiers started laughing saying things like “The plague is extinct, why are we learning about this?” I then looked at them curiously and asked “What do you mean the plague is extinct? Don’t you have annual plague warnings?” They looked at me like I was insane or from the 13th century. Or both. Anyway, I learned that day that the plague is really only prevalent in Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico for the most part. Along with the fact that in 1993 there was cholera in the drinking water, numerous cases of rats infested with the lung-liquifying Sin Nombre virus, and that Pueblo was the hardest hit county in the United States by West Nile Virus (a total of 2000 confirmed cases, with over 200 deaths), I began referring to Pueblo as the “Hell-mouth of Disease and Pestilence.”

    Because of this reputation for seemingly dead diseases (or in the case of Sin Nombre and West Nile, new diseases), I also have met other people from Colorado who view Pueblo as a third-world-country. Quite literally. This view of Pueblo is reinforced by the rampant poverty. Other Colorado Natives have called Pueblo the “Red Top” because of the State Hospital.

    It is also interesting to note that Pueblo residents seem to suffer from cancer and degenerative disorders more frequently than I have noticed in other places I have lived.

    Add that to the fact that there is the Pueblo Chemical Depot right outside of town, housing mustard gas and who knows what else, there are plenty of reasons why I will never return to live in Pueblo.

    An interesting anecdote about the Pueblo Chemical Depot: While growing up, we were informed that the Depot was nothing to worry about at all, and that it was a relatively small compound. When I was in college, I looked it up via Google Maps and discovered that the Depot is almost the exact same size as Pueblo itself. The Depot houses 2611 tons of mustard gas (that is over 5 million pounds of mustard gas).

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Guy,

      Thanks for sharing your perspective. I can definitely relate to some of your experience in terms of finding different cultural norms in different parts of the US. Pueblo is different; we’re much closer to New Mexico than to Denver Metro, culturally speaking. As far as the health issues that you point to, I don’t think you have enough information to state with confidence what, if any, health risks exist in Pueblo that don’t exist elsewhere. The steel mill and power plant on the south side certainly have an impact on air quality but I’m glad to breathe the air in Pueblo rather than in Denver. Health problems in Pueblo probably correlate more strongly with income than with any other variable.

      The Pueblo Chemical Depot does indeed have tons of chemical weapons in storage, all of it scheduled to be destroyed in the next 5 years (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pueblo_Chemical_Depot). I suppose a catastrophic accident is possible but, statistically speaking, you’re far more likely to freeze to death in Minneapolis than to die of mustard gas exposure in Pueblo. After 8 Michigan winters I’ll take Pueblo’s sunshine and warm temperatures thank you very much.

      The most interesting part of your comments have to do with Pueblo being viewed as a 3rd world country. This, to me, is a clear case of ignorance with racial underpinnings (I don’t mean to suggest you personally hold this view). As you acknowledge, Pueblo has a strong Latino influence with a majority (or near majority) Hispanic population. When visitors from the lily white suburbs of Denver come to town (if they must) they can’t help but notice they are no longer safely ensconced within a racially homogeneous neighborhood. This makes them uncomfortable so they make disparaging comments about Pueblo. To those people I say, go back to the 1950s where you belong. Unfortunately for them those “Happy Days” are gone and the future looks a lot more like Pueblo than the Leave it to Beaver world they hope to see again.

      Guy, I’m sorry you won’t be moving home to Pueblo anytime soon…but we will welcome you back with open arms if/when your circumstances and perspective change.

      All the best,

      • Penny 9 years ago

        I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed similarities to New Mexico when I get to Pueblo. Yes, it’s not lily-white like everything outside Denver, Lakewood and Aurora. That makes people uncomfortable and they trash Pueblo. One time in Centennial, near IKEA, I got asked in the parking lot by some white guy if I was homeless and living in my car – because I’m a brown-skinned minority and at that time I was just passing through so all my stuff was in my car. I had to practically threaten to sue him for racism and slander to get him to back off this “well you MUST be homeless and sleeping in your car…” line of BS. Guess I have to be more careful just DRIVING with brown skin, eh? Given, my car is 23 years old (but PAID FOR) so people tell me that probably factors into it. And I had a job in New Mexico so it’s registered there, so, New Mexico license plates. That’s racism right there. Because “everyone who looks like you” and has a New Mexico license plate and all their stuff in their car and is driving THROUGH Colorado on their way back East…must be homeless, right? Needless to say, I feel more comfortable in Pueblo than in the Springs or Denver Metro!! Passers-by in Pueblo don’t treat me like THAT. And as someone with a Bachelors in Biomaterials Engineering from MIT, a Master’s from Yale, a law degree and a high school Math teaching license, I don’t appreciate one bit being judged by the color of my skin as being “you must be homeless and living in your car.” If there were a way to get from Pueblo straight to the “browner’ parts of Denver Metro without going through all those lily-white suburbs, that’d be great.

        • Justin 9 years ago

          Hi Penny,
          I think you are right on target. I hope Pueblo works out for you! If you’ll be commuting to Colorado Springs I would stay on the north side of the Arkansas River. Check out Belmont, North Elizabeth, Northridge, Big Hill, Outer Belmont. Maybe take a peek at East Fountain and the Upper East Side if you’re looking for the lowest rental rates. Here’s a link to a map with neighborhood descriptions.
          Best wishes,

  • Gerald 11 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    I live and work in Tampa and hope to retire in about 6 yrs. if I can hold on that much longer.
    I’ve lived in the south all my life and am ready for a change of scenery.

    I’m tired of the stress, the sweaty weather (most of the yr.)
    the bugs, the sinkholes, the traffic, etc.
    Really the only reason I continue to live here is my job.

    I don’t own any property here and when I retire, I will draw a pension along with S.S. (in the future) so looking for a job and having to work won’t be in the equation.
    I definitely have Pueblo and the surrounding areas on my radar.
    We have been looking for a house in Fl. but we haven’t found anything suitable in our budget.
    My wife likes to cook and would like a large kitchen with a formal dining room.
    Hard to find in Fl. without paying an arm and leg.
    We’re an older childless couple so the house wouldn’t have to be a Mcmansion.
    I wouldn’t mind having a basement for projects.
    Definitely an impossibility in Fl.

    I assume when you say Pueblo has a large Latino population it is predominately Mexican?
    My wife is Peruvian and speaks very little English.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Gerald,
      It sounds like Pueblo would work nicely for your situation after retirement. Plenty of inexpensive houses with basements. You may need to budget for a kitchen remodel as most bargains would be older homes with smaller kitchens. Re Pueblo’s Latino population, yes, my assumption is that most have roots in Mexico but I don’t know for sure. In any case, your wife should be able to find connections from other parts of Latin America if that’s important. Spanish is spoken widely within Pueblo but I don’t really know how it would be to get around, do shopping, etc without some proficiency in English. I would think it would be doable but challenging.
      Best wishes,

  • matt 11 years ago

    Great Pueblo info. I also have a nice 3 plus one bath house in west side of town for rent if anyone’s relocating.

  • Tom Latka 11 years ago

    Hi Justin
    My friend Rod White sent me your link and was happy to read all of the good things you had to say about Pueblo. All of the same reasons I moved from So. Cal. 40 years ago, but I would like to add one more, I think you mentioned the people are friendly, but an important one is I came to realize was recognition when I go to the bank, market or wherever I hear “hi Tom”. I never experienced this in Cal. and I have come to realize it is a good thing.
    Iif you want to come by my house sometime I can show you somethings you might not know about this fair city.

    229 midway ave.
    Good job

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Tom – thank you for reading and for adding this comment. Having lived in several places where no one knew my name I can relate and agree completely. I’d be delighted to meet and learn more about our fair city. I may just stop by next time I’m in the Blocks! Thanks again! Best, Justin

  • Art Perez 11 years ago

    My family and I relocated to Pueblo from Santa Monica because the crime and congestion became too much. The first thing we noticed was the friendliness of the folks here. As soon as we settled in, the CFI mill went down. Families really suffered in the resulting economy. Other cities in the state were making fun of us (their economies were booming), and then the jacka$$es from up north started that crap about taking the State fair. All that adversity pulled us together; we taxed ourselves in order to form Pedco, our out of work steel workers lined up and donated their talents to spruce up and improve the fair’s buildings. As far as crime goes, most of it goes unnoticed in larger citie, whereas in a city like Pueblo, where you don’t know whom is related to whom, word about everything gets around. It’s very hard to be anonymous here. Just start asking the people you meet how they came to Pueblo and why. You will be surprised at what you find out. We are quite cosmopolitan for a small place. I love it!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Art – thanks for sharing your experience! Pueblo is indeed about as friendly a place as you’ll find and, like you, I’m fascinated by the unique make-up of our population. I also agree with your perspective on crime; it’s not worse than Springs or Denver, it just feels closer to home in a small metro. Thanks again for the comment! All best, Justin

  • Shari 11 years ago

    Hi Justin! I was so happy to find this thread just now when I looked up city data for pueblo. I’m looking for a place there to be nearer my daughter in the springs.

    The springs is too big and expensive for a 51 year old from a tiny central California town. Looking to make the leap as early as next month, and am utterly charmed by the diversity I have been digging up about pueblo.

    My main – simple – consideration is the ability to keep my pets: a medium sized 8 yr old sickly outside mutt, a small inside dog who thinks she’s cujo, and two young inside cats I dropper and bottle fed when their mother met with misfortune. I’m attached to this idea because I feel these pets will be the last I can adequately care for. Perhaps you could point me in a good direction? 🙂

    My next line of inquiry during the next week or so will be the feasibility of setting up a small business there, storefront or internet. And I am going to share your page on fb; perhaps it will allay the fear my daughter has about my not living in the same town. For my part, it’s bonus enough that she wants her parent near her in the first place!

    All I have to add now is the observation that you appear to be one of the most conscientious “answerers of notes” that I have ever seen! Hope you and your family are doing well there, and here’s wishing you all a booming 2014!

    Thanks, Shari G.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Shari – glad you found my post and thank you for your kind words. Finding a place to rent with lots of pets will probably be a challenge but not insurmountable. If you’d like, you are welcome to contact me directly and I’ll do my best to help. I’ll need to know a few more housing parameters. And great to hear that you’ll be launching a business! Pueblo needs entrepreneurs! I hope your move goes well and that Pueblo works out for you. Best wishes, Justin

  • Linda 11 years ago

    Ii’m moving to Peublo in 6months. You have mentioned that the east side is rough. Are there any other spots to stay away from? Focussing on the Minneaqua Area?

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Linda. The lower East side and Bessemer probably have the most crime. West side (west of the railroad tracks), the Blocks, and North/Downtown area (South of 17th St) also have problems. Minnequa is okay but depends on where in Minnequa. You can’t avoid crime in Pueblo (or anywhere along the Front Range, i.e., Denver, Colo Springs, etc) but, generally speaking, Aberdeen, Belmont, University, Sunset, Northridge, and North Side (near Mineral Palace, Pueblo Country Club and/or Centennial HS) are pretty good areas. My favorite, in terms of overall housing value, is the Mesa Junction area bounded by the Library, Central HS, Dutch Clark Stadium and Pueblo Community College. Great bargains on homes, very walkable and crime is not too bad. Good luck! Best, Justin

  • Matthew 11 years ago

    Looking to move to area also. Moved out of California was wanting better place for kids(4 of them ) to mo. Things are just to slow here. Not to mention was medical grower for 10+ years. Colorado recent laws has put a sparkle in my eyes one I would compare to the first settlers crossing the west. My plan is in no way to start that kind of work again but well qualified . Wanting to further my culinary career seeing the number of resturants in 100 mile radius to Pablo says this is the place. So finding work will be no problem i’m sure. Looking to rent not buy. Seems to be a wide range in pricing. Tough thing about moving is getting some where set up that’s safe for children. Almost an underground railroad feeling. make to Colorado to be free from prosecution. My worst fear is to rent a place over the phone get there and were the only family in a crime ridden ghetto. Once they deposit tax money where out of here. Was a communications specialist for sprint a chef and past grower who graduated for oaksterdam university. I feel there is hope in Colorado. But with no family ther or anywhere. My lil trib is all I got! non felon no drugs don’t drink or smoke the tobacco. Thanks for you writing they have helped to inspire me more. Looking for a friend and point of contact. Wife was offered work by a nice man and the urban bar and grill said to come to pueblo money in Denver. Well thanks again Justin any more insight would ne great

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Matthew, thanks for the note. I would not recommend renting sight unseen; you’re better off budgeting for an in-person visit so that you can get a feel for the housing market before making a commitment. I hope Pueblo works out for you! Let me know how I might be able to help. Best wishes, Justin

  • Andrea Foster 11 years ago

    Hi Justin!

    Awesome article! Very informative! My husband and I, along with our two year old daughter and Rottweiler Chief, are planning a move to Colorado at the end of the year. We are full time RVers and my husband works from home on the internet. I also plan on homeschooling. I’m very interested in pueblo because of it being recommended as one of the top family friendly places in Colorado. I have found three rv parks using google that seems to fit our needs; Forts RV park, Haggards RV park and Pueblo West Campground. I have read what you have said about Pueblo west but do you have any information on Forts or Haggards? I’ve read reviews online about Haggards water being red and non drinkable without some kind of heavy duty filter. They are also under new management, according to the reviews. Would you happen to know who owns them and if they are planning on doing something about the water quality? Can you add anything in general about Forts, Haggards, Pueblo West or any other RV park I may not be aware of? We originally wanted to move to Colorado to build Earthships (if you don’t know what they are, GOOGLE! you’ll be amazed!!) but due to colorados illegality of rain catching and harvesting, we’re not sure if it’s still for us, which is why we’re going to be staying at the RV park before deciding to purchase land. Also, if we did decide to purchase land, where would be the best place where building codes would be lax. Earthships are up to building codes, but usually in developments closer to the city, there are HOAs and God forbid someone has a garden or a green house rather than a lawn. Anyway, this all may be way out of your area of expertise, but if there is someone you know that you could direct me to, I’d really appreciate it. Still, we won’t be moving til November so plenty of time. Please feel free to email me any time! Ciao :))

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Andrea! Glad to hear that Pueblo is on your radar screen. Based only this comment I would suggest that you learn more about Beulah, a small community nestled in the foothills of the Wet Mountains about 20 minutes southwest of Pueblo. Another possibility would be Rye a bit further south. Something tells me that one of these communities might be your kind of place.

      I’m afraid I don’t really know anything about RV Parks but this location has a few good reviews and might be a good base from which to explore Southern Colorado.

      Pueblo South / Colorado City KOA
      9040 Interstate 25
      Pueblo, CO 81004
      (719) 676-3376

      Hope this helps! Best wishes! -Justin

  • Dennis 11 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    I think this article on your blog is excellent. Appreciated is the time you have taken to answer all messages. That is how a blog is supposed to work.

    I am not interested in living right in Pueblo, but in a rural mountainous area somewhere within a 50 mile radius of Pueblo. I am looking for a 2-10 acre partially wooded parcel and this can be off-grid property as I plan on solar. Since there are lots of days of sunshine in this area it is ideal for solar and that is really what attracts me to the area. Can you advise where might be the best locations within 50 miles of Pueblo for finding off-grid real estate. I would even consider acreage with a cabin already built, but probably will have to buy the land first and do this in stages to get the cabin built. If I could find a property that already has a well and septic that would be preferable, but not a requirement. Any suggestions?

    Thank you,


    • Justin 11 years ago

      Dennis, I am so glad you found my blog! I would love to work with you on this location decision! I don’t want to jump straight to specific recommendations because some data analysis is in order on this one. Do you have time to collaborate? Let me know how I might contact you directly. If you prefer, maybe leave a private message here or send a DM to @justinholman on Twitter.
      Sincerely, Justin

  • Dennis 11 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    I would appreciate collaborating with you. I do not use the social sites much, but you can find me on Facebook. We can also collaborate directly through our individual preferred email providers if you like. Actually that is how I usually communicate with friends, family, and business associates. If you want to send an email to my gmail account I can also provide you with my cell number.

    Email to initiate communications is [email protected].

    Thank you,

    Dennis Manz

  • Livability: Pueblo is one of America’s Best Places to Live (VIDEO) | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] is a terrific video from Livability illustrating why Pueblo is a great place to live. If you don’t see a video screen embedded below then click this link […]

  • Melanie 11 years ago


    Thanks for your insightful and balanced thoughts. My husband and I are strongly considering opening a small business in Pueblo in the next few months. We visited the city today to see it for ourselves and we like what we see.

    Your blog is a fantastic asset to the city; I hope you keep it up.


    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Melanie. Thank you so much for your kind words! So glad to hear that you’re thinking of relocating to Pueblo. I hope it works out for you. Feel free to contact me if I can be of service. Best, Justin

  • Sandi 11 years ago

    I am 56 yrs old and have lived in Alabama all my life. I am considering moving to the Pueblo area soon and would like some recommendations, please, as to what areas might me low crime, affordable, friendly, and fun to live and retire. Thanks.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Sandi – I would recommend taking a close look at the Mesa Junction neighborhood near Pueblo Community College. I think it has the best blend of affordability, friendliness/fun and relatively low crime. It’s also probably the most walkable neighborhood in Pueblo, which may become more important during retirement. Please let me know if I can help in any way and best wishes on the move! Cheers, Justin

      • Sandi 11 years ago

        Thanks so much for your quick response. I will definitely check that out. I’m a little worried about the altitude since I have lived on the Gulf Coast all my life. Should I be?

        • Justin 11 years ago

          Sandi, I think it’s definitely a good idea to be cognizant of the altitude change, especially when you first arrive. Pueblo is only 4,692 feet so, unless you have a medical condition that might make you more vulnerable, you should be fine. Typically, you have to go above 8,000-10,000 ft before altitude sickness becomes an issue. Hope that helps! Best, Justin

  • Laurie&Mike 11 years ago

    Hi Justin, thank you for your informational article! My husband and I are looking to relocate to Pueblo for Ohio. We are looking to rent (rent to own) as are many. Thanks for mentioning the safe and not so safe areas to look at! We own our own small business (from home) and would love to join the community of Pueblo!!

  • Laurie&Mike 11 years ago

    Justin, thank you for your informational article on Pueblo! My husband and I are VERY interested in moving there from Ohio. We found your neighborhood analysis very helpful. We are looking to rent, or rent to own. We also own our own small business from home! Any advice would be wonderful, thanks!

  • S N 11 years ago

    Best article I’ve read about Pueblo that spells out the pros and cons. My husband and I are forcibly retired, have finally dumped our home in NJ, and are looking for an inexpensive place to live that has pluses (art and music, good ethnic food, diversity, sunny climate while still having four seasons). Pueblo is on our very short list, but as older folk we are concerned about crime. I know you’ve mentioned Aberdeen and Mesa Junction as the best neighborhoods, but what about Belmont (near CSU) and the area known as Mineral Springs? Any suggestions you have would be most appreciated, as we are on a limited housing budget but very much want to live in Pueblo (not PWest). Thank you so much for your article! Best wishes.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Thank you for your kind words! Crime is an issue for sure but a little common sense will allow you to avoid the vast majority of problems. Get a home security system and don’t walk around Northern Ave or the lower East Side late at night. Belmont is indeed a very nice neighborhood and I definitely would recommend it. Mineral Springs? Not sure, maybe you mean Mineral Palace? The area near Parkview hospital and Mineral Palace park? I like that area as well. Lovely historic homes near 18th and Greenwood and thereabouts. Hope this helps and I hope you find a home in Pueblo! Best wishes, Justin

      • S N 11 years ago

        I did mean Mineral Palace–duh, brain fart. 🙂 Thanks for your feedback!

  • The 4 “C” Factors Making Pueblo Colorado the Best Bargain in North America | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] 2 years ago I wrote a blog post about why I was relocating my family to Pueblo, Colorado. It's become one of my most popular posts and has facilitated a number of new friendships and […]

  • Natalie 11 years ago

    This is a great analysis. Congratulations on your upcoming move! I discovered this post quite a long time after it was originally published, but more and more, Pueblo is looking like a great place to move and start a family. As a native of Denver, I’ve realized how difficult it will be to start a family in a city where the house prices continue to rise at such sharp rates. The cost of living in Denver has become out of control, and my husband and I–both working professionals–are realizing that we’ve been priced out of any neighborhood that seems like it has decent amenities and a safe environment in which to raise children.

    We’re looking into Northern CO as well, but many are realizing that they will never be able to afford Boulder, so many folks are moving to Loveland, Ft. Collins, and Windsor, etc. to get the ‘feel’ of Boulder without the price tag. These communities are growing awfully quickly and are becoming over saturated with professionals.

    In short, we are thinking of moving to Pueblo and it is wonderful to see a positive write-up from you about a great up-and-coming city!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Natalie – I’m so glad that you enjoyed the post! And, on behalf of everyone in Pueblo, we look forward to welcoming you! Yes, I agree, the sprawl in Northern Colorado is reaching a tipping point. If you could manage to get a deal where you telecommute most of the time and drive up to Denver for face-time once a week you would save a bundle in housing costs. And probably spend less time in your car overall. Thanks for the comment! Best wishes, Justin

  • Mike Guagliardo 11 years ago

    I just read your post and enjoyed it very much. I was born and raised in Pueblo. My mother’s family came into colorado in the 1850’s from New Mexico. Dad’s parents came from Italy in 1905. I have always believed that our city had so much to offer but was worried that to many people would come to live. I have learned that new people only continues to expands the culture here in Pueblo. The 4 Cs does cover our town, thanks for your story.
    Before I forget the south side of town is the best side, of course I grew up and have lived south of the river. LOL

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Mike, thanks for your kind words! Glad you enjoyed the post. As a Centennial grad I can’t fully endorse your view of the South side as best but as I get older I must admit that I become more and more a fan of the history and charm found in the Mesa Junction, Aberdeen and Bessemer. Thanks again for taking the time to read and comment! Best, Justin

  • The 3 Lessons I Learned After Accidentally Buying a Liquor Store | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] 2010 I’ve been investing in real estate in Pueblo, Colorado and when a commercial building with retail on the ground floor and multifamily residential on the […]

  • Shari 11 years ago

    Hi Justin! I wrote you back on Dec 29th (thanks for your response), and made my big move landing in the springs on super bowl Sunday. So now looking in earnest for a rental in pueblo. Being on disability my parameters might be a bit narrow but I think not unrealistic; I feel my needs are simple and few. I need 2 bedrooms and a fenced yard.

    I’ve been on rent bits and hot pads, which for my budget seem to offer more choices. I cap out at $700/month. I dislike going through rental management companies, preferring to communicate with individuals. Are you aware of other avenues I might be missing? (I always look on craigslist, as well. ) Can you tell me anything about places listed as SOUTHSIDE SOUTHSIDE?

    Appreciate any info anyone can share with me. Thanks!

    Shari G

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Shari – Welcome to Pueblo! Southside could be anything south of the Arkansas River including Mesa Junction, Aberdeen, Minnequa, Sunset, Bessemer, State Fair, etc. It’s probably Bessemer, Minnequa or the area near Pueblo Blvd/Northern. Ideally, you’d find something in the Mesa Junction, Sunset, State Fair area. You’re probably priced out of Aberdeen. Not sure about advice re where to look aside from Craigslist et al. You might check to see if the Pueblo Community College has listings. You could also call the Housing Authority of Pueblo. They process Section 8 applications so may not be able to help directly but they may have some good leads if you get the right person on the phone. Your best bet might be to drive the neighborhoods that you like and look for signs.
      Hope this helps! Let me know if you have additional questions. Hope you find what you’re looking for! Best wishes, Justin

  • jodi 11 years ago


    So glad I found this site. My husband, teenager daughter and I are strongly considering moving to Pueblo. My only concern is the schools….I have a 14-year old freshman in advanced classes in Wisconsin public school. Am wondering if we should wait until she graduates high school before moving; really don’t want to wait that long, but am worried about affecting her education. The online information I’ve been able to gather about the pueblo schools seems bleak. Any suggestions/tips/updates from your original thoughts? Thanks!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Jodi! High school is a tough one. My daughter will be a freshman next year so it’s on my mind. I think Centennial is the best public high school in Pueblo. Some people think Pueblo West is better. I don’t really know. I’m biased because I graduated from Centennial back in the 80s. The only private options are in Colorado Springs and they’re expensive, of course. If your daughter is ambitious she may like the early college program offered in cooperation with the Pueblo Community College. I’ve talked to parents with kids earning Associate’s degrees along with their high school diploma. Two years of college credit for free ain’t too shabby. You might check it out. Here’s a link: http://www.pueblocc.edu/Academics/HS-Options/ECOL.htm Not sure what sort of social life goes along with this approach but the jump-start on college credit is compelling. Hope this helps! Best, Justin

  • rick 11 years ago

    Hi justin. excellent blog I sent a msg but put in my wrong email address..it was long but I will make this short…I will moving out their by june hopfully….I need a good realator to find me a low priced home in a good area..could u email privately ……I would like to pick your brain in couple of areas…love your blog…andshisss about pubelo…let’s keep it our secret….take care rick

  • rick 11 years ago

    Hi justin how’s the cost of cable and wireless internet?…which providers are available? Thanks rick

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Rick, seems comparable to other places I’ve lived. Comcast and CenturyLink (nee Qwest) seem to be the only options. Don’t really care for either of them. I’m thinking about switching entirely to a Verizon 4G jetpack just to enjoy the satisfaction of canceling my Comcast subscription all together. I will send you an email re real estate. Best wishes, Justin

  • Mark 11 years ago

    Hi Justin! I may take a job at the Chemical Depot this summer. Are there any good neighborhoods close by the Depot? I would like to rent a house. Thanks!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Mark – congrats on the job offer! I think Belmont or University Park would be your best bet for proximity to the Depot but still convenient to schools, shopping, entertainment, etc. Best wishes, Justin

  • Mark 11 years ago

    Thanks! How is the school system there? Any malls or shopping in town? Awesome blog!!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Mark, public schools in Pueblo are struggling but some excellent charter/magnet options are available. For shopping you can get most big box stuff on the north side of town near I-25 and US 50. Great local restaurants and niche stores tend to be downtown, on Union Ave, in the Mesa Junction neighborhood (off Abriendo) or near the Steel Mill in Bessemer. Colo Springs has everything else 45 min away. Hope this helps. Best, Justin

  • Natalie 11 years ago

    Hi everyone! My husband and I are considering a big move to Pueblo this summer or fall. We currently reside in Denver, but we are tired of the traffic, growth, and cost of living that seems to have gotten out of control in the last 5-10 years. Recently, we visited Pueblo and spent a day walking the downtown/north areas. I wrote a little bit about it; you can view my post here:


    This is just my “take” on Pueblo. Overall, it seems like it could have a lot to offer. My husband and I graduated from law school and college (respectively) at the height of the recession, so we are just trying to find a good place to start out.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Natalie – great post! Thanks for sharing! Look forward to seeing you around town. Let me know if there’s anything I can do help welcome you and your husband to town. I’d be happy to help in any way I can. All best, Justin

      • Natalie 11 years ago

        Thank you so much. I love reading your blog! It is awesome. Happy springtime to you and your family!

  • Momentum is Building in Pueblo! | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] is building in Pueblo as some of the factors I’ve written about previously are beginning to play out right before […]

  • Sandra Miles 11 years ago

    Justin – Thanks so much for you input on Pueblo. Pueblo is a top choice right now for my destination move. I disabled but have two teen age kids. My 25 year old son and his girl friend will be coming with as I can’t really live off my disability. We are coming from Mcallen Texas area, the second cheapest place to live in the US. However I don’t like it here and neither do my kids. We loved living in Montana my youngest kids were born there. I love what I am finding about Pueblo. I love all the activities available for my kids. Housing prices for renting are very close to what I pay now. However I am a bit concerned about jobs for my son. He has a lot factory, fork lift, and building skills. I know the unemployment rate is high. However are jobs out there or are the jobs few and far between. I also wonder about part time jobs for my teens which are hard here. With the higher Hispanic population is speaking Spanish for jobs a demand. It is here and we don’t speak Spanish. This is my only worry about finalizing Pueblo as our choice moving destination this summer. Any help with info here would be great.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Sandra – thanks for these questions! Unemployment is relatively high here in Pueblo but a few recent announcements have brought good news. The new giant solar array will likely bring plenty of jobs, the Chemical Depot and Vestas both recently announced plans to hire more workers, and a major I-25 bridge re-construction project is scheduled to begin in August. All this bodes well for jobs. But again, as you note, unemployment levels are high (over 9% in Pueblo County) and there will be plenty of competition for good jobs. Spanish speaking skills are certainly valuable and probably provide some advantage in a job search but I don’t think it’s a major barrier to entry in the local job market. I don’t think you’ll know for sure until you arrive here. There’s only so much that can be learned without “boots on the ground” sort of speak. If possible, I would recommend a try-before-you-buy visit to see if Pueblo is the place for you. If travel is a challenge maybe send your son on a scouting mission. I’d be happy to meet him and see if I can point him in the right direction. Hope this helps. Best wishes, Justin

  • David 11 years ago

    Hi Justin , Thanks to you and your posters for this tremendously informative THREAD .I will be visiting Pueblo the second week of July to see if I will move there two to three years from now. Like others , I saw Pueblo on the cheap places to live list . I have lived here, just north of Philly PA for 48 years and when my $22 per hour job (making flexo printing plates) here goes away , I will be selling my house and relocating to somewhere dry , warm and flat .
    My questions for you are , is using a bicycle for transport. around the city safe, easy ?
    Taxes ? what would be property taxes per year for 100,000 home ?
    is there a city income (wage) tax ?
    Since you started this blog two years ago , how has the job market in Pueblo changed ?
    Is there investing by wealthy Pueblobians in job creation and small businesses ?
    In regards to crime , are there any civilian involvement in TOWN WATCH or community policing ,especially by the people in those bad areas?
    What about any places to see live music other than the symphony ?
    If I think of anything else I will repost .
    Thanx Again , Best Regards , David

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi David – thanks for joining the thread! Answers to your questions below.
      – Bicycling is fairly easy but there are very few dedicated bike lanes and I wish it were safer (maybe I’m spoiled having lived in Eugene, Oregon). I would love to bike from my house to CSU-P but too many highway lanes in between.
      – Property taxes on a $100k house would be around $600-$800 per year.
      – No municipal income tax so far as I know.
      – Job market is improving but still fairly weak.
      – Yes, lots of investing going on but well below the radar screen and minimal impact at least for now.
      – Yes, there is community policing: http://www.pueblocrimestoppers.com/
      – Live music is available but sorely lacking in my opinion. Someone needs to do more. Lots of stuff in summer promoted by downtown businesses, but not enough the rest of the year. Plus it seems like the same bands are always playing. Pueblo ought to be a stopover between Denver and Albuquerque or Santa Fe but it’s not.
      Hope this helps.
      Cheers, J.

  • David 11 years ago

    Hi again Justin , Thanks for the info .
    I’m gonna tell you what I pay for taxes , but be warned not to do a SPIT-TAKE onto your computer , for 2011 my property taxes were 3600 dollars .
    Keep in mind this includes , Montgomery county MILS -Abington township taxes (includes school tax -trash – sewer serv.) . there is also a 1 percent wage tax .My property and house are valued between 110,000 – 150,000 dollars , footprint covers 20 FT by 108 FT.
    So I’m wondering if your est of 600 – 800 dollars includes ALL property taxes AND services .
    Does the city do trash serv. or is it privatized ?
    What bars are good for a forty y.o. and older crowd ?
    Cheers , David

  • Justin 11 years ago

    Hi David,
    City does not provide trash service but there are a number of service providers and a healthy competitive market. Aside from that, yes, I think the property tax estimates are fairly accurate and inclusive. We also pay sales tax of course.
    I’m not much of a bar hopper these days but I have friends who frequent the Downtown Bar. The Shamrock is pretty good. And Tsunami seems to have a lively scene if you like sushi. New brewpub opening up in the old police station. Angelo’s always has a crowd.
    Hope that helps!
    Best, J.

  • Natalie 11 years ago

    Hello again, Justin! I wanted to ask your opinion of the State Fair neighborhood? We found an adorable home that we love there, but we know nothing about the neighborhoods in Pueblo (other than Aberdeen and Mesa Junction.) Any insight you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Natalie – the State Fair neighborhood is mixed. Some parts are great, some are best avoided. If you can share the address I’d be happy to take a look. If you want the location to remain a secret then send me a note using the Contact Form below. Best, Justin

  • Ericka 11 years ago

    Hello Justin!

    Thank you for confirming my belief in choosing Pueblo, Co. as the place I want to move to next year after my lease is up. I currently live in Orlando, Fl. and I never liked it here. California is too expensive, but after visiting there, it made me fall in love with living out west, so I decided to do some research on Colorado. Thus happened upon a small city Pueblo. Your article gave me much enthusiasm and conformation on my choice to live in that part of Co. and be it in the Lord’s will, my son and I (and hopefully my daughter and grandson, too) will become permanent residence soon. Again, thank you :-)!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      You’re most welcome, Ericka! I’m glad my article was helpful and I look forward to seeing you in Pueblo soon! 🙂
      Best wishes, Justin

  • Dwayne 11 years ago

    Very nice article. I have family there, have visited many times over the years and as it would happen….I might have a job opportunity there. I am excited about the possibility so we’ll see what transpires and I will let you know!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Sounds great, Dwayne! Good luck with the job opportunity and, yes, let me know how it turns out! Best wishes, Justin

  • mark 11 years ago

    Are there any newer, modern apartments in Pueblo?

  • Justin 11 years ago

    Hi Mark,
    Yes, there are a few modern apartment buildings but not many. They tend to be located north of Hwy 50. Another option if you want modern amenities is to look for newly remodeled loft space closer to downtown. These types of options are mostly likely to be around the Union Historical district or near the Sangre de Cristo Art Center. Hope this helps!

  • Larlock 11 years ago

    Hi Justin. Your blog rocks. We are a family of 6 (4 littles, DH and I) and we are looking at relocating to the Beulah area. Our biggest question/concern is regarding the property values in the mountainous/rural areas of Pueblo….would we be able to expect the same type of ‘average appreciation’ over the next 10+ years as other areas? Is this a real estate market that is worth investing in? Or would it be more of a lifestyle-choice type decision vs a good investment to buy a larger parcel of land/home in Beulah? Thank you so much for all of your insight and time in your responses!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hey Larlock! Glad you like the blog. Love this question. Generally speaking, yes, I think Beulah is terrific. But I want to provide a better answer. Let me think on it a bit and get back to you. Might just turn into a full blog post. Stay tuned! Cheers, Justin

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi again Larlock! Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve been too swamped to do your question justice and I worry the same trend will continue so I thought I’d better reply with a few more details. Beulah is great. Lovely mountain setting at a relatively low elevation so no huge mountain passes between you and civilization. Only 20 min drive into Pueblo’s southside for shopping, etc. Good small community school (public). Real estate is very affordable and with some effort you can probably find a great deal on a nice property. Those are the pros. The cons are wildfire risk, water scarcity and limited market for resale. Even if you find the deal of the century you should be concerned about wildfires and your well water. You should also hold off unless you’re in position to hold the property long term because if/when it comes time to sell the population of potential buyers will be fairly small. Most people who want a mountain home/cabin prefer proximity to skiing, etc. Beulah is more of a retreat away from the crowds. Overall, I think it’s more of a lifestyle choice. It could also turn out to be very nice in terms of price appreciation but I wouldn’t count on it. Someone once told me “you make money in real estate when you buy” meaning if you buy correctly, i.e., a good property at a great price, you’ll end up doing just fine. No point in trying to forecast appreciation because those crystal balls tend to be ineffective, especially over longer time frames. If you want the mountain lifestyle along with some investment opportunity buy a modest property in Beulah and a rental house in Pueblo. Hope this helps! Best wishes, Justin

  • Barbara 11 years ago

    I have lived all over Florida for almost my entire life and am seriously thinking of moving to either Arizona or Colorado. Will retire in about 12 years but still love working. Pueblo sounds like something I should look into. Thanks for all the posts.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  • Dawn 11 years ago

    I want to move to CO in 2 years. I didn’t think o
    f Pueblo. My sister mentioned it yesterday, what part of town and schools would be safest?

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Dawn, I’m not sure there’s a safest part of town but I like Aberdeen, Belmont, Country Club, Mineral Palace, University Park, Mesa Junction, Sunset and El Camino. Best wishes, Justin

  • The Price of a Sunny Day: Top 5 Bargain Cities for Sunshine | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] recently learned that my hometown, Pueblo, Colorado, receives more sunshine than San Diego, California.  I was really surprised and began to wonder […]

  • Joseph Kerski 11 years ago

    Hooray for Pueblo! It is a very nice community indeed. Another one of my favorite communities is Grand Junction, where we will hold this year’s Ge-Co in the Rockies conference – in September 2014. Hope to see many of you there!


    –Joseph Kerski

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Thanks, Joseph! I will check it out! Many of my blog readers are prospective graduate students – is this more of an industry event or would there be content for students or recent grads as well? Thanks again, Justin

  • david 11 years ago

    Justin: My wife recently found Pueblo on a top 5 retirement list. I’m already retired from my day job, and she’s within a few years, so we’re going to check out Pueblo very soon. Your blog is very helpful, and as others have said, a great asset to the community, I think. Any areas of Pueblo that you would consider funky, artsy, new-age musician-friendly, maybe vegan-friendly, with a yoga studio or where one might be welcome?

  • david 11 years ago

    thanks, Justin – looks like some good things are going on in that neighborhood.

  • Willie Cooper 11 years ago

    Hello, I am a black American ARMY veteran looking to relocate. Does Pueblo have a racist history? Would you recommend this location to other minorities as well? How is the crime? How are the schools? How is the employment opportunities? Thank you!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Willie. Thanks for reading my blog and thanks for your question. This is a tough one. I’ll try my best to answer but, as a middle-age white man, I doubt I’ll be able to provide appropriate perspective. Pueblo’s history is tied to the Steel Mill where a diverse group of immigrants worked during its hey-day and descendants of those communities remain today. So, generally speaking, I don’t think of Pueblo as a community with a racist history. Pueblo is approximately 42% Hispanic so it’s definitely not lily white and it’s not terribly segregated either. That said, the African American population is relatively small, only 2.4%, so I’m not sure how you would feel about the level of diversity in the community. More demographic data here: http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/08/08101.html

      Crime is a problem. Gangs are active and drug use, especially meth and heroine, seems to be fairly common and tied to violence and petty crime. But, as I’ve written elsewhere, crime isn’t worse here than Colorado Springs or Denver. But it feels worse, maybe, because Pueblo is a much smaller city.

      Public schools are struggling but there are a few noteworthy exceptions. Fountain International is a top notch K-3 school and Connect is an outstanding Middle School (6-8th grade). I’ve also heard good things about Goodnight and PSAS, both K-8. High school options are pretty limited but there are a few innovative programs including an “Early College” program through Pueblo Community College.

      Employment opportunities are limited depending on your skill set. Many people live in Pueblo and commute to Fort Carson and nearby for military-related jobs. Health care related jobs seem to be plentiful. Otherwise, it’s not easy to find a good job. I think Pueblo is a good place to start certain types of businesses because labor and facility costs are very inexpensive.

      Hope this helps! Best wishes, Justin

  • Pueblo Neighborhoods Project | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] writing my “Why Pueblo” blog post a couple years ago and my “4 C Factors Making Pueblo the Best Bargain in […]

  • martha larive 11 years ago

    Thanks in part to your wonderful blog, I am leaving NH 6/17 to move to Pueblo. At the age of 60, I am beginning a new life. I look forward to seeing you all!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Martha! Safe travels and best of luck on the transition! Let me know if I can do anything to help. Best wishes, Justin

      • martha larive 11 years ago

        Thank you so much, Justin. From this blog, I feel like I already know you (Don’t worry–I’m not hitting on you–I’m 60 years old!). I’m leaving NH 6/17, hope to get to Pueblo within a week or so. Looking for a studio or a 1 bedroom, pet friendly. I’m a little nervous I don’t have a place to go yet, but I am so looking forward to my new life. They ought to make you the mayor of Pueblo, by the way!

        • Justin 11 years ago

          It will be much easier to find a good place once you’re here in person. Travel safe and thank you for your vote! 🙂
          Best, Justin

  • Krystal 11 years ago

    I’m hopeful that I will be able to move there soon. The one thing I really appreciate is the farms stands east of pueblo. You can always get fresh produce in the summer and yes good green chilies!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Thanks for the comment, Krystal! Any particular location east of Pueblo you might recommend? Hope to see you soon! Best, Justin

  • Colorado PUC Allowing Black Hills Energy to Loot and Plunder in Pueblo | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] of corporate vampire. I see this first-hand as an owner of multi-family residential real estate in Pueblo Colorado. Now I’ve learned Black Hills is also hampering Pueblo’s chance to take advantage of […]

  • Mick & Patty 11 years ago

    We live in CO and are considering retiring to Pueblo. Can you recommend a few good realtors?
    We plan to travel down and review some home options.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      I’m asked this question frequently and don’t really have a good response. I work with local realtors who I like and trust but a great realtor for me may not translate into a great realtor for you. If you send me a note via my contact form and tell me a bit about what you are looking for (budget, bedrooms, ranch, etc) I will do my best. Happy retirement! Best, Justin

  • vicki gleitz 11 years ago

    Hi Justin. my youngest son is looking to buy a [ mostly cosmetic] fixer-upper in about 9 months. He is Autistic [as am I, He also has a neurological ondition that the neurologist says is the worst pain humanly possible] and we are involved in a program to bring Autistics to Pueblo where they can work to fix up each others homes and build a small community within an already existing one. Pueblo seems to be the affordable and welcoming place we are looking for. I am battling cancer, and Pueblo seems that it could be my answer to prayers when thinking of my sons’ future.[and those of so many other Autistic people]

    Please do not think we are bad parents by not just going out and buying LJ a home. We spent many hundreds of dollars lrun the first ooking for something to alleviate his pain, He is doing better, but we are now totally broke. But, in 9 months he should have good credit [versus 0 credit] that, with his nice down payment money saved, make buying something he an do.

    I am a core member of a group of Autistics in charge of “The Rhizome Program.” Currently, we are building a retreat in NM that is to be run by Autistic people. We have just completed the very first by and for Autistic retreat EVER that is affordable to all. We are especialy excited about employment programs in the near future [ we are a brand new, tax-exempt group who are already kicking butt, and we want to help deal with the 90% high functioning autism rate.

    So, is Pueblo as accepting of different sorts of people as they seem to be? Are homes still super inexpensive and will they still be in 9 months? Do you know if there are many Autistics who already live there. Do you know if you own a home if you are allowed to have a roommate
    [or 2] Do you know if there is internet access in the libraries. Anywhere else? I have not found a rec center with an indoor swimming pool.Is there one? Also, if by chance [talking WAY down the road, well after I am gone,] Pueblo is considered as a center for Autistic conventions, are there facillities large enough to accommodate us?

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Vicki,
      Thank you for sharing your story. The short answer is yes. Pueblo is accepting, inexpensive (still), roommates are permitted, Internet is available at our outstanding libraries and we have a nice convention center downtown next to the Marriott. The Ymca has had problems with their indoor pool but the pool at Centennial High is filling in temporarily. There are other indoor pools as well. I have no idea about the local Autistic community.
      I’m anxious to be of assistance if I can. Please send a note via Contact form and let me know how I might help.
      Best wishes, Justin

  • vicki gleitz 11 years ago

    That second line should have read “spent hundreds of thousands of dollars looking for the miracle that would alleviate my sons pain.

  • vicki gleitz 11 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    We just drove some young people to Albuquerque on Saturday, then Sunday morning to Ocate Cliffs to work on creating a retreat center that will ultimately be managed and totally run by Autistic people [this is not the retreat we put on by and for Autistics] On the drive back to Denver yesterday, we drove around Pueblo for awhile. Most of the homes we looked at [from the exterior] looked super cute and well maintained. We also, for financial reasons, focused on the east side [ yes, I have read about the not so great points of the east side] There seemed to be many happy children playing [ mostly supervised] and people we noticed seemed, I don’t know, relaxed. [because part of autism involves extreme anxiety, we are attracted to relaxed environments]

    When my son is ready to buy, should he go through a realtor or look for a wholesaler? Also, replacing floors,painting, and other cosmetic work would be interesting, however new plumbing, a new roof, heater, electrical and foundational problems are, at this point [and most likely for a number of years] beyond the scope of anyone thus far interested.

    Driving through Pueblo yesterday made me even more excited. Of course, it is most important that my son feels the same way [ he was not with us,as we had already dropped him off at Ocate Cliffs, where he is probably building evaporative toilets or making trails as I type this.

    We will be picking him up from this short work camp next Saturday. Are there any areas or landmarks you think it would be good to show him when we pass through on our return trip?

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Vicki, there are incredible bargains on the East side and it’s a great community but crime seems to be worse than other parts of town. Not trying to talk you out of the Eastside just want you to go in with eyes open. I think you should also look at “The Blocks” neighborhood. Check my neighborhood definitions here: http://www.justinholman.com/2014/05/14/pueblo-neighborhoods-1-0/
      If you’d like I’d be happy to give you a little tour when you pass through town. Let me know.
      Cheers, Justin

  • vicki gleitz 11 years ago

    Hi Justin, We just returned from picking LJ up yesterday. We stopped and took the dogs on the River walk. So beautiful. As we suspected,my son smelled quite ‘ripe” after his time in the wilderness, so it probably would not have been a good time for a tour but thank you anyway.

    We probably won’t be back to pueblo until October or November, when LJ will be closer to being able to purchase an actual home. If the invitation is still open, we would love a tour from you if the offer is still open.


    • Justin 11 years ago

      It’s an open invitation. Let me know when you’ll be back in Pueblo and I’ll do my best accommodate. Cheers, Justin

  • Lesa 11 years ago

    Hello and thank you for a very informative blog
    My husband an I are looking at moving there early fall. We will visiting sometime in early August
    My husband is an over the road truck driver an out sometimes a month at a time. I would be home alone along with my four legged fur babies
    Couple of questions. Is there an area you would suggest we say away from ? We live in Ohio now an have also lived in Houston Texas for many years. We understand there is crime everywhere just if any areas to stay away from that are really bad for crime?
    Also I am a massage therapist an self employed for now. Are there legitimate massage businesses there or would it be better to commute. I’d prefer to have my own office like I do now but open to options
    Also we would be looking at renting at first to make sure we like an want to stay in the area
    Or would consider a lease option house.
    Any an all information, tips etc.. would be greatly appreciated
    Thanks for an awesome information filled site

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Lesa. Glad my blog has been helpful! I think once you’re here in Pueblo you’ll be able to detect the right spots for you. There are nice pockets in even the toughest neighborhoods so I don’t really want to steer you away from anything. I always recommend the area near the Pueblo Community College. On my Pueblo Neighborhood Map look at the Orman Park, Mesa Junction, Aberdeen, Sunset, and State Fair neighborhoods: http://www.justinholman.com/2014/05/14/pueblo-neighborhoods-1-0/
      Hope this helps! Cheers, Justin

  • vicki gleitz 11 years ago

    I have noticed that the new listings for extremely inexpensive fixer uppers tend to be gone the first day they show in zillow, Does that mean that if we were to call on them the same day that they were listed that they would ussually already be gone? It looks like someone already knows what is going to hit before they are even made public. Is that possible and if so, is there any way to get around that?

  • Lesa 11 years ago

    Thank you Justin
    This information is much helpful
    We will be visiting the area the second weekend of Augues to check things out. Kinda pressed for time but hoping 3-5 day stay
    Again thank you so much for your help
    Peace 🙂

  • vicki gleitz 11 years ago

    Hi Justin; We’re growing quite a little group of Autistics who would like to move to Pueblo. Many who are in IT can work from anywhere, Some, because they find these jobs less stressful, will be more than happy flipping burgers at a fast-food place. Some have or are learning skills[plumbing, electricians,like that]

    One woman asked me about a specific business she would like to start after I mentioned that there is a good chance that Pueblo might become one of the next big retirement places.She would like to start a consignment store, not high end, but still definitely brand conscious. Not gucci or pucci, or anything super pricey and pretentious like that. She was thinking more nice quality for older women [ Chicos, Coldwater Creek, eileen Fischer, like that] And maybe a small childrens section where they can grab something adorable for the grandkids. I think, from how you have explained the Pueblo lifestyle, and where it is trending, that this may be an excellent idea. What do you think?

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Vicki – great to hear about your group and the momentum moving toward Pueblo! I’m not much into fashion/clothing but a consignment shop sounds like a good idea. Store location, of course, will be critical. Best, Justin

  • vicki gleitz 11 years ago

    Hi justin’ Its me again,Vicki. Another reason for being excited about Pueblo IS Ocate Cliffs [check it out on facebook!] and Rhizome and Divergent Labs. Ocate Cliffs is a little over 100 miles south of Pueblo. We could have people work for periods of time at the Cliffs, and then return to home,Pueblo.

    I have a couple more questions that I think I will ask on the contact form.

  • Jordan 11 years ago

    My husband and I are moving to Pueblo on THIS FRIDAY and I couldn’t have stumbled on your article at a more perfect time! We both grew up in Littleton and Highlands Ranch (are you singing “Little Boxes”? Haha!) and are currently in Centennial and we’re so excited for what we hope to be a change of pace (no more hour(+) commute? How could we say no?), but obviously a bit nervous for the big commitment. We’ll be out in Red Creek Ranch near the reservoir– going from our 1/4 acre lot here in the burbs to 48 acres down there! I’m excited to get to know Pueblo– I’ve now been to the city just 4 times for short day trips, and suddenly I’ll be finding myself living there. Your article definitely makes my excitement outweigh the nervous tension. Thanks a bunch! *crying happy tears* 🙂

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Jordan – welcome to Pueblo! I hope the transition goes as smoothly as possible. Let me know how I might be able to help. Once you get settled send me a note if you’d like to meet for coffee. Best wishes, Justin

    • Nicole 11 years ago

      Justin, thanks for the article! We just moved to Pueblo a few weeks ago so I have kept an eye on the article to learn more about the area. Jordan – this is crazy weird, but my husband and I just moved to Red Creek Ranch as well. Maybe we will run into guys in the future!

      • Justin 11 years ago

        Welcome to Pueblo Nicole! Let me know if I can do anything to help you settle in. Best wishes, Justin

  • Geography of the Pueblo Real Estate Market – Summer 2014 Snapshot | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] a map I produced to help illustrate some of the neighborhood characteristics of the Pueblo Real Estate market. In a recent post I produced a partition of Pueblo Neighborhoods based on Census […]

  • Dave 11 years ago


    Much to your credit, this post still has legs after more than two years!

    Over an extended Fourth of July weekend my wife and I visited Pueblo; we liked it and barring unforeseen circumstances we’ll be retiring there within a year. We toured almost every neighborhood, looking both at “for rent” and “for sale” houses, since we plan to rent for a year or so before buying. Your favorite neighborhoods were pretty much the same for us. The only thing we found frustrating, especially in the older neighborhoods, is that so many of the houses have only one bathroom. I guess we’re spoiled, but that’ll never work for the two of us! Is it practical to remodel those older homes? Are reliable, reasonable, remodeling professionals available?

    More observations:

    Rents are low, but they seem higher compared to the national average that buying. Buying seems to be the real bargain in Pueblo. Do you concur or am I misreading the situation?

    Puebloans love their illegal fireworks! I have never seen such a display of private fireworks — all over the city. 🙂

    Thanks and keep up the good work!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Dave, thanks for the kind words. Remodel: Yes, there are lots of older homes that can be bought cheap and remodeled for modern conveniences. Finding reasonable contractors is not a problem. Rent v Buy: Yes, buying is definitely the better bargain in Pueblo. Low inventory + banks suck + ’08 hangover = rental market supply and demand imbalance. Fireworks: We found a good perch to watch fireworks from our neighborhood, expecting to see the main show on the Riverwalk. Instead, we watched the entire city of Pueblo completely lit up. Never seen anything like it. After 2 years of fireworks bans due to drought conditions I guess Pueblo’s pyromaniacs were ready to cut loose! Best wishes, Justin

  • vicki gleitz 11 years ago

    Hi Justin. Looking at some retail space on the riverwalk [victoria street I think] Prices look more than reasonable. Would that be a good place to open a consignment shop? Is there much traffic in the winter in that area or during warm weather only.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Vicki, Victoria is a nice street where you have access to the Union/Riverwalk traffic but with slightly lower rents and better parking. Yes, I think it could work depending on the space itself. Winter traffic will be much slower but that’s true for the whole city, not just Riverwalk area. If you want to start smaller I would look across the river in the Mesa Junction for lower rents. Lots of available commercial space all over the city so I wouldn’t be in a hurry to sign a lease. Cheers, Justin

  • Grant Robertson 11 years ago

    We have taken your advice and are in Pueblo now. We have leased an apartment for 6 months and are going to look for a fixer-upper.

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Grant – welcome to Pueblo! Hope you like it so far. Good luck with your search for a fixer upper and let me know if I can help. Best wishes, Justin

  • cjy 11 years ago

    I take issue with you referring to Pueblo Green Chili as “New Mexico style”. No – it is Pueblo style. the green chiles in Pueblo are one of a kind and are not grown anywhere else. P.S. -the bell will ring blue again!

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi CJY, I understand your concern re chili classification. But, I think it helps people understand that it’s not Tex Mex or traditional Mexican style food. Remember, most of the US doesn’t even know what it means to smother a burrito, let alone how to distinguish between subtle variations. In any case thanks for the comments. Cheers, Justin
      P.S. Shhh…if you listen closely .. you can hear the Bell RINGING RED right now…music to my ears! 🙂

  • David 11 years ago

    Hello again Justin and All,
    My July 13th to 18th trip to Pueblo and Springs was an eye-opening
    great time . I went looking for a deal breaker – a reason NOT to move to Pueblo and I had a hard time finding any. I now live in the Philly Pa burbs and am thinking about a move in 2016…. Big surprises in Pueblo- How green it is -so many large old trees – the wide streets -the cool dry breeze on a 95 degree day -Lake minnequa , (so close to the neighborhoods) -how close it is to the edge of town then the open natural surroundings -the green open spaces and parks in the city — I was not surprised that people were nice but just how INCREDIBLY warm and welcoming everyone was .
    . I went alone and I engaged alot of folks in conversation about what they like and dislike about Pueblo . the strongest dislike was from a lady who wanted a MALL with better selections of clothes , she’s not happy with Target , Walmart , Sears or Kmart , go figure-…
    Another big surprise was that when I explored a ” bad area ” , there was no trash in the street and no graffitti – I saw kids out sweeping their properties after the rains , I don’t want to paint too rosey a picture , my hotel was in southgate , and some of LAKE area looked rough and tumble and the area above the 11th St bridge looked completely dicey , and I’m sure there are others I didn’t get to, but in the vast majority , when I saw rundown properties , alot of the block looked good , and the next block over looked great. That’s another interesting thing I noticed , the values of houses ranged from high to low on the same block with Victorians on the corners and smaller houses in between all the way down to 500 sqft ‘ers . It’s not anything like that were I live. It was also ALOT more bicycle friendly than here , I saw people out cycling every day , and I saw bike lane signs .
    Can you , Justin tell us about Shale Hydro Fracking in Colorado and would it come to Pueblo or to the county , I got a bunch of blank looks when I asked ?
    ps the best ” Slopper ” I had was at Iannes Pizza on Northern and the carnitas with green chili sauce at el Alamo was great , as well as everything at Mozo”s
    more to come , Cheers !

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Dave – thanks for sharing this. So glad to hear you had a good visit to Pueblo. And it’s great you noticed that Pueblo is not economically segregated. Good neighborhoods have a few run down properties and some of the toughest neighborhoods have immaculate homes. Look forward to your next update! Best, Justin

  • Dusty 11 years ago

    hi Justin! Love all the info I’ve learned about Pueblo! moving there w.my son on the 4th……scared to death moving so far from Okc but, feel i hav to for me and my son.
    I’m disabled with chronic pain an stuff and he’s having trouble in school.

    my cell is my only net access and I’ve tried several times to send a message, having trouble . if you hav time please email me, I’d really like to ask a few questions.

    u shud b nuthing less than mayor!!

    ms.Dusty an Cayce

  • vicki gleitz 11 years ago

    Well, I have been learning and practicing faux granite countertops on every old travel trailer I can get my hands on. It’s so gorgous. I helped someone lay down a laminate floor this week-end. I’ll be helping and learning all sorts of things as soon as my blood count gets stable. a very nice person kindly offered to teach me a little roofing. I declined. I get nervous 2 feet off of the ground.

    I am speaking with dozens of interested people [mostly families with autistic kids, but not entirely.] and, I do have some good media connections we can utilize after a few years when we have built up enough of a community to warrant media attention [ which will encourage others in]

    And all the seniors moving in? We will make sure that every conceivable service is available. I am so psyched.

  • John Seme: A True Pueblo Hero | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] Pueblo is known as the Home of Heroes, referring to Pueblo’s four Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. Here’s a brief tribute to one of Pueblo’s mightiest heroes. He didn’t fight in any military conflicts but he unselfishly served the Pueblo community and deserves to be honored. […]

  • Rich 11 years ago

    Hello Justin,
    Pueblo just popped onto my radar for possible relocation with my wife and maybe other members of our family. We’re from the Chicago area. You and others here have given me no reason to strike Pueblo, CO off our list but I do have one question. What is the water situation there? I’ve heard the West will be faced with water shortages, etc. What’s your read of the situation?

    • Justin 11 years ago

      Hi Rich! Water is a complex issue and it’s not my area of expertise. If drought and water shortages continue to plague the greater Southwest region, as many expect, Pueblo will indeed be affected. Farmers and others have struggled until this year with drought conditions. But, overall, Pueblo seems poised to fare better than many other communities because we have the Arkansas River and the Pueblo Reservoir (now called Lake Pueblo) in our backyard. Hope this helps. If you want more info search the archives of the Pueblo Chieftain and read Chris Wodka’s many articles on water resources. Best wishes, Justin

  • Another Dave 10 years ago

    Hi Justin-
    Enlightening post thanks. My family currently lives in Southern California and my daughter was offered a partial sports scholarship to CSU Pueblo and will be a Wolverine in 2016. I’ve started researching Pueblo for real estate investment potential. I’m considering buying a small multi- family building where my daughter and potential roommates can occupy one of the units and we can rent the other(s). We’re a ski and outdoors family so I can see us buying a second home there as well. Where do you see the greatest RE investment potential? You wrote your original post in 2012, so are you still as bullish on Pueblo?

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Dave – If it were me I would look to purchase a 3+ bedroom Single Family property in Belmont (most convenient neighborhood) and have her rent just to roommates. Look for something in rough cosmetic condition that you and she can improve over time for equity gain. I’d be reluctant to buy a multifamily. Single family is easier and always in demand. I am indeed still bullish on Pueblo. The most amazing deals are gone but plenty of bargains remain. Let me know if I can help. Best wishes, Justin

  • Kime Ard 10 years ago

    I AM going to move my children to a better little “nest” per say: Colorado. I have been researching areas a lot since January 1, in fact, that is what my middle son and I were doing as the new year rang in!! I am ready to go RIGHT NOW, that is I have NO PROBLEMS just leaving everything and starting over-Ive already done that 3 times within this shithole of Indiana, which is where I broadcast from. I have 4 sons, Jaymes 26, Alexander 18, and Mack 13. Jaymes is incarcerated one last time, in this shithole, because we will no longer live here, Alex is trying to begin his life, which is impossible in this shithole, (Indiana), and Mack is being homeschooled as opposed to being “bullied” by small town alledged authority figures who are no smarter than the piece of gum on the bottom of my shoe!!! Anyway, I WANT TO MOVE TO PUEBLO WITH MY SONS IMMEDIATELY!! please send me all in formation needed foe a single mother, in public housing apartments, not eligible for Section * voucher until $!,000.00 are paid by me for prior broken lease at another apt complex, probably NO credit rating , who knows?, would be first time home buyer, need a car=old, decent, income is soley 200.00 per month child support from 1 father, support hearing pending on the other father, and I am up for a disability hearing on November 17,2014 for a max of SSI, most likely, of course THAT DEPENDS, ya know? I dont mean to sound so anxious but I SEE FINDING YOU AND THIS PAGE IS A REVELATION ALL IS COMING TOGETHER!! I would LOVE your help and would gladly sign for the purchase of a first home exactly as you describe yours, but will also be willing to go thru the homeless shelter routine to get in public housing apartments. EXTREMELY URGENT EXTREMELY URGENT HELP!!! PLEASE-much love Kime and Sons


    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Kime, glad you found me. Not sure where to start or how I can help but I’m happy to try. Best wishes, JH

  • jim 10 years ago

    I’m thinking of relocating to Pueblo in the near future if things go as planned. How are the manufactured housing areas of Pueblo? Are they kept up to some standards of cleanliness?
    Any problems with crime or vandalism in these areas? It sounds like your saying most housing on the west side of the city is less troublesome than the east side or am I misreading your message. Thanks for the info. You’ve been very helpful! Jim

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Jim, I’m not sure about manufactured housing areas in Pueblo. By that I mean I don’t really know where they are nor how well kept they are in general, how they compare to one another in terms of crime, vandalism, etc. I think that will be something you’ll need to assess on your own. Also, in my comments I’ve mentioned that the East Side, as a neighborhood, has some challenges with crime. But, I don’t mean to imply that housing is better the further west you go. It’s really more of a neighborhood by neighborhood assessment. Good luck on the move! Let me know how I might help. Best wishes, Justin

  • Garrett 10 years ago

    Hi Justin, nicely written and thoughtful post. Oddly I have a (step)-brother named Justin who has a geography background, worked in the GIS area and was living in Michigan (Ann Arbor) until, well just recently. Granted your article is 2 years old so maybe he just took your place in Michigan. Anyway, I live in Singapore and am contemplating Pueblo as a place to help with a senate election campaign this year (won’t giveaway my political leaning here), and was surprised by how pleasant you’ve described it. I’ll be living with a (yet unknown) family to be connected with by the campaign…but looking forward to the experience now that I’ve read your article…



    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Garrett – thanks for the comment! Hope you enjoy your time in Pueblo! Look me up and I’ll buy you a slopper….well, unless you’re on the wrong side of the political aisle. Just kidding…sloppers are non-partisan. 🙂 Cheers, Justin

  • Hans Thoma 10 years ago

    Wow…..Just came back to this article again, and it has 271 comments now? The City should be cutting you a check! Ha ha. Good stuff!

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Thanks Hans! I’ll keep an eye out for that check but I’m not holding my breath. Cheers, J.

      • [email protected] 10 years ago

        Fascinating article, I enjoyed it and believe you hit the nail right on the head. I grew up in Denver (Congress Park neighborhood, which I believe is probably the best spot to be in the country now) but I have also lived in Pueblo, as well as a Rust Belt city. I completely agree that Pueblo is a great place to live and is probably only lagging behind Denver economically by fifteen years. Although I think it is possible to piggy-back on all the growth and economic success of Denver, and we could see this happen sooner.
        I just finished grad school in a healthcare field and am at the age of thinking about having kids. One thing I think about now (which is a little strange to me) is if I would send my kids to the public school system in the city or town in which I live. In the Rust Belt City I wouldn’t dream of it!!!! In fact, most people don’t and they have effectively managed to segregate the schools by dividing between public and private. Anyhow, in Pueblo, I would feel safe sending a child to a public school.
        Anyway, I see Pueblo as what Denver was twenty years ago, before everyone found out about Denver, but what everyone loves it for. Pueblo has a certain charm, nice brick houses, beautiful weather and is in the great state of Colorado. I think all the people who say they miss the old Denver should consider Pueblo as such.
        Thanks again.

        • Justin 10 years ago

          Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I’m glad my article resonated with you. I’m afraid that the entire public school system, not just in Pueblo or the Rust Belt is collapsing as people with the financial resources simply send their children to private schools. Public school systems are then left with the most challenging demographics, setting them up to fail. The charter/magnet options in Pueblo are good. And some of the traditional schools in Pueblo have managed to hold on to a solid level of quality. Unfortunately, overall, the public school systems in Pueblo and elsewhere will continue to decline as long as poverty continues to grow. Once you have a few years of professional experience under your belt I hope you will consider returning to Pueblo. Thanks again! Best wishes, Justin

  • doug 10 years ago

    HI, Justin,
    Good sales job, you must work for the CofC.However the pitch was written a few year ago, what is your view today on why one should move there?

    We ‘re looking to relocate from Prescott, AZ to a smaller, friendlier, cheaper community.
    Your thoughts?

  • The Bell Game | Geographical Perspectives 10 years ago

    […] As a Pueblo resident, it’s the biggest local sporting event of the year and a wonderful community tradition. Dutch Clark will be packed with fans wearing Red for Centennial or Blue for Central. I’ll bet for many who attend it’s the only live sporting event they go to all year. The Bell Game is special and it’s part of what makes Pueblo a unique and wonderful place to live. […]

  • Anything Automotive Pueblo Co | autoshope.com 10 years ago

    […] Why Relocate to Pueblo Colorado | Geographical Perspectives – Pueblo is one of the best kept secrets around yet, Pueblo makes various national lists once in awhile. Several senior magazines have recommended Pueblo and the …… […]

  • Debbie 10 years ago

    The downtown has been kept up; very historical and cute. Generally the city is clean from what I have seen. There is a small Picasso, Chagall, & Matisse exhibit here right now I plan to go to, and the River Walk is kind of nice the first time or two. The off leash dog park is definitely sweet, and it is sunny here. I also found a great, honest auto repair shop (Mueller’s).


    According to some of the locals I’ve spoken to a large chunk of the city is owned by a family up in Denver. A company called KOP is buying up many apartment complexes, raising the rent and not making basic improvements. I’m talking heating and plumbing. Beware of them.

    I came to Pueblo just 3 months ago, and I am ready to leave. Thankfully I only signed a 6 month lease. Precious little choice in chain or local restaurants (and I don’t eat out much), generally elderly population, if you are one standard deviation away form “the stoggy norm” you are shunned. Oh, and where oh where are the organic vegetables? Where are the vegetables in general. The grocery stores feel like something from the 1980s at best. Poor selection. Past due date items on the shelves. It’s very conservative here as well. Much like western Kansas, and that’s saying something. Back when Kansas was a territory Pueblo was probably in Kansas since the Kansas Territory pretty much ran up to the Continental Divide.

    The pretty new library is all building and very open but little in the way of books or other things one would think to find in a library. I’ve used the website to get a couple of books from the inter-library exchange program and never heard from them. Not even to say, “Sorry, we can’t get it.”

    It’s October and has dipped below freezing twice, and my apartment has no heat. Two months ago we were told the building needed a new boiler. There have been no updates even when asked. I spent 4+ hours today trying to find out at what temperature it has to get down to before the landlord is in violation. I searched online, called 6 local phone numbers, each one telling me to call the next, and ended up leaving a message. Not expecting a reply. Look up the vaguely worded, paltry Warranty of Habitability Act of 2008. It took this state that long to pass something, anything, and that is what they came up with.

    Heaven forbid you want to donate furniture to Goodwill or ARC. They don’t pick up. I’ve never lived in a town or city where the local thrift stores don’t pick up large donations. Correction: ARC will pick up if you set it out at the curb. Seriously?

    The zoo is a sad, sad affair. Embarrassing really. The city would do better taking it out. It’s small, very old, outdated signs, and poorly maintained.

    I never thought I’d be this overwhelmed with ridiculousness anywhere, but I found it here.

    If you want to live in the 1950’s or early ’60’s but with a depressed economy and undereducated population then sleepy Pueblo is the place for you. Sure it may be a bargain when it comes to real estate compared to the rest of Colorado, but there is an entire country out there to compare it to, not just Colorado.

    Sorry Justin. I know you have rental property here, and yours may very well be fantastic, but Pueblo is definitely lagging way behind on many levels. Perhaps in 10 – 15 years there will be a large enough influx of people from outside the area to bring it into the 21st century.

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Debbie,

      Sorry to hear you’re not happy with Pueblo. It’s not for everyone. But, I have to say your comments and complaints about Pueblo make me feel overwhelmed with ridiculousness too.

      “According to some of the locals I’ve spoken to a large chunk of the city is owned by a family up in Denver.”
      First off, who cares? There have been some recent multi-family acquisitions by Denver investors but your locals don’t know what they’re talking about. The vast majority of commercial real estate is owned by long-time Pueblo residents.

      “generally elderly population, if you are one standard deviation away form “the stoggy norm” you are shunned”
      After 3 months you feel shunned? How long did it take you to establish a social network in your previous community? How many other places have you lived? You sound like this is your first stop in life after school and you expect the city to stop everything and throw a welcome party in your honor.

      “Precious little choice in chain or local restaurants”
      Again, who cares? There are far fewer chain restaurant options here compared to larger cities. But, there are terrific locally owned restaurants with great food, unique atmosphere and tremendous value. Plus, who wants more chain restaurants? Is life really that much better with a nearby Panera?

      You’re complaining about the library? Give me a break. The library is outstanding, especially for a city the size of Pueblo. I think we probably have the coolest library in Colorado. Maybe the US. You are probably comparing it to a University library or a huge city library. Community libraries are different.

      “It’s October and has dipped below freezing twice”
      Oh my gosh, life is so hard. You’re complaining about the weather? It was 86 degrees today (Oct 6th) and sunny. I played golf in shorts and short sleeves at 5pm. Where do you think you are, Hawaii? This is Colorado. Have you noticed those large land forms to the west? Just because you live in a crummy apartment building with a bad boiler you’re blaming the entire city? Buy a sweatshirt, princess.

      “Heaven forbid you want to donate furniture to Goodwill or ARC. They don’t pick up.”
      Yes, heaven forbid that you have to lift a finger in life.

      “The zoo is a sad, sad affair. Embarrassing really.”
      Your attitude is an embarrassment. The Pueblo Zoo is a treasure. I’ll bet you didn’t even go in. Did you see the lions? The zebras? Did you see the lemurs? The new Scottish Highland calf? The river otter pups? Are you aware of the many programs the zoo offers? Do you have any idea what it takes to run a zoo with the limited resources available in a community this size?

      “Sure it may be a bargain when it comes to real estate compared to the rest of Colorado, but there is an entire country out there to compare it to, not just Colorado.”
      Have you ever purchased real estate before in your life? What did you pay? I don’t think you have the faintest idea what it really costs to own real estate. Either way, I challenge you to find a comparably inexpensive place in the US rivaling Pueblo’s location with proximity to the Rocky Mountains, Denver, Santa Fe/Taos and 300+ days of sunshine.

      Sorry Debbie. Maybe in 10-15 years you’ll have gained enough life experience to realize how ridiculous you sound. Pueblo is far from perfect but I guarantee you’re the only one who would point to the weather, the zoo, the library and lack of Goodwill furniture pick-up services as key quality of life challenges.

      Best wishes,

  • Laura 10 years ago

    Hi Justin:

    My boyfriend and I are thinking of relocating to Colorado from West Palm Beach, FL. I’m really wondering about employment. He’s in irrigation and i’m a legal secretary. Both of us have over 10 years experience in our field, respectively. They cost of living is way less than Florida, for sure. What is the average salary there in Pueblo? Is it kid friendly? We’re looking to begin expanding our family as well. (no kids yet) If you’ve explained this previously in the thread, I missed it. Appreciate your help. 🙂

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Laura, the job market in Pueblo is soft so don’t jump without a safety net. Sorry but I have no idea how compensation in your field might vary between here and Palm Beach. Generally speaking I would say pay is relatively low in Pueblo but there are too many variables to say much more than that. Yes, Pueblo is kid friendly and family friendly. Public schools are struggling so you would want to put your name on the waiting list for Fountain and Connect as early as possibly, maybe the day after they’re born. Hope this helps! It’s not easy to show up in Pueblo and find a job right away, except in a few key fields, like maybe nursing. That said, I’m glad you’re looking at Pueblo as a possible location to raise a family and I hope it comes together for you. All the best, Justin

  • Debbie 10 years ago

    Wow, Justin. A bit sensitive aren’t you? Of course no town is perfect.

    It didn’t take long at all for me to build a social network elsewhere, and I an certainly well past high school. I have lived in three other cities and still have great friends in each of those locations.

    Off the top of my head I can think of two cities of about the same size as Pueblo with far better libraries. Topeka and Lawrence, Kansas. They are both thriving community hubs with lots of extracurricular activities as well.

    I do “lift a finger” and have worked hard all my life. I am now older and on disability so I can’t lift a sofa up a half flight of stairs to set it out at the curb.

    You have made a great deal of negative assumptions about me just because you don’t like my comments about Pueblo. I did list off some cool things about Pueblo which you chose to ignore and instead you want to inflict ad hominem attacts. Not very mature of you.

    I have vacationed in Colorado many times and know it gets cold. The fact still remains I have the right to heat in my apartment. Just this morning I was informed it “may” be turned on by the end of the month. The average lows by then are below freezing. I live in a garden apartment which means it’s 1/2 a flight below grade. If you recall grade school science class you will remember cold sinks and heat rises. I’m sure the tenants on the upper floors are still quite toasty. I still have a right to heat in my apartment.

    I did go to the zoo, and what I say stands when compared to zoos I’ve seen in other towns between 90,000 and 150,000 people.

    There are other places to live with beautiful scenery besides near the Rockys. I have purchased three homes and paid off one. I know the process, and I keep abreast of the real estate market.

    It is precisely your assumptions about me, your ad hominem attacks, and unprofessional attitude in general that reflects on this city you are so fond of. I’m glad you and I’m sure others like it here. I do not. I simply stated why. Deal with it like a grown up.

    Best wishes,

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Debbie, yes, sorry about that. You caught me on a grumpy day. I still think your take on Pueblo is way off the mark. There are legitimate reasons to criticize Pueblo. I just don’t think you identified any of them. For someone who has “been around” you don’t seem to have much patience for settling in to a community. Sounds like you have a bad housing situation and not much else to complain about. In any case, my apologies for negative comments. Best wishes, Justin

  • Debbie 10 years ago

    Apology accepted Justin.

    It is true I have only been here three months, but I have made some friends here. As I mentioned before there are many positive things here. I was thrilled to find a reputable car mechanic, a talented hair stylist, and a couple of nice coffee shops with real meals rather than just pastries, and of course the other positives mentioned before.

    I do not know what problems you feel Pueblo has, but I think my comments have validity. It would be wonderful to see a person (perhaps yourself) discuss some of the problems with city leaders and other concerned citizens. After all that is a big part of what being part of a community is all about.

    Ultimately, the worst problem I’ve had other than an irresponsible landlord – which can be found anywhere – is that one of my prescriptions would not transfer into Colorado. Apparently there is a CO state law that says it has to be prescribed by a CO physician. This is something I have never run into in any other state. Considering it would take me close to three months to get in to see the kind of doctor that prescribes that particular medication, it left me in a terrible bind as you can imagine. Having to drive 4 hours one way to a nearby state once a month until I my appointment comes up is a terrible inconvenience especially considering my health status. Can you imagine a vacationer needing to pick up such a prescription and finding out it’s not available?

    Anyway, I wish you and Pueblo all the best.


  • Tim 10 years ago

    I am a disabled guy ( but still very mobile) looking to relocate. Pueblo keeps coming up as the choice. I currently reside in Oregon. Although I will truly miss the moderate climate and the beauty of the Columbia Gorge (having Been a avid hiker, before) I am looking forward to the drier climate as a health benefit, and endless sun. Not to mention the reduced housing cost of your locale. My question is: looking at real estate it’s hard to use your references to area’s in your city easily. You’ve mentioned a map as a possibility to designate what area is where. Do you have anything like that, or know of one that could be used to help as a quick reference for those of us looking at what is a available in direct relation to your mentioning better places to focus on?
    Thanks Sir,

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Tim!
      I think you will enjoy Pueblo’s climate. If you can manage to get back to Oregon in Jul/Aug/Sep you’ll have the best of both worlds!
      Have you seen my Pueblo neighborhoods post? Here’s a link: http://www.justinholman.com/2014/05/14/pueblo-neighborhoods-1-0/
      Let me know if that doesn’t do the trick.
      Best of luck with the decision and the move!

      • Tim 10 years ago

        That is exactly what I was looking for from you. Thank you!
        The decision is pretty much made, as to the move. As I intend to sell or rent the house I have here next spring. That dependent on what feedback I get from SSD, and the bank on funding. Once I have that I’ll be coming down to give the city a good look over, and scout out a house from what’s on the market at that time. As by then I will know my financial options. The move is pretty solid though. I was in Colorado earlier this year, and like the landscape, although very different from the green, and diverse altitudes here in Oregon. Having been here you know what I mean. If I retain the house here I will surely be making some trips back and forth, but that’s not something I will mind. I would like to commend you on your solid belief in your community and it’s assets, which I have found backed up repeatedly on the web. I have some concerns about taxation on my locked income and such. But research has also found benefits, and tax credits, for the likes of people in my situation within the state. That being said I fully expect to be a resident by the end of summer latest. I thank you for the extensive time you put into this site, and your quick responses.
        The city officials must love your level of support, and time invested in promoting it to the rest of the world. My personal thanks for supplying a site that will answer questions at the personal level. Perhaps once there and established I can be of some assistance in that, on some level.
        Again much thanks for clearing up the question of which area is where.

  • Tim 10 years ago

    Last couple of questions prior to my visit and real estate search with your local agents. Does pueblo DMV require a emissions check, like Oregon and California? I know it’s required in some locals but not all yet. Also I would prefer a newer building. The area has an abundance of older housing, and some newer which seems to be more prevalent on the west side out hwy 50. Are there areas of newer housing? and in what locals other than what I have seen, and where would it be located in. I am inclined to 1970’s and up for the better insulation factors, walls, windows and such. A trade off against the wonderful styles of older housing. An alternative would also be building new and incorporating solar, which I love, in a new house. So I am interested in areas of more recent buildings and area’s of growth. As having bought on the edge of town and having access to undeveloped land to hike in is a plus, until the market feeds the growth to the point you are once again surrounded by new housing, As I suffered here.
    If I can afford it I would really like to get on the far outskirts, fund local business by building new along those lines. Your thoughts?
    And again thanks Sir. I hope to be able to work in a volunteer nature once settled, being unable to work my trade anymore, but liking the benefits to me and others, by helping out others in some manner.( interestingly my trade was metal fab, which coincides with the towns history) One must stay active, and helping the community you live in and it’s people seems a worthy cause, with good return. I must assume that is why you are doing this here.

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Tim,
      No emissions check required in Pueblo County. Newer construction in University Park and Walking Stick near CSU-Pueblo but you’ll get more bang for your buck remodeling a 60s-70s era home in a good neighborhood. To get the edge of town feel you might look at the Goodnight neighborhood where you have easy access to hiking trails along the Arkansas. Aberdeen and Outer West Side would be worth exploring as well for a similar situation. For neighborhood references check this post: http://www.justinholman.com/2014/05/14/pueblo-neighborhoods-1-0/
      Best wishes on the move and the transition. Let me know if I might be of further assistance. By the way, I know a great solar contractor and home builder should you decide to pursue something along those lines.
      Cheers, Justin

      • Tim 10 years ago

        Thanks again sir, you have been a wealth of info. I have a lot of options to consider. Most based on renting my current house, or selling out right. It will allow me many more options by sale, but long term benefits of retaining the property has value too. I grew up in a 1900’s home and watched it gutted and remodeled. Thus not knowing for sure what the insulation and wiring is in an older house holds me off a bit on that. and you can get very involved at various levels dependent on living in or renting.But new or old I have a high interest in solar. I will contact you at some point when I know where and what I have once down there. Outskirts also makes it a bit easier to expand the land. I have no problem with an acre or there about even up to 5 acres with a ranch style house of moderate size. 2 Garage/shop space required minimum. At some level at or above a double garage. Will look at options in the areas mentioned and go form there. Again thank you for your time, much over and again.

      • Tim 10 years ago

        In referance to our previous conversations I am interested in your comments on a builder of new homes (or a couple , the more the better to compair and look at options on styles and location. I perfer a outskirts local, (tumbleweeds and scorpions, as you put it, vs compact housing subdivisions, or the more older stately housing, in closer to the center) I also would follow up on the solar options. Finacially I will have to gauge the returns on this domicile I reside in now, against the cost of a new place. I want a single level ranch style for a single person. A lot of what is on the market is two story, older homes (with a few more recent builds), but again most larger than I need. Also I really desire to be out on the edge, more of the area north of Lake Pueblo. So with that in mind could you give me some leads on builders and also the solar angle contractors? I need to get some rough pricing to find out if it’s fesable on the income. A reply to the email addy would most likely be prefered at this point. I have found you to be most helpful in this whole process. My current outlook will be if I can afford a build, to sell here and then invest in the build and rent something until it’s completion. I have a large saltwater tank and am looking at the options of working with a builder to make a few minor accomidations to the floor plan that would greatly inhance this sort of thing.
        Once again thank you for all the great input and help Sir.

  • The Tumbleweeds Strike Back | Geographical Perspectives 10 years ago

    […] you’re a regular reader of this blog you’ve probably seen my Why Pueblo post or perhaps you saw my Funding the City of Pueblo post where I proposed setting up a toll booth […]

  • Savanna 10 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    I just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful commentary on the community. I am considering moving there pending finding a job there of course and I was nervous about moving someplace I have never been. I am wanting to become a teacher and I have been looking to move to a state with an alternative teaching certification program as I didn’t begin my education knowing I wanted to become a teacher. I’m just finshing up my master’s degree, and while searching, Colorado kept coming up in my research. Also, my brother is in the Army and his next post is supposed to be Fort Carson so I was searching for an affordable nearby community that would allow me to be close to my brother while still being able to persue my career goals and Pueblo seemed like a good fit. I did see a lot of negative things written about it though. However, your article has alleviated some of my concerns, though it sounds as if the school system could use some improvement which is something I hope my knowledge and enthusiasm can help resolve if I am lucky enough to be hired by one of Pubelo’s schools.

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Savanna – we certainly need all the good teachers we can get in Pueblo! Best of luck and let me know if I can help. Cheers, Justin

  • Fun 10 years ago

    Justin, I’ve read through most of the questions/answers and really loved your recent response to Debbie (Downer)…get real, lady! We are looking at moving to Pueblo in January or February for a new job. My question is: Where can I go to see maps of the neighborhoods/areas of Pueblo with demographic information? Also, what have you done for your children’s schooling? Did you go with a private school (and if so, what’s your review)? I’m leaning the same direction as I am completely dissatisfied with public education. Any info you can pass on is welcome. Thanks.

    • Fun 10 years ago

      One other question…what does the housing market look like for sellers? I worry about buying a house and then being stuck with it.

      • Justin 10 years ago

        I think housing has stabilized. The bargains are gone but sellers asking reasonable prices are finding buyers. If you are patient and don’t mind an older home you can still find a great deal. And you’ll pay a small fraction per square foot in Pueblo versus just about anywhere else. If you insist on newer construction be very careful about location. There are parts of Pueblo County that, in previous centuries, were inhabited only by scorpions and tumbleweeds. There’s good reason for this dearth of sentient life. I like the Belmont, Aberdeen, Sunset, North Elizabeth and Country Club neighborhoods. Hope this helps. Cheers, Justin

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Fun! For demographics you can go to census.gov and find everything…eventually. The website is a bit cumbersome. I wish I had some data ready-made for you but too many projects already in the air. Re education, the best guidance I can provide is to try to find an individual match between your child/family and a school. It’s a cultural decision but it’s also a pedagogical decision depending on whether you have a bookish girl, an active boy or one of the many other flavors of students. There are good schools in Pueblo but, unfortunately, they’re few and far between and it’s become too complex to make blanket recommendations. You may find better options for certain individuals among the charter/magnet schools or you may want to go the private route. And, for some, a mainstream school could be the best bet. I sure wish the decisions were easier. But they’re not. Best wishes, Justin

      • Fun 10 years ago

        Thank you for your thoughtful response. I’m grateful to have a starting point regarding neighborhoods as I begin my research. I think school research will have to wait until we get there, because anything I’ve done from a distance seems that the schools just tell me what I want to hear. Again, I appreciate your individualized feedback and the time you dedicate to this project.

  • vickygleitz 10 years ago

    I think that there are still incredible bargains in Pueblo. Maybe not like a couple of years ago, but 2 and a half months ago my son bought a cute little cosmetic only, 3/1 fixer-upper on a quiet street on the upper east side. For 30 grand. Yeah. [it was listed for 35, but Justin advised us to offer 30]

    The people are incredibly nice, and I agree with Justin that Pueblo will soon be the next retirement mecca. A group of us are already planning on how to capitalize on that.

    And Savvanna, Pueblo schools are just waiting for you to arrive and help make Pueblo kids some of the best educated in the country.

  • Stephen 10 years ago

    Hi, thanks for the good read on this town. I visited Pueblo, or passed through a few times. My wife, the kids and I are looking for a change of pace. Coming from Cincinnati it’s a long trip and a big change. I’d love to get in contact with you and ask your opinions on some things for the family and I. Feel free to email. Thanks

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Stephen – good luck with the trip and the big transition! I’m happy to help in any way I can. Perhaps send me a message via the contact form below with specific questions? All the best, Justin

  • mike yan 10 years ago

    Justin, thanks for all the info you provided, took me almost 3 hours to read all the post.

    a quick question, what do you think about investing in an apt building there in peublo? say around 50 units, in 1.5m-2m range?

    do you know any good local commercial realtor?


    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Mike, I’m in! But I don’t see anything comparable on the market. Yes, I know some good realtors. Get in touch via the Contact form if you’re serious. Best, Justin

  • Antonio M. Gonzalez 10 years ago

    Dear Justin,

    I will be arriving in Colorado Springs on March 29, 2015. I have an interview for a position with Spanish Peaks. I will be meeting with Spanish Peaks staff for two days. I am very interested in the position. I would very much like to spend time with with you during my visit. Can you please contact me directly at [email protected] so that we can make arrangements to meet? I woukd also like to meet your Realtor.

    Thank you very much for all of the information that you have privided.

    Sincerely yours,

    Dr. Gonzalez

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Dr. Gonzalez,
      Good luck with your interviews! I will send an email.

  • Terry 10 years ago

    Hi Justin. I’m planning on moving, as a single female, not knowing a soul, to Pueblo and set up shop. As I was researching the crime rates per capita, I ran across something alarming. I will post the link at the end. Can you clarify this for me and do you think it would be a safe enough city for me to move to with no family or friend support? I inherited some property in San Luis, but don’t want to live there. So I thought living and working in the next big city would be best. I am also looking for a house to buy.

    Please advise.



    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Terry,

      Crime is a problem in Pueblo for sure. But the majority of crime takes place in certain parts of town. Now, petty crime is everywhere but if you take precautions it’s not a big deal. By precautions I mean, get a security system and keep doors locked. Also, don’t go wandering around strange neighborhoods at night. So, is Pueblo safe enough for a single female? Yes. Just be smart.


  • Michael Prendergast 10 years ago

    Terry. My wife and I (who has already messaged you), are probably going to visit Pueblo in September with thoughts of relocating there for our retirement. We have cost figures for a 1 week stay in a house with Airnb (kinda like Uber except for lodging). It is located on Euclid Ave in Pueblo. Is that a good and safe location to check out the city? Also are you willing to help us with all the logistics of a move from Illinois? Love your blog!

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Michael,
      Sounds a little suspect actually. Euclid could be okay if it’s north of the State Fair near PCC. But it’s not ideal. If it’s close to Northern or further south I would avoid. I’m afraid I can’t help with *all* logistics but I’m happy to answer questions here.
      Best wishes,

  • Dave 10 years ago

    I currently live in Hawaii. It’s beautiful, but expensive. We may have to live on nothing but $2,000 per month in SS fairly soon. Would it be wise to move to Pueblo soon? Maybe I could obtain part time work, but you say the hiring market is soft. What would you advise Justin??

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Dave – Too many variables for me to advise on the timing or appropriateness of a move. It will be a big adjustment from Hawaii. I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a more pleasant place to live on your available SS budget but that may not make the transition any easier. The job market is soft overall but people with good skills don’t seem to have a problem. Aloha and best wishes, Justin

  • Dennis & Laurie 10 years ago

    Thank you for your informative site. We are working on moving back to Colorado after a 21 year absence. Need to be near aging parents. Originally from the Springs but can’t afford what’s going on there. Decided Pueblo offers the best of everything thanks in part to your site. We are country folk at heart so now our main issue is acreage. It appears the only area close to town with at least an acre is Pueblo West and you do not seem to have any good comments on that area. Is there another area we can get acreage without being 30 or more minutes from town?

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi D&L, check for acreage in “the County” which means east of town along the Arkansas River. Tons of acreage available south of town but the landscape is a bit barren and probably wouldn’t be close enough to Springs. Beulah is really nice but might be too far from Springs as well. Parts of Florence too. If you end up feeling Pueblo West is your only option then try to stay on the north side of Hwy 50 where you’ll find larger lot sizes and more options to avoid traffic bottlenecks. Best wishes, Justin

  • Brittany Pines 10 years ago

    I found this a little too good to be true, until the last paragraph where you stated that you grew up there. Pueblo has some benefits, but my husband and I were definitely happy to move! We lived there for 2 years following his station at Ft. Carson so I could graduate from CSUP. I personally believe you were overly optimistic with the climate- but I am a proud North Carolinian so perhaps our views on that are just naturally different.

    Good for some, not for me, but hope you are enjoying being back at home.

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Brittany, thanks for your input. My guess is you lived in Pueblo West or Eagleridge where the landscape is barren and wind is constant. About the same on the CSU-P campus. If I’m wrong let me know where you lived so I can put your comments in context for readers. Congrats on graduating from CSUP! North Carolina is a great place to live and completely different so I can see how the adjustment would be difficult. Best wishes, Justin

  • Michael Prendergast 10 years ago

    Justin, Here is link to the info on the house for rent. It does state that it is near PCC. We don’t want to be in an area that is sketchy, but we don’t need fancy, and the reviews are good (though I’m sure you can fake those) and it fits our budget. What do you think? We really appreciate the advice! https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/593279?checkin=09%2F15%2F2015&checkout=09%2F22%2F2015&s=aJiQ

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Yes, the north side of Euclid is a good location. It’s not pristine so you’ll get a good idea about life in Pueblo. My favorite neighborhood in Pueblo is just a couple blocks north of where you’ll be staying. Hope you have a great visit! Cheers, Justin

  • Michael Prendergast 10 years ago

    That is exactly what I needed to know. I’m still not sure if we will stay there or perhaps in one of the small towns south or west of Pueblo (Beulah, Rye, Colorado City). Can you give me your feelings about how appropriate those communities are for fairly young retirees, who would likely be bringing my 84 yo mother in law? Swift and good medical care is very important to us but also we are small towners and feel that we might be happier driving into Pueblo, Colorado Springs, or Denver for dinners/shopping/theater. Climate is also important and wonder if it is significantly different in the above towns. Once again I have to thank you for your invaluable advice. If we do move out there I know you will be there to help move us in!

  • AJ 10 years ago

    We are moving to Pueblo in may, on the historic north side! My sister-in-law wants to move there also. Do you know of any safe areas with apartments that would take a dog and be under $675.00 a month? Seems like the same 3 places advertise on Craigslist. Thanks!

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi AJ – Many apartment complexes won’t accept pets so you’ll need to look around. You might check the complex at the corner of West and 18th St and/or the red brick units on 18th between Greenwood and Elizabeth. Good locations. Don’t know about rent rates or pet policies. Best wishes, Justin

  • Julie 10 years ago

    Hi Justin, I am considering taking a job a Parkview Medical Center. Is Parkview Medical Center reputable in the community? Also, we have a 4 year-old and 2 year-old. Do you know of any good daycares and elementary schools? We are open to private school but we weren’t sure of the private schools, which would provide the best education for our sons. Thanks for any assistance.

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Yes, Parkview is very reputable. I know several people who work there, some have been there for many years. My daughter had a bad case of pneumonia about 18 months ago and received superb treatment at Parkview. For schools, get on the waiting list for Fountain International as soon as possible. You may as well also get on the list for The Connect Middle School. Beyond that primary and secondary education becomes complicated, especially for boys. But, your kids are young and a lot can happen in a few years. Plus, every child is unique and education decisions are best made on an individual basis. Hope this helps! Best wishes on the decision and the potential move! Cheers, Justin

      • Julie 10 years ago

        Thanks Justin!

  • Matt 10 years ago

    Justin, there are good reasons why real estate is cheap in Pueblo. The market dictates prices. We basically are living in an free for all criminal town. If you have not been a victim yet you will. Pueblo ranks as the least safest city of it’s size in the country. Crime is rampant on all levels. Half goes unreported so who knows how bad it really is. There are hardcore criminals on every street and every turn. Property crime is totally out of control as well. They will literally strip your house in broad day light. And it is up 10% this year, 1 out 13 will be a victim of crime here. I did not think it could get worse but it did. Teen pregnancy 300 of them is normal in high school. Basically the wheels have fell off this town when compared to the rest of the state and nation. The future unfortunately does not look bright as the our cultural influences are shot to hell.Don’t think PW is any picnic either.

    It is bit more than a problem folks. It is about as bad as you can ever find. And this is why you can buy a 3 bedroom house for 30k in Pueblo, CO today.

    Ps. Admin, typing on tablet…I think first post did not go thru. Thx

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Matt, thanks for your help in scaring would-be investors from Denver away. Please don’t tell them the house I purchased for $22,900 is now renting for $750/month and has been occupied continuously since purchase. Please don’t tell them another house I purchased for $32,000 changed tenants in January and I had my pick of 10-15 legit applicants clamoring to pay $850 per month. Please don’t tell them that demand for rental houses and well-kept apartments is completely outstripping supply. Please continue to share your nonsense crime statistics and other ill-formed opinions about Pueblo with others. Pueblo is better off without people who might take your word at face value. Sounds like you’d be happier living in Denver. No crime there whatsoever, nor traffic. And, housing is only 3-4 times as expensive. Have at it my friend. Best wishes, Justin

  • Katerina 10 years ago

    I would just like to say that your post is great for advertising Pueblo but you should correct your statement that says “Incredible New Mexico style green chili is the local favorite and can be found smothering burritos, enchiladas, eggs (huevos rancheros) and more.” Pueblo is not known for New Mexico style green chili but for Pueblo style green chili, with Pueblo chiles that are grown right here in Pueblo County. I am related to the DiTomaso’s (DiTomaso Farms) who are local farmers here in Pueblo, who actually grow one of the largest supplies of chiles. Most Pueblo residents don’t even care for Hatch chile (New Mexico chile). To each their own, but I feel like if you’re going to advertise for Pueblo, you should advertise what we are famous for, which is Pueblo chile (Pueblo green chili). Great post otherwise.


    • Justin 10 years ago

      Thanks Katerina! I stand corrected.

  • Klysta 10 years ago

    Came across your blog! I’ve been looking everywhere for a house to rent under $1000 a month in Pueblo. My husband is in medical school so he’ll be frequenting the hospitals daily. Are the neighborhoods around the hospitals good areas to live? How is the east side? We drove through Pueblo West to take a look and I think I’d rather live the the Saharan Desert than live there haha. Any tips on looking for housing? Areas to avoid? Is dealing with an owner directly better than a property management company?
    Thank you so much!

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Klysta,
      The neighborhood just north of Parkview is terrific and probably your best bet. Not sure how easy it’ll be to find a place. Corwin area is less desirable. Probably avoid the East Side, especially since it wouldn’t be terribly convenient for either hospital. Given your budget and if you can’t find something north of Parkview I would try the Mesa Junction (near Pueblo Community College or Central HS). You might also try Sunset or Northside near Centennial HS. Dealing with an owner is almost always better than a mgmt company. Hope this helps. Good luck! Best wishes, Justin

  • Estelle Tanner 10 years ago

    My best friends is going to move to that heavenly place and I am so happy about her. Thank you a lot for the interesting article! I will send it to her!

  • Helen Addie 10 years ago

    My husband and I are working on Guam. We will likely be here for several years. However, when we return to the mainland, we will be settling somewhere, obviously. Pueblo sounds like one possibility.

  • Tina 10 years ago

    Hello! My fiance and I are thinking of moving to Pueblo…we actually plan on going out there within the next two weeks to check out the area and housing for rent in a nice,safe area.
    Have you ever came up with a map or list of areas that are is the safer neighborhoods? I know to stay away from the east side.
    Thank you for posting so much helpful info!

  • Tina 10 years ago

    Thank you Justin! I’m sure we’ll find this information very helpful.

  • Dave Angers 10 years ago

    Hi Justin-
    We’re coming in June 24th – 27th to scope out Pueblo for our daughter who is interested in attending CSU Pueblo in 2016. Can you recommend a place to stay? We’d prefer a rental house to get a feel for the town. My wife and I want to get a feel of the town that our daughter will be living in for 4 years and we’d prefer to avoid a hotel stay.
    Dave Angers

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Dave – I guess you might try AirBnB to find a house to rent for a few days. Even if you have to stay in a hotel there are plenty of ways to get a feel for the town. Let me know when you arrive, if I have time I might be able to point you in the right direction. Best, Justin

      • Dave Angers 10 years ago

        Hi Justin-
        We’re staying at Fort Carson and we’re driving down to Pueblo today for lunch and to tour the town a little. We have 3 softball girls from Calif. that are considering CSU Pueblo so we want to get a feel for the town she may be living in for 4 years.
        If you have any lunch or tour recommendations please email or call me.

        • Justin 10 years ago

          Hi Dave. Hope my call was helpful. Be sure and tell Coach Zinanti I’m looking forward to my recruiting bonus. 😉
          Cheers, Justin

  • Liquor Store For Sale | Geographical Perspectives 10 years ago

    […] Junction neighborhood at 105 Colorado Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81004. If you’re not familiar with Pueblo, the location is one of the busiest intersections in the city, where Abriendo meets Union Avenue. […]

  • Trena Watson 10 years ago

    Justin; my neice just moved to Pueblo from Indiana for many of the reasons your excellent review listed. They are currently looking to rent in a good neighborhood near a good public school with a decent commute time to a community college. Based on your experience, what area(s) would you recommend. You did mention the Westside; however, I would appreciate some pointers. Her oldest daughter wants to attend the community college, her middle daughter loves literature, and her youngest daughter loves track boxing football and basketball. Thanks in advance for your advice,

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Trena, the rental market is fairly tight at the moment so they will have to do some legwork to find a good place. I recommend Mesa Junction, Orman Park, Sunset or Aberdeen. They are all close to Pueblo Community College. Check this link for map reference to these neighborhoods: http://www.justinholman.com/2014/05/14/pueblo-neighborhoods-1-0/
      Best wishes, Justin

  • Penny 10 years ago

    I’m looking at having to be there anyway; I already know I’ll be “priced out” of Denver and Colorado Springs, so there’s no need for me to make a pro-con list of having to try to live in commuting distance from Caption Colorado. It does seem like somewhat of an oddity that rents are so much lower in Pueblo but the cost of temporary motels for when I get there, seems just as high as Denver or The Springs. Maybe it’s because Denver and The Springs are more “touristy” so there are more options for people newly arrived there, one way or another. I suppose the rental market in Pueblo is tight right now because everyone is being priced out of Colorado Springs as well as Denver.

  • Will 10 years ago

    I’m about to finish another college degree, and am looking for a place in the Rocky Mountain west (preferably Colorado) to settle down. This is my second degree and I’m in my 30’s, so I’m interested in finally investing in a house, and was shocked at some of the low prices on really good-looking properties in Pueblo. On paper, it looks like the perfect place; close (REALLY close) to good fishing, and just big enough to have all conveniences of living in a decent-sized city (you’re not going to have to drive to the next town over to buy socks or go to a movie) without all the Godforsaken traffic or obscene living costs of the Denver-metro area. Bear in mind, I’m kind of an old man at heart, and am not really interested in a thriving “scene”…I don’t need to live in a place like Boulder to be happy, in other words. I’m a native Coloradan, but I’ve never actually been to Pueblo. However, I’ve lived all over the country, including some places with really high crime rates. You said you’re from Michigan? Well, I lived in Saginaw and Flint for a year. Even those towns had some good neighborhoods that would be nice to live in, however, and I have a strong suspicion that Pueblo’s bad reputation has been given to it by lily-white suburbanites who consider any place that doesn’t look like Littleton or Boulder to be seedy. I’m going to take a day and drive down there sometime in the next couple of weeks to look around, but is that a suspicion you would parrot? Basically, I’m asking how Pueblo would compare to Flint, side-by-side. Is it really THAT bad, or is it just…you know…not Longmont?

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Will. You nailed it. It’s not Longmont. Pueblo is no where near Flint. Plenty of nice neighborhoods. All you need is common sense to avoid serious crime. The “lily-white” comment is a bullseye. Hope you enjoy your visit to Pueblo. Let me know if I can help. Best, Justin

  • Amy 10 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    Just stumbled upon this site today and really identified with your take on things! I bought property in Pueblo almost 10 years ago and have been here full-time for a little over five. I appreciate your assessment and would like to share that after being here a bit, I have discovered a beautiful sense of community and continue to meet thoughtful and innovative people around every corner. There also seems to be an incredible amount of grassroots initiatives bubbling under the surface, neighborhood revitalizations(s), along with a vibrant art scene; And, we seem to be joining the rest of the state with wellness initiatives and improving our bikeability and walkability throughout the city more each day (LOVE the new bike lanes!) Such a great time to be here. (and yes, Affordably so!)

    There are those areas that need addressing like in any community, as you’ve mentioned, but we are also approaching critical mass, where the people of Pueblo are engaging and mobilizing so we can bring ourselves to where we need to be. Thanks for all that you do. I’ve often thought that Pueblo was one of the best kept secrets and you’ve pretty much summed up why.

    Speaking about mobilizing community, please feel free to check out FB group, “Elevate Pueblo,” an online platform — a community of people passionate about Pueblo achieving her highest potential. There is also an active FB site, “All Things Pueblo” which is great for seeing what is going on/and or throwing out a question where people will give answers (i.e.: looking for a good plumber? Where to take my 13 year old?…) One more— “Local Food Pueblo,” collaborative local growing, food shares, and organic gardens (maybe soon in many more schools!) Just a few ways our community is engaging, connecting and helping each other so that Pueblo can be healthy, thriving & sustainable!

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Amy! Thanks for your comments. I hope you’re right about approaching critical mass. I sense the same activity bubbling below the surface but it’s difficult to know when a “tipping point” might be reached. Thanks for suggesting these web resources! Hope to see you around town sometime soon. Best wishes, Justin

  • Amy 10 years ago

    Most welcome, Justin! And yes, very true. “….it’s difficult to know when a “tipping point” might be reached. Social issues(education, poverty, crime) are complex and multi-faceted and thus are the solutions. And the key to successful community transformation begins with individual change or transformation. What is encouraging is that each day, there seem to be more community members stepping up to do their one thing(or more) to be part of this movement and/or even spearheading broader initiatives geared toward helping the masses find their way —stopping cycles; offering tools, hope and opportunity. Everyone has something to offer and we each need to do our part if we want to be a community where everyone can thrive. I really appreciate your offering here — like an ambassador for Pueblo with direct and balanced information and a personal touch! Yes, hope to see you out and about some day. ~ Amy

  • N8 10 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    I sent you a detailed email Wednesday, via your contact form below and have been anxiously awaiting your reply.
    Perhaps you missed it? Please check your inbox……:-) N8

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi N8, it didn’t come through. I checked the spam folder. Please resend. Thanks, Justin

  • bo 10 years ago

    Hi Justin, Can you give me info. on what folks typically heat their homes with. I live in So. Fla. where its more about air conditioning. Do you find property taxes reasonable? As far as home insurances, we are now overwhelmed with seperate fire& theft, hurricane, and flood. My hurricane insurance alone is about 2500.00 for a 1600 sq.ft. house! Do you have any opinions about Trinidad? Greatly informative site, thanks, Bo.

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Bo. Gas heat is the norm. Occasional baseboard electric. Property taxes are low relative to other places where I’ve owned a home (Eugene, Oregon and Ann Arbor, Michigan) but not sure how they compare to Florida. If you stay out of the floodplain near the Arkansas River you should be fine for insurance coverage. Trinidad seems like a nice town but I’ve never spent much time there. Pretty spot. The local economy is small and relatively weak. I think you’d end up driving to Pueblo frequently. Hope this helps. Cheers, Justin

  • jennifer 10 years ago

    yes please move to Pueblo if you like home invasion and robberies! If you or you family are not members of the hispanic gangs you better keep even your hair follicles under lock and key just to get robbed or raped at gun point. the ONLY REASON I live here is because denver and colorado springs have too many breed restrictions and my german shepherd is not allowed any where pretty much I pay a arm and a leg to live 5 feet from another house. Im from florida and it was cheaper living there.. is that saying something??? websites say what they want to.. I moved to pueblo from Baton rouge La where the crime is so high i thought this would be a walk in the park.. lol yea only bc MY CAR IS STOLEN! GANGS ARE HORRIBLE!

    • Justin 10 years ago

      “Sometimes trouble just follows a man.” – The Outlaw Josey Wales

  • Cjy 10 years ago

    Good article. How are things 3 years later? We are coming for a visit – chile festival. Have not been to Pueblo in 5 years since my last high school reunion. I graduated from Central high. Has the crime worsened? Housing prices rising?

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Things are great 3 yrs later. Crime is still a problem but it’s about the same so far as I can tell. Hasn’t gotten significantly worse in the past 3 years. If anything it’s gotten slightly better as the economy has improved slightly. Housing prices are up and I expect them to go higher near term due to low inventory. The amazing deals available in 2010-2011 are long gone. Pueblo is still a bargain vs Denver and Colorado Springs but the foreclosure tsunami is over.

  • Ronald 10 years ago

    Bought my first Pueblo house 3 months ago and am already watching the values of Belmont neighborhood rise.

    Been checking out the local things to do at the city calendar caught 1 B street bash. doing the Thursday evening rides starting at the Bingo Burger every Thursday a 6 PM finding good places to eat. Lots of friendly people.
    My wife and I are considering retirement in Pueblo as a base home where costs are low yet are destined to jump in value as other Denver people such as us cash out of our high value homes.
    The question I keep asking myself is what small business could I start that would fill a void in pueblo?

    • Justin 10 years ago

      Hi Ronald – thanks for investing in Pueblo! Glad to hear you’re having a positive experience so far. The most critical void is the lack of jobs paying a decent wage. Any business you can start that adds jobs to the local economy will be filling a void. I’m happy to meet for coffee sometime to brainstorm if you’d like. Best of luck! Justin

  • vickigletz 9 years ago

    Hi Justin, we are getting ready to purchase another home in Pueblo [last deal fell through, and it I good that it did actually] and will probably be physically moving there in November { I am the one putting together an Autistic community] I have a question about the famers market on the Riverwalk in the early Thursday evenings during the warm months.

    I know that there will be produce and crafts.. Are you aware if baked goods, fresh eggs, and honey are also sold. I m interested both as a potential buyer and seller.

    Also, I read that the FBI is now assisting in helping to fight the gang problems. do you know if their help is ongoing or if it has made a difference at all yet.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Vicki,
      I don’t know much about the farmers market on the Riverwalk. I don’t see why baked goods etc couldn’t be bought and sold but you’d have to check with someone more familiar. Also, haven’t heard about FBI involvement with gang activity. I don’t see any major movement one way or another.
      Hope this helps and good luck with the purchase!

  • Sherri 9 years ago

    Soon are flying in to look at properties to rent. My hubby will be at a plant outside of Pueblo.it is going to be a fast move for us. We will be looking for a large house. I keep seeing splatterings og things about home invasions. That is scary for me as I am at home and disabled. I know there are good parts to every city. Can you suggest best place to look? Do they have central air and heat normally in houses? And does it snow enough to hamper driving? I know I will miss all my pine trees and lush landscape but I love nature so I’m sure I will find things to love there as well. What about doctors in the area? Moves are quite scary for me. I am an animal advocate so I’m sure I will find connections there.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Where to look depends on your priorities. Is saftey top consideration? Walkability? Does your hubby want to be close to the plant? If so is it south of town or east?

  • Misty 9 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    We are trying to move away from Fort Worth metro, as we want life to be more peaceful. We were looking to purchase several acres outside of Pueblo, in Hatch Rance. Do you know anything about Hatch Ranch or can you recommend an area where there are several acres for an affordable price, near Pueblo. Thx for your help 🙂

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Misty, never heard of Hatch Ranch but I haven’t spent any time getting to know the exurban/rural market near Pueblo. There are different types of acreage purchases in the area. You can get close to the mountains in Beulah, you can get farmland in Blende/Avondale, you can buy ranch-like property near Colorado City or Rye or you can buy wasteland in Pueblo West. What type of acreage interests you? Best, Justin

  • Isabel Ballard 9 years ago

    Pueblo will be “discovered” in the next 10-20 years, indeed. I am going to live there. My husband think the same things for this fantastic place. I am going to show him your article. Best regards!

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Thanks, Isabel! Hope to see you around town! Cheers, Justin

  • Tony 9 years ago

    Hi Justin

    Thank you for all your insightful post I’ve really enjoyed them. Have a question for you that you may be able to help me out with…. I live in the Springs area and had a specialty affordable cabinet resurfacing company that has done well in both the Springs and the Denver area. I have sol the companies and now am looking into the pueblo area to possibly start up there, but don’t know the area well and trying to figure out if it would be successful there. I think there are some tradeshows there and I know there are mailed magazines to home that one could advertise in. Can you shed some thoughts on this subject? I really appreciate it..TY

  • Lynn 9 years ago

    Hi Justin, thanks for writing this! I’ll be interviewing at Grandview hospital for internal medicine residency next week. Looking forward to seeing Pueblo. Thoughts on fitting in, gaining friends, being culturally satisfied in Pueblo for a 20-something female doctor? I’m from small-town Idaho originally, but have been living in Detroit for medical school.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Lynn!
      Well, Pueblo is sort of a blend of Detroit and small-town Idaho but with a splash of New Mexico. I don’t really know what it’d be like to establish a social life in Pueblo as a 20-something female. It may feel like small-town Idaho in terms of social scene. But, if you look hard enough, you’ll find a niche and sufficient culture … I think. I must say it probably won’t be the easiest adjustment. I guess as a resident you’ll be working most of your waking hours and you’ll likely find many co-worker friends at Parkview. You’ll probably need to rely on some Parkview pals to show you around until you find your own scene.
      Anyway, good luck with the interview! Let me know when you land in town and I’ll buy you a plate of green chili, the best internal medicine I know. 🙂

  • Anthony 9 years ago

    I just moved to Pueblo last month. I live in the east side one block from 4 th few block from the safeway. I lived in Aurora Co. before I came here. There is crime any place you go. Hinkley school where all killing took place was thought to be the safest area in the Denver to live in. The guy that went back home dose not mention that drugs are not only in east Pueblo ,and in poorer neighborhood ,but in rich ,and middle class neighborhoods too. I guess he has never been around to many places in this country. there a lot of poor people that rent housing from landlords . Who just take the rent ,,but don’t put anything back to improve the housing the rent out, and still want to rent rundown places for high prices .As though they had good housing to rent. The Spanish people in Pueblo were some of the first people of European decent to come to this area . just as many other races . I don’t see them as the ones who dislike whites , any more than I see whites that don’ t like them . It only takes one person like the guy who wrote that stupit article to keep the Hate alive ,and so it goes on. I bought this house in east pueblo I’m living in

  • Roxanne 9 years ago

    Justin we are looking to relocating to Colorado. Pueblo sounds pretty good. I am in education and feel for what your child and others have gone through. I am currently working at a school district which when I joined the staff they were pretty much like you talked about. Now they have changed and it’s time for me to move on. Could you give me some ideas on where I can look for safe house, rentals, and a few school district names so I can start getting in touch with them? Oh and I am an administrator but love to be working with teachers in the classrooms.

  • Mickey Keenan 9 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    I’ve been reading your blog for 6-8 months. During that time I had considered moving to Pueblo.
    I lived in Denver from the early 80’s to 1999. In 1999, I sold my house and moved to Austin. I graduated from UT in 1979 and liked Austin. Each summer I’d tell myself I am moving back
    to Colorado. Well, your blog convinced me that Pueblo is certainly worth a shot. I purchased
    a home across the street from PCC. I found the PCC neighborhood my favorite in the city. And the price! Are you kidding me? It cost a third of what I sold my home in Austin for. I close on the Aberdeen house next month and am looking to starting a new life without the heat, traffic and property taxes of Austin. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. Where is your liquor store? I’ll be sure to make my a beer purchase there when I arrive.

    be sure to shop for my beer there!

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Mick,
      So glad my blog has helped you! I no longer own the liquor store but I still own the real estate at 105 Colorado, across from Tony & Joe’s pizza on Abriendo and Colorado. My tenant would certainly appreciate the business and the location is pretty close and convenient for you coming from the PCC area. Thanks for sharing your experience.
      Best wishes,
      P.S. I have a good friend who moved to Pueblo from Austin a couple years ago. Let me know if you’d like to make a connection when you’re missing Austin’s live music scene.

  • Krista 9 years ago

    I moved to Pueblo in 2015 from Denver looking for cheaper housing. I work from home and drive to Denver once a week for work. I bought a house on the south side. My neighbors watch my house, my neighborhood is quiet, everything is 15 minutes away, and I rarely see crime. I really enjoy living here. Great unique houses, cute downtown, and big enough not to miss Denver too much.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      So glad to hear you’ve found a successful arrangement enabling you to work in Denver (presumably with a solid income) and live in Pueblo (presumably with a far less expensive mortgage). When I began investing in Pueblo real estate in 2010 I was hoping people like you would find their way to Pueblo. I hope your arrangement continues to work well. Are you a technology person? Maybe we need to form a Pueblo Technology group for networking, sharing ideas, etc.

  • rob 9 years ago

    i have a house for sale in pueblo 5 bedrooms 1 bath finished basement for only 79,900 everything remodeled outside and inside 303 s iola st 81001 and the area is very quiet to me 303-960-7676 robert

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Thanks Robert! Hope you find a good buyer!

  • Sarah 9 years ago

    Hi! Just moved to Pueblo with my fiance. We’re nervous and excited. So far everyone seems really friendly. Will be hunting for a place to live tomorrow! Thanks for all your information.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Sarah – welcome to Pueblo! Hope you’re able to settle in without too much trouble. Let me know if I can help along the way! Cheers, Justin

    • Sean Duley 9 years ago

      If you need help look up Josh Chapman, he has been a great help finding investment deals for me. I know he is from the area and is great to work with as a Realtor. I am also a Realtor but Josh is my go to person in Pueblo. 719-568-1675 My 3 bedroom ranch is almost ready for sale Josh knows where it is but no showings until I finish a couple of more things.

  • Sean Duley 9 years ago

    I started investing in Pueblo / Pueblo West some time ago! I agree it is a diamond in the rough! The river walk is finally taking foot and the Pueblo Reservoir is a great place to boat, fish, jet ski, or just hang out and enjoy friends.

    I am at the finishing stages of a remodel on a 1927 home in the south end of town. Everything is new including foundation. This home is a 3 bedroom 2 bath 1927 ranch on 2 lots with room to build a 2 car garage in back. Granite counter tops throughout! We opened up the floor plan to be light and bright. Same home in Denver is 275K all day long! In Pueblo it is much less than that price. 303-524-5682 if interested in moving to Pueblo this house will be ready by February 2016.

  • Greg Thrower 9 years ago

    Hi Justin, your blog is a terrific resource. My wife and I are looking for a place to semi-retire. She is legally blind, has a PhD in Disability Studies and has questions about the disability community. Are those with disabilities active in, and embraced by, the community; or invisible and rarely seen? What would be a safe area of town for us to consider that has sidewalks, some shopping and easy public transit to the university, downtown and the riverwalk? Or, is the ability to drive a must if you are thinking about moving to Pueblo?

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Greg!
      I think you and your wife will feel completely welcome in Pueblo. I’m afraid I don’t know too much about the disability community but Pueblo is friendly and someone with your wife’s expertise would likely be embraced once she connects with the right people.
      I worry our public transportation might be a bit of a disappointment. I think you’ll want to live near downtown if you’ll be relying on public transport. My recommendation would be either find a loft condo or apartment on or near Union Ave; or, if you prefer to live in a house, look near Pueblo Community College.
      Hope things work out for you! Let me know if I can help!
      Best wishes,

  • Lissa Grunert 9 years ago

    Hi Justin!

    I find your blog so helpful! We are surprised to find ourselves moving to Pueblo this June (my husband was offered a job and has accepted), but I’ve never lived anywhere but MidAtlantic states. My husband will probably have only a few days in Pueblo before we actually move in, which he’ll spend securing us a house.

    I have school aged kids, so I found the blogs you did about the public schools in Pueblo extremely helpful! My biggest concern is that we will find a great place to rent, but it’ll be connected to an elementary school that doesn’t have a great rating and I don’t have any way of finding out what the school is *really* like until we’re stuck with it. Can you think of any way I could connect with parents of kids who go to, say, Franklin Elementary, to get an on-the-ground perspective?

    Thanks again for your great work! We think we’re going to love it in Pueblo. I’ll have to get a humidifier and a good pair of sunglasses, though!

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Lissa,
      All the schools are open enrollment, I think, so I’m pretty sure you can separate the housing decision from the school decision. You might call District 60 and/or 70 to confirm. My suggestion would be get on the waiting lists for the schools of interest. You can always decline down the road. I don’t know much about Franklin Elementary but there are several excellent elementary schools. Things get trickier as you approach middle school. You might search Facebook for a page for Franklin or other PTA or parent groups. You might be able to connect with someone there. You could also check out the “Elevate Pueblo” page on Facebook, lots of good people willing to help. Good luck with the move!
      Best wishes,

  • Ben 9 years ago

    I couldn’t agree more with this post. Biggest problem I hear from people is career options but that seems to be improving! If you can find a decent job in pueblo I can’t think of a better place to live. Like you said even an average salary can get buy a place in a nice neighborhood. Love the quote life is too short to spend in traffic!

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Thanks for the comment Ben! The economy is small but moving in the right direction, hopefully. It’s perfect for those who can work remotely and maybe drive to Denver once in a while.

  • Tina H 9 years ago

    Hi Justin, I am single educated over 55 female and wondering if there are any single educated men in Pueblo. Also, do you know if the city allows “Tiny Houses” like those you see on the TV shows? I am coming to Pueblo tomorrow to check Pueblo out for a possible move.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Tina!
      I’m sure there are many single educated men but Pueblo probably isn’t the best town for singles, young or mature. Yes, I believe there is some movement to build a Tiny Houses community. I think one is in the works in Trinidad or Walsenburg (can’t remember). There aren’t any now but I’ve heard talk and see no reason it wouldn’t be feasible in Pueblo. Although, Pueblo’s Regional Building Department has a reputation for being difficult and new construction permits are thought of as too expensive in the city. Probably a fraction of what it costs in most major cities but everything is relative.
      Good luck!

    • Michael Keenan 9 years ago

      Hi Tina,
      I am a single educated man moving from Austin to Pueblo in a few weeks. I graduated from
      UT Austin in 1979. I am in a position to retire and thought Pueblo would be a great place
      to do that. Maybe we can meet and become friends and find some fun things to do. I have friends
      in Denver, but do not know a soul in Pueblo. Regards.


  • Yale St. Clair 9 years ago

    Hi Justin, I bought a house in Pueblo last July and moved down from Denver. I live in Aberdeen. I too think the City has a lot of potential but also has some issues to overcome. I don’t really know many people here yet. Is there a group that gets together to discuss local politics. I am trying to get a feel for the City Council. My neighbors all complain about it. I don’t know enough to make an informed decision. I did go to the town hall at the library two weekends ago that included one of our state senators and our rep. I was really surprised that some people were more concerned about Columbus Day rather than school funding. I kind of shook my head at that.

    Yale St.Clair

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Yale,
      Yeah, Pueblo has some issues and seemingly low priority issues can rile people up. At the same time, there are a lot of really passionate & highly capable people trying to move Pueblo in the right direction. If you’re on Facebook check the “Elevate Pueblo” page. Lot of good people posting and reading the page; might also be a good venue for finding out what’s happening in the community that might be of interest to you.
      Best wishes,

  • RayTina 9 years ago

    Hello Justin ,
    I’ve been reading your blog all day here in Claremont Ca. We have a niece that lives in Pueblo. We are seriously considering moving to Pueblo. Love all the nature scenery, my husband is an Artist of different mediums. Him making a living doing his Art would be a blessing. He has also taught Art to 5-50 year olds. Do you think this would be a possibility or a need for this in Pueblo. We are very community driven, love getting involved in our community.

  • Don jeffries 9 years ago

    Hi, I’m a visitor to Pueblo helping a sick family member. My home is in Minnesota.
    I have thought about moving here but it is so hot and dry in the summer that it probably won’t happen. While I would love to move to some place with warmer winters in the summer it’s like living in the desert, with nothing but brown as far as yuo can see. Unless of course you pump a lot of water.
    I do wish the best for Pueblo and pray that it gets some kind of industry move in to provide jobs.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Don,
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
      I’m willing to wager you’ve spent the bulk of your time on the outskirts of Pueblo in areas like Pueblo West, Walking Stick and Eagleridge. If you take the time to look around Aberdeen, Mineral Palace Park, Belmont and other established neighborhoods in the city (nearer to the Arkansas River and/or Fountain Creek) you’ll discover many shady tree-lined streets where you can moderate the heat and enjoy green space. Pueblo is on a high desert plateau so, yes, it’s dry and, yes, summers can be scorching hot but thanks to our altitude temperatures cool in the evening and summer nights are delightful. And if you look at year-round weather data, you’ll find Pueblo may be the mildest 4-season climate in North America. I’ll take it over any part of the midwest every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
      Economically speaking, the problem in Pueblo isn’t lack of jobs so much as it is insufficient entrepreneurial spirit and too much resistance to change and opportunity. But the tide is turning.
      Best wishes to you,

  • Heidi 9 years ago

    We’re coming out later this month…considering relocating our family of 4…most interested in finding a great school (k-8) for my 8 y/o girl who will be in 3rd grade in the fall. She wants to do Girl Scouts too…I assume pueblo has Girl Scouts…what are the best schools? I see goodnight has high ratings online…

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Heidi,
      Yes, I think there are Girl Scouts all around judging by the number of girl scout cookie sales I’ve seen in the past month or two.
      Selecting schools isn’t easy. It’s become a very individual decision where you have to look for a good fit for the child/student. And, of course, your assigned teacher makes all the difference. I hear good things about Goodnight, Fountain International, Sunset Park, PSAS and others. But there’s no longer one size fits all. Better to “interview” a number of schools before making an enrollment decision. Also, I recommend getting on the waiting list for “The Connect” (a highly regarded middle school) as soon as you establish residency (sooner if they’ll allow it).
      Best wishes,

      • Heidi 9 years ago

        what can you tell me about the Regency neighborhood?

        • Justin 9 years ago

          Hi Heidi,
          What do you want to know? It’s pretty far south but convenient to shopping. Middle of the road neighborhood with some newer construction that can be nice. A little edgy near Pueblo Blvd. In the same general area I prefer Sunset. Hope this helps!
          Best wishes,

  • vicki gleitz 9 years ago

    Just had an offer accepted for fourth house [ one year from start of Autistic community] Our realtor just called and told us that there is a “secret room” tucked away in the attic of the home. How cool is that?

  • Sharon & Eddy Hall 9 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    Thank you for posting that. We are dual citizens living in Canada. We have been searching for – forever – for a small acre or acreage in a sunny, semi-desert area where there is NO valley fever and where the cost of living is lower. We just discovered Pueblo West. I will be flying down in a week or so to hopefully pick up an acreage (within the next couple of years) in Pueblo West. Would appreciate any additional information about buying in Pueblo West – We cannot afford any mistakes.

    Eddy & Sharon

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Eddy & Sharon!
      I think Pueblo County might be perfect for you. I would encourage you to look beyond Pueblo West. Have someone show you around Colorado City and Rye, out toward Beulah, and in Blende or Avondale (along the Arkansas River). If you want an exurban sprawl location Pueblo West is good. If you want more of a “country” feeling, then I don’t think you’ll like Pueblo West and will want to explore south, southwest or east of the City of Pueblo before committing elsewhere. Good luck!
      Best wishes,

  • Sharon & Eddy Hall 9 years ago

    Need to amend the post I just made. We hope to buy this acreage when I fly down and will be building within a couple of years on it. Want to get the right acreage.

    Eddy & Sharon

  • Anthony S 9 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    Thank you for the information. I was wondering how safe the dowtown area is and if people live there? Specifically the West 2nd and West 3rd Areas near North Main St and N Santa Fe Aenue. Thank you for the help and the previous information.


    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Anthony,
      Yes, I think it’s safe for people who have common sense. The Union Historical district is more popular but people live downtown too.
      Best wishes,

  • Yvette Smith 9 years ago

    Thanks justin for your great feedback and the feed back of your readers.
    Im a denver native and dearly love denver but have recently found myself in a bad situation and am needing to find a new place to live. The rent is so high in denver that i am unable to find suitable housing. My mother lives in trinidad and my daughter and her friends/business partners just bought the ghost town of marley south of trinidad. So ive been thinking of moving to sothern co. Your article made me feel much better about the decision and i now feel that my prospects in southern co will be better than i had originally thought. Thanks again for the reassurance.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Yvette – you’re most welcome! Southern Colorado is a great place to live! Best wishes, Justin

  • Ryan 9 years ago

    Hello Justin,

    First, thank you for the excellent blog thread! This post is the most helpful thing I’ve found regarding Pueblo and its neighborhoods. I think you should expand this to its own site or blog. There’s nothing else like it out there.

    I will be moving to Pueblo in July/Aug for work, and need a rent house for one or more years. Online searches for real estate show thousands of homes for sale, but only a handful for rent.

    My question: What is the best way to find affordable rent housing? I live in Dallas currently, so cruising Pueblo neighborhoods is not an option. My research must be done per internet and telephone.

    Also, why the tight rental market when so many homes are available at such affordable prices? Seems a bit unusual, and if my job works out I will buy a home in Pueblo sometime next year (2017).

    Thanks very much for your time and great information.

    Ryan in Dallas

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Ryan,
      Pueblo is a unique place and renters outnumber homeowners by a long shot. Lack of new construction over the past 8 years and some recent population growth has created a supply problem. I wish I had good advice for finding a place. It won’t be easy from Dallas and you’ll need to be wary of scam artists looking to take a deposit from you and then run. If it were me, I’d probably budget for a 2-week stay at a hotel and plan to hit the pavement hard upon arrival. Sorry I can’t provide any better suggestions.
      Best wishes,

  • Tara 9 years ago

    Pueblo has turned horrible, the crime is out of control. Pets are stolen out of their owners’ yards, cars are being stolen constantly, breaking into cars all over town is an everyday occurrance now, theft is rampant all over town and most of those goods are being resold on craiglist or local Facebook buy and sell sites. People encourage and buy those stolen goods because they think it’s a great deal. If it’s not theft, it’s vandalism. Heroin use is extremely high. Plus whatever marijuana people can steal or reallocate from dispensaries is very commonly sold on those same Facebook sites; it’s either stolen from dispensaries or grown at home and there’s a lot of people being scammed or ripped off on that as well.

    We lived there for 2 years and had enough, we left. It wasnt too bad when we got there, but it kept getting worse. There are no decent jobs,most of it is minimum wage and people really can’t survive on it. Gang problems, shootings, and the police are already overburdned and don’t care and can’t keep up.

    I would NEVER recommend anyone moving to Pueblo. Colorado is nice, but there’s too much criminal element coming there for the legal marijuana now and it’s ruining the city. Housing is becoming rare to find anything decent, because there are way too many people for what housing is available and the landlords can charge what they please and get away with it. The apartment complex we lived at has 3 floors, and most apartments on the top floors are vacant because the roof is so bad. There was theft there as well, and it was supposed to be a decent place.

    No. I would never recommend moving to Pueblo. If Colorado and legal weed is what you want, you’re going to pay dearly for it and I don’t mean the price of the weed itself.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I suspect your choice of neighborhood had a lot to do with it. Best wishes, Justin

      • kent 8 years ago

        I agree with your assessment that in the next generation Pueblo will be the Jewel of Colorado-i am considering moving and investing in the “bad” parts of town-do my part for gentrification. The crime is i believe the current generation of drug dealers, prostitutes, and social dropouts, irrelevant as to race, but the high murder rate (other than innocent bystanders in these terrible drive by shootings) is GOOD-means in some respect they are cleansing themselves-what needs to b done is round up anybody on the streets east n lower east side @ 3:30 am- give them guns and sufficient amunition-and take them out to secure fenced area in the desert-and let them solve the problem for the police and public. Eliminate this spawn of society before they can propogate-

        • Justin 8 years ago

          I disagree. High murder rates have no silver lining.

  • Mariska 9 years ago

    Hi Justin! My husband and I currently reside in Alamosa, CO, just over La Veta pass (as you probably know). We’ve lived here for about two and half years now (love it’s odd vibe, peace and quiet and affordable cost of living) previously residing in various other rural Southwest towns across Colorado and Utah. We are both healthcare workers and our livelihoods have afforded us the ability to pretty much live and work anywhere! It’s been a blessing, truly. Recently I was offered a position/promotion within my agency, but it would mean relocation to Pueblo. I was not thrilled at this prospect, as Pueblo certainly has a reputation within Colorado that is not positive. Also, we prefer smaller, rural areas. We are not fans of the front range! But after reading about your take on and experiences in Pueblo, I must say, I am a bit more curious. Can you tell me anything about the small towns outside Pueblo? We had our eyes on Florence, which is actually closer to Cañon City, but seems right up our alley. How bad would it be commuting from the Highway 50 corridor on a daily basis? I am not really interested in anything East or South of Pueblo. Thanks!

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Mariska!
      Florence or Canon City are good options but, given your described preferences, I would favor Rye or Beulah (WSW of Pueblo). The Florence or Canon City commute wouldn’t be too bad. You’d find congestion coming through Pueblo West but it’s wide open otherwise. If you’ll be working at St. Mary Corwin, Rye or Beulah would be easier; if Parkview, then Florence/Canon probably get the nod. Hope this helps!
      Best wishes,

  • Kathleen 9 years ago

    Hey Justin,

    Thanks for this post! I am also telecommuter looking at Pueblo. I think it is a town with great potential. I believe it’s position along the I-25 corridor makes growth inevitable over the next 10 years.

    I am aware of Pueblo current crime issues. I does look as though the police are making some headway in that area as of recent. I’m wondering what your current thoughts on living there are? And if you still recommend the Mesa Junction neighborhood?

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Kathleen,
      All cities have crime. Pueblo is a city, not a suburb, so yes we have crime. There’s bad stuff going on, especially in a few key neighborhoods, but for me it’s not a reason to avoid the entire city. Don’t listen to the Pueblo haters who live in lily-white suburbs and turn up their noses because the per-capita Lexus ownership rate is so much lower here. Ignore them and smile knowing they’re paying 4 times what we pay for equivalent housing. If you live in Pueblo get a security system for your home and use common sense. That should do the trick.
      Yes, I still love the Mesa Junction, especially if you’re looking for a “walkable” neighborhood. If you’ll be commuting regularly to Springs or Denver (or other parts north) then I would favor the Northside (where I live) because it could save up to 20-30 min round trip.
      Best wishes,

      • Kathleen 9 years ago

        Awesome! Thanks so much for your speedy reply, Justin!

  • Jan Jost 8 years ago

    Howdy Justin

    I am wondering about low income housing for I am on disability. My daughter and husband , my brother all looking to move to pueblo. Would the chamber of commerce have any information on apartments for disability so ? We live in Dallas Tx. The summers are hot with the humidity to high for me. I am 54 years med. age and wondered about things to do but t the bars . All,your information has been helpful.
    Thank you

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Jan,
      I think you’re among many Texans looking to escape the heat in Colorado. Here’s a link to the Pueblo Housing Authority. I think they will be your best bet for housing information. http://housingpueblo.org/
      Best wishes,

  • emi 8 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    I am from TC, Michigan!!! Graduated from MSU with a teaching degree and taught briefly in the Detroit area… As I am in my 30s now, I still haven’t found my niche. I lived in Vail, CO, for a year at my Uncle’s place and fell in love with CO and a ski bum. My love for CO still present, my love for the ski bum, phew turned brown and dried (so glad that’s over). Well, I am living in Austin… my friend invited me to try West Hollywood and Sherman Oaks, after a month, I knew I belong in CO. I hope Pueblo is where I am destined to be cuz it sounds wonderful. THank You…. Emi

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Emi! I assume TC = Traverse City? What a beautiful area. I love Northern Michigan.
      Colorado is a great place to live! And I love living in Pueblo .. but it’s not for everyone. I hope it works for you!
      Best wishes, Justin

  • C&B 8 years ago


    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog!
    Please share your outlook with how the community looks at or accepts same-sex couples purchasing properties and living in Pueblo.

    We are not “flamers” both retired professional’s and will celebrate 30yrs. this October.



    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi C&B!
      I don’t think you’ll have any major problems. People in Pueblo are, generally speaking, friendly and accepting. Hope Pueblo works for you!
      Best wishes,

  • Heidi 8 years ago

    Hi we grew up in NY and have been living in Fl for a few years and have decided this is not for us. We are looking into the Pueblo area it seems just like everywhere unfortunately there are people down on their luck for some their choice and for many an unfortunate event that brought them down and they just can’t get on their feet. (I don’t understand why it takes a horrible event to happen to someone you love sometimes to actually understand life happens)
    Anyway, we would like to stay out of the danger zone, we ourselves don’t have much and are struggling but do help when we can. We don’t know anyone in the area and would like to stay out of the danger zone. If you can advise what area(s) to stay out of it would be much appreciated. We don’t have the money to travel back and forth or to move again right away if we were to wind up in a bad neighborhood. I have already been told by Real Estate agents they are not allowed to “steer”.
    Thank you for your advice

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Heidi,
      Check out my Pueblo Neighborhood map – http://www.justinholman.com/2014/05/14/pueblo-neighborhoods-1-0/
      The toughest areas of town (most crime) are probably Lower Eastside, Outer Eastside, Lower Bessemer, East Mesa and maybe South Prairie. But, I know people who live very happily in those same neighborhoods.
      What is your housing budget and what sort of place are you looking for? Apartment or house? Bedrooms? Amenities? Proximity to what?
      Let me know and I’ll do my best to help.

  • Heidi 8 years ago

    C & B
    It is nobody’s business who you love or how you do it.
    Be you, enjoy life together.
    Best wishes for a long happy life together.

  • Mary 8 years ago

    Justin, I just came across your excellent site. We are a newly retired couple near Houston, TX. 6 weeks ago we visited Colorado to scope out the retirement possibilities, since our $1500 a month income can’t support us in the area in which we now live. We have already sold our home and using the proceeds to purchase a home in Pueblo.

    However, I am reading the posts about crime in the city, and it has me worried. I was unable to understand the neighborhood map, but the lovely house we are considering purchasing is in an area called Skyview, across from Irving Elementary. Is this a dangerous area for older people?

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Mary,
      Skyview is pretty good but I’m thinking of the neighborhood bounded by 29th St. and Baltimore, just south of Centennial High School. If the house you’re considering is near Irving Elementary then you’re on the West Side and I can’t recommend the location as a good neighborhood for a retired couple. Hope this helps.
      Best wishes,

  • Mary 8 years ago

    Justin, please tell me why you don’t recommend the area around Irving Elementary? We have a very limited income and I don’t want to waste the proceeds of the sale of my current home on rent, we have no credit and will likely never have this lump sum again. The least expensive homes are in lower Bessemer and the East side, which you already said to avoid. Where else could a low income couple afford?

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Mary,
      What’s your budget for a home? And do you have any other housing requirements aside from budget limitations?

  • Eight Reasons Pueblo Should Vote No on 200 and 300 | Geographical Perspectives 8 years ago

    […] know many people in Pueblo who are on the other side of this issue. I respect them. And I think I understand their point of […]

  • Belle Arnold 8 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    i am a retired senior Citizen. My name is Belle and I am considering moving to Pueblo. I have a son living in Colorado Springs but the altitude there is not conducive for Congestive Heart Failure.
    I can’t seem to find the altitude in Pueblo. I would be looking for Affordable Senior housing, but don’t know how to find out about what’s available. I would also like to find out about Senior activities.
    My email is [email protected]
    Thanks, Belle

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Belle,
      The altitude in Pueblo is approx 4600 ft., about 1400 ft lower than Colorado Springs. For housing you might want to contact the Housing Authority of Pueblo: http://housingpueblo.org/. Not sure where to find info on Senior activities. It probably depends on your interests. Maybe take a look at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center and Pueblo Community College as starting points.
      Hope your move to Pueblo works out for you!

  • Mark Gill 8 years ago

    We have been thinking about pueblo for a while possibly making a move there this spring. Yep boomers retirees on a budget would be looking for a three bedroom house to rent could I get a guesstimate on average rent. And how about the fishing…

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Mark,
      Rent for a decent 3-bedroom house will likely be in the $800-1100 range. Good fishing on the Arkansas and elsewhere nearby but you’ll have to get the low-down from someone who knows a lot more than me. Hope the move goes well for you!

  • tony mitchell 8 years ago

    Hey Justin, first thing AWESOME BLOG!

    OK I live in Chicago and I’m wanting to get the hell out of this city, I’ve been here all my life love it but it’s time to go. in my search for a new location pueblo pop up as one of the top affordable city to move too. I have a few questions for you, it seems like you’re the guy to ask, after reading all of the comments from others. Here we go.

    1. I’m an interior architect and a partner in a design/build firm with a background in photography, what’s the design/art scene in Pueblo.
    2. I read several comments about crime there, but i live in Chicago it can’t be as bad as it is here. Can you share if it’s better or worst.

    I’m looking to live a simple life now tired of the hustle and fast pace, I plan on coming and visiting to get a lay of the land, your blog really came in handy.

    Thank you again, and I hope to hear back from you.


    • Justin 8 years ago

      Thanks, Tony! I love Chicago. It’s one of my favorite cities in North America but I can certainly understand wanting to find a milder climate with less traffic, lower costs and a slower pace. I think you’ll like Pueblo.

      1. The art scene has becoming more and more robust in Pueblo. I’m not really familiar but you might want to start at the Sangre de Cristo Art Center. You should also try to make contact with the Pueblo Creative Corridor Arts Organization. They have a building setup for affordable artist studios.
      2. Not even close. Pretty serious crime for a small city but nothing like Chicago or other major metro areas. I tell people to get a home security system to prevent burglary. Otherwise just use common sense. I wrote a blog post about crime in Pueblo recently because a local conservative group tried to convince voters legal marijuana had led to a dramatic increase. Check it out here: http://www.justinholman.com/2016/10/22/citizens-for-a-healthy-pueblo-making-false-claims-about-crime/

      Thanks again for your kind words. Shoot me a note and I’ll hook you up with your first slopper when you land in Pueblo.

      Best wishes,

  • Braeden Procyk 8 years ago

    Hey Justin, my brother and I are planning to move here from Canada and do you know if any employers there would sponsor us to go work there?

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Braeden,
      I’m not aware of any employers in Pueblo who might be interested, unless you have specialized skills to offer. Feel free to use my contact form if you want to email/discuss further.
      Best wishes,

  • Jamie 8 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    We are going to move to Pueblo from WI and we can’t wait! Thank you for all your input. Could you let us know if we will be needing to bring our snowblower? We noticed many homes don’t have garages and instead carports. Also, we are looking at houses and I know Bessemer is known to be a rougher area. One house we are interested in is on Spruce street near JJ Raigoza Park. We are two ladies and do not want to live in a dangerous area. Would you say this area isn’t recommended?

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Jamie,
      I don’t think you’d end up using a snow blower more than a handful of times each year. When we lived in Michigan it was either buy a snowblower or hire someone to plow the driveway. We chose the latter. Here you don’t need either one. The snow will melt faster than you can shovel most of the time.
      The location near JJ Raigoza park isn’t ideal but it might be just fine. You’re in deep Bessemer where you’ll be exposed to crime but if you use common sense you might not have any trouble. Depending on the lot location you may be too close to I-25 to avoid road noise. May or may not be an issue. To me, one of the biggest downsides would be the far-south location. You will be driving more than you would if you lived closer to the center of town or on the north side.
      Good luck with the move! Let me know if I can help further. Or maybe I can introduce you to your first slopper. 🙂
      Best wishes,

      • Jamie 8 years ago

        Thanks for your help Justin:) we ended up buying a house on Court St. on the north side of town. We love the area and will move in Feb. Maybe you could show us some good eats when we get there and are settled.

  • Mary K. 8 years ago

    Interesting post and comments. Looks like you are still hooked on Pueblo. Thanks for sharing that neighborhood map. I think it will be helpful if I look in Pueblo.

    I’m retired with two small (quiet) companion parrots & am looking to relocate from a Denver suburb in April. The altitude here is just too high for me, and there’s a lot more snow than I was led to believe there would be when I moved here from Los Angeles 4 years ago. I don’t mind the cold so much, but the snow – not so much.

    I hope to rent a 2-bedroom house with no carpets (or only in the bedrooms). My budget is up to $1k, though I’d prefer something closer to $750-800. I don’t need fancy, just relatively safe and, like you, with a few necessary amenities. What neighborhood(s) might work best for me, do you think? Thanks for any advice you can give me!

    Happy New Year!


    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Mary,
      Using my neighborhood map as a reference (http://www.justinholman.com/2014/05/14/pueblo-neighborhoods-1-0/) I would suggest (1) Orman Park, Aberdeen, Mesa Junction if you want a walkable location; (2) Sunset and Goodnight aren’t as conveniently located but still good if you prefer the south side; (3) University Park, Belmont, Bonnymede, or Outer Belmont are all good locations near the University but car dependent; (4) North Elizabeth, Big Hill and Country Club are generally nice with rough patches here and there; (5) Northridge or Eagleridge are great if you expect to be traveling north on a regular basis.
      Hope this helps!

  • Mary Kip 8 years ago

    Thanks, Justin! Your advice is very helpful. I’m planning to drive down early in February to look around and maybe talk with some realtors who work with rentals. Do you have any recommendations?

    Also, I’ve been seeing a lot of affordable houses in West Pueblo. I think you mentioned in one of your comments that it’s more desert-like in the western part of Pueblo. Any thoughts on West Pueblo?



    P.S. I plan to drive north to the Denver area only a few times a year. I’ll probably visit Canon City, Buena Vista, and Elizabeth a bit more often, but not every week or even every month.

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Mary,
      If you mean “Pueblo West” (separate municipality), yes, it’s more desert like. Or maybe you mean the “West Side” of Pueblo? Either way I think you can do better in the neighborhoods previously mentioned.

  • Mary K. 8 years ago

    Thanks! Do you have any rental realtors you can recommend?

  • Christine Cadena 8 years ago

    Looking at a rental in the “State Fair” area. I’m hearing that is “hit & miss” in terms of crime and safety. Any suggestions?

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Christine,
      Try to stay north and/or west of the fairgrounds and you should be okay. Generally speaking, the closer you are to City Park or Pueblo Community College the better. Hope this helps.
      Best wishes,

  • Sherri 8 years ago

    Hi Justin, I am renovating a gorgeous Victorian home on 13th and Craig on the north side. It’s a very large home with 4 bdrms and 2 baths. I am trying to decide whether to actually move here or rent it out. I’m not ready to give up my Denver home yet, but I’ve heard the quality of renters here in Pueblo is atrocious. What precautions do you take to get decent renters? Is there a special place you advertise that attracts people moving here from out of town, rather than the locals?



    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Sherri,
      Word of mouth is best of course. The only feasible option for advertising is Craigslist, which has become increasingly problematic. The Chieftain’s ad prices are absurd. I haven’t tried the Pulp but maybe I should. You could consider working with a property management firm. There are good tenants to be found but you have to be patient and prepared to spend some money on background checks. You can learn plenty by doing a simple check of legal records at cocourts.com for $7.95 per search.
      Another issue is the size of your house. You will attract large families who can be difficult tenants in my experience. You might consider finding a single person who can keep an eye on things and rent out rooms. But finding that person won’t be easy.
      On the bright side, demand for quality housing is strong and you should be able to charge a healthy amount for monthly rent.
      Hope this helps.
      Best wishes,

  • Mike Conner 8 years ago

    Thanks for offering guidance to people looking at a move to Pueblo. My wife and I are among them, just starting to seriously look at what we want to do after retiring later next year. Pueblo’s climate and affordability are draws for us, among other things. Obviously there is the frequent mention of crime. So far it hasn’t deterred us. We live between Springfield and Peoria in Illinois, and crime there seems only somewhat better when looking at City Data and other sources. Neither comes across as awash in crime in living near them. Has the Safe Streets program done any good? I’ve seen it in the Chieften. Besides, Pueblo has a carousel. We hope to travel there for a few days this September to check things out.

    For me the Arkansas River itself is a draw. I’m a midwestern archaeologist and have lived and worked extensively in the Mississippi and Illinois valleys, so a river with the lore of the Arkansas has an appeal. Of course with rivers there is always flooding. We spent a few days in the headwaters area in June of 2015, did Browns Canyon during very high water, and there were roads closed due to flooding between Denver and the Arkansas. Did that flooding affect Pueblo? We only drove by on our way to La Junta and Bent’s Old Fort.

    Being able to see stars is also a plus, but I don’t expect it to be as nice as in the backcountry. How is the light pollution in town?

    Thanks again for maintaining the stream of comments and replying over the years, it is a helpful resource for us potential migrants.

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Mike,
      I’ll have to connect you with my Dad. He grew up in Springfield and, until a few years ago, visited multiple times per year.
      I think you’d enjoy exploring the Arkansas River and all of South/Southeastern Colorado. Spectacular country and not nearly as many Lexus driving city folk to contend with. No flooding in Pueblo along the Arkansas. Fountain Creek has been more of a problem. Not much stargazing within the city of Pueblo but I think you’d have good luck in nearby locales such as Rye, Beulah or other more remote locations.
      I’m glad to hear my blog has been helpful!
      Best wishes,

  • Mike Conner 8 years ago

    We liked the Arkansas headwaters area. We camped for three days at Ruby Mountain near Buena Vista. We’ve thought of that area and also looked around Beulah. But we’ve lived in rural areas for most of our married life (and me longer before that), and will probably opt for something different upon retirement. A place the size of Pueblo with some amenities but not as congested as the Denver area is my ideal. We also like its location for traveling back to the Midwest or elsewhere. Too many places we’ve looked at in Colorado are too isolated. There are also some Midwest college towns we’re looking at but more warmth and sun would be nice. Of course our plans somewhat depend on how things play out here. Illinois has been in a budget crisis for 18 months and I almost got laid off last fall. I really would like to keep working until sometime next year to maximize our retirement income.

    Tell your dad I work at Dickson Mounds Museum near Lewistown. He may be familiar with it if he’s from Springfield. We’re part of the Illinois State Museum.

  • Stephanie 8 years ago


    Great post with some good insider information. I’m thinking about moving to Pueblo from PA, but am unsure of a good neighborhood (I’ve seen a lot of high crime stats which makes me nervous). Also, how would you say the job market is in Pueblo, or even in the surrounding areas? Are there a lot of opportunities. I work in IT and would need to find something quickly (hopefully within a month of moving *fingers crossed*). I can see that rent is fairly low in Pueblo, but would you say the quality of the places are good?


    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Stephanie,
      Job market has been struggling but now showing positive signs of life. Strong IT skills would likely allow you to find something good. Might have to include Colorado Springs in your job search, especially if you have to have something right away. Depending on your IT skills I might be able to help. Maybe send an email via my contact form or connect with me via LinkedIn if you’re interested.
      Quality housing in a good neighborhood isn’t too difficult if you’re buying but more of a challenge if you’re renting. If you have a housing budget and some parameters (# beds, baths, etc) I might be able to make some recommendations.
      Good luck with the decision!
      Best wishes,

  • Jamie 8 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    We just relocated from Wisconsin a month ago. Wondering if you’d like to grab a drink sometime?

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Sure! Send me a note via my contact form and we can make arrangements?

  • Jen 8 years ago

    Hi Justin,

    Your article makes Pueblo sound so attractive, but after looking at the schools ratings – not so much.

    It shows Centennial High has the highest rating = 5 (greatschools). Ratings aren’t end-all, but it doesn’t show anything positive (like % grad/college) and the elementary and middle ranked same or lower. As for racial makeup – Centennial has highest % white with only 36%. I’m not interested in an all white school, but simply not comfortable putting them into the minority, either.

    Your articles are interesting / informative / helpful and it’s great that you keep going with comments and replies. Although it seems like Pueblo isn’t the best match for me. Thanks, Jen

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Jen,
      You’re correct, Pueblo schools are struggling. On the other hand there are innovative programs if you know where to look. For example, my 17-yo daughter is attending CSU-Pueblo for free through a concurrent enrollment program at an online high school and she loves it. Fountain International is terrific for K-3 and The Connect is outstanding for 6-8. I know people who love the SEBS program at County and others who have found great success at the Health Academy within Centennial. But if you want a greatschools rating of 9-10 across the board you’ll want to look at District 12 in Colorado Springs where, by the way, you’ll spend 3 times as much for housing. Everything is a trade-off.
      Best wishes,

  • Jen 8 years ago

    Oops – missed Pueblo West! I’ll keep researching….

  • Stephanie 8 years ago

    Hi Justin I enjoyed reading your well thought out article on Pueblo. I was born there and lived there for the first 30 some years of my life, finally moving to Denver when the job market got too tough in the 80’s. I sometimes think about going back to Pueblo but would find it hard to leave the “big” city. One thing you didn’t mention was one of my favorite things about the town, and that is the organized recreation there. My sons took swimming lessons, tennis lessons and golf lessons all summer long at a really reasonable cost. The youth sports programs were really strong as well. My boys could participate in several activities during the year because you don’t spend hours driving them to practices, games, etc. In a big city you spend so much time driving and the participation costs are so much higher that it’s hard for kids to do as much, at least for us it was.

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Stephanie,
      Good point! Lots of inexpensive rec options via City gov and YMCA. Key is easy transport around Pueblo. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
      Best wishes,

  • Mitch 8 years ago

    Wow!! Excellent thread. If only every city had a ambassador like this. I’m from Des Moines, IA. My wife & I are traveling out next week (as in May 15-21…2017) to explore Cheyenne, WY, down through Greeley, Arvada, Colorado Springs, and finally Pueblo. Appreciate your objectivity on all the aforementioned posts. Thx!

    First and foremost, our concern is the crime statistics. So you get housing that’s half or more of other towns…..that’s a MAJOR MAJOR (did I say major?) major issue Justin. I’m 260 and bald & really don’t get messed with anywhere. However, my wife is 102 lbs & Filipina & surely could be “easy prey” for even the smallest male criminal if she’s out N’ about all alone.

  • Mitch 8 years ago

    Oops-hit send too early. My bad!
    To continue nevertheless–what I was saying is, who cares if my house payment is $475 if we’re looking over our shoulder all the time. Unless it’s not as bad as these posts imply? I’m reading the eastside is a bit rough & riddled with crime;however there’s been many posts of folks living in east Pueblo & having no issues whatsoever. I wish my wife hadn’t have read this blog cuz even if I love Pueblo myself, she’s already crossed it off the list with permanent marker. Law enforcement doesn’t do much is prolly a bigger concern than the actual crime, IMO. We can afford to live where you suggested….areas such as Aberdeen. Anyways….I plan to come down for a day of serious consideration but man, my mail order bride MUST be safe and more importantly must FEEL safe. Who gives a dammmm how cheap my house costs if cops don’t do shit & criminals know this? Can’t put a $$$ figure on peace of mind & mental well-being.
    Mitch Broderick

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Mitch,
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Can’t disagree with your sentiment. I can only say I don’t spend any time looking over my shoulder in Pueblo. But, I do consider a home security system essential. Common sense goes a long way too. Our law enforcement professionals have made progress but they need more bodies and dollars to do the job properly. Good luck with your decision.
      Best wishes,

  • Keren Batiyov 8 years ago

    Stumbled across your blog piece on Pueblo yesterday (thank you Google). My daughter and I are seriously considering a move to Colorado in the next year or so (hate the traffic and congestion, not to mention not being able to get anywhere or do anything in a timely manner).We had not considered Pueblo until a friend offered to sell us his 3.5 acres near Pueblo. Any idea what the cost of constructing an energy efficient three-bedroom home would run? Any updates you might provide on your experience living there since you originally posted this piece in 2012 would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks so much!
    ~Keren in Arlington, VA

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Keren,
      Construction costs are high and well-qualified contractors and subcontractors are in short supply because they all had to find new careers in the past decade. My thoughts would depend entirely on the location of the 3.5 acres. If you want to tell me more I’ll try to help.
      Best wishes,

  • Maxine 8 years ago

    My boyfriend and i are thinking of moving out there as both our jobs can transfer *which is always a good thing*. He’s lived in Alamosa for 10 years but moved to Wisconsin to be with me, i was born and raised in Michigan so this would be a huge change for me. The apartment we are hoping to get is off of one of the big freeways out that way and he said that’s not a bad area, so after reading your post i really want to move out there asap *Wisconsin is a joke when it comes to the cities here, don’t get me started on the cost of living and all that bs lol* thanks again for making this choice an easier one

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Maxine,
      Glad my post could help you! Best wishes on the move. Hope everything goes well.

  • Mary Jo Strauss 8 years ago

    Love your blog! My husband and I are retiring this winter and are considering Puebla because of the housing cost. We would love to buy a renovated home in one of the historical areas. Which one would you suggest for safety and walking area. I love the idea of a tree lined street and gardens. Looking for a place where you can walk to restaurants and parks. Am I dreaming or does this exist in Pueblo?

  • S.D. 8 years ago

    Awesome pictures!

  • John Smith 7 years ago

    It is misleading and just WRONG to advocate people relocating to Pueblo, as most (sane) people would be extremely disappointed if they moved here.

    Pueblo could be accurately called many things, but rather than be profane, let’s just call it a “dump.”

    The poverty rate is 25%. In other words, 1 out of every 4 people here is a broke bum. Median household income is a whopping apx. $30k. In comparison, nearby Colorado Springs has half the poverty rate and twice the median income. The school dropout rate in Pueblo is higher than the national average. Even if Puebloans were well-educated, it still wouldn’t matter in such a dead-end town with such little opportunity. I hope you like flipping burgers at McDonald’s, and even then you’ll probably need to personally KNOW the manager just to get hired. Other than that, what kind of career do you think you can form in Pueblo?

    What about the crime in Pueblo? If you have this many lowlives in one place, of course the crime is going to be off the charts. The crime rate in Pueblo is 165% higher than the national average, and 156% higher than the state average – specifically, 182% higher violent crime than the national average, and 143% higher than the state average.

    But wait, it gets better! In Pueblo, the rate of theft is absolutely astounding! Again, this is not so surprising, given the number of poor dirtbags who reside here. As for property crime, Pueblo is 169% higher than the national average, and 153% higher than the state average. But it doesn’t stop there. Bloomberg News published a story identifying the top 10 US cities with the highest per-capita rate of vehicle thefts in 2016. Guess what? Pueblo was SECOND ON THE LIST, with about 3 vehicle thefts per day here. Stats are roughly the same for this year, as well.

    In Pueblo, for every 100,000 people, there are about 21 crimes that occur DAILY. You have a 1 in 14 chance of becomming the victim of a crime here.

    In short, it would not be inaccurate to say that Pueblo is full of dumb, lowlife scum. There is little here to keep most regular people occupied and happy. It is a poor, miserable, dead-end town populated by untrusting people who cannot be trusted.

    The only real point you made in this article that is not BS is about the cost of living. Yes, it is cheap to live in Pueblo. Have you heard the saying “you get what you pay for?” Of course it doesn’t cost much to live in a town that is essentially a large toilet bowl. Demand for real estate, and subsequent value, tends to be low for such places. Hey, look, it doesn’t cost much to live in Detroit or Compton!

    The climate is delightful? It is common to have many 90*+ days, often 100*+, throughout the summer in Pueblo. As mentioned in the article, it is EXTREMELY sunny. Sunny = hot as hell. If you like living where it’s really hot, okay. Otherwise, it’s uncomfortable and requires constant A/C. No one in their right mind would use the word “pleasant” to describe the weather here.

    “…relatively short drive away from world class skiing, mountain biking, hiking, climbing and a variety of other outdoor activities” – You mean 2+ hours drive? Perhaps your definition of “short drive” differs from most of us. Most kayaking enthusiasts will NOT go near the Arkansas River due to contamination concerns. If you don’t believe me, a quick Google search will show what I’m referring to. And golf, tennis? Seriously? Is there some great, renowned golf course or tennis court here in Pueblo that no one knows about? No one comes to Pueblo to play golf, tennis, or any other sport.

    People sling mud at Pueblo for good reason. Defending this place with such weak and invalid points only makes you look unintelligent and misleading.

  • John Smith 7 years ago

    Awwww, that’s cute! Are you going to keep unjustifiably deleting my post? Why? Because the truth hurts and you don’t want the general public to know the blatant downsides to Pueblo?

    It is misleading and just WRONG to advocate people relocating to Pueblo, as most (sane) people would be extremely disappointed if they moved here.

    Pueblo could be accurately called many things, but rather than be profane, let’s just call it a “dump.”

    The poverty rate is 25%. In other words, 1 out of every 4 people here is a broke bum. Median household income is a whopping apx. $30k. In comparison, nearby Colorado Springs has half the poverty rate and twice the median income. The school dropout rate in Pueblo is higher than the national average. Even if Puebloans were well-educated, it still wouldn’t matter in such a dead-end town with such little opportunity. I hope you like flipping burgers at McDonald’s, and even then you’ll probably need to personally KNOW the manager just to get hired. Other than that, what kind of career do you think you can form in Pueblo?

    What about the crime in Pueblo? If you have this many lowlives in one place, of course the crime is going to be off the charts. The crime rate in Pueblo is 165% higher than the national average, and 156% higher than the state average – specifically, 182% higher violent crime than the national average, and 143% higher than the state average.

    But wait, it gets better! In Pueblo, the rate of theft is absolutely astounding! Again, this is not so surprising, given the number of poor dirtbags who reside here. As for property crime, Pueblo is 169% higher than the national average, and 153% higher than the state average. But it doesn’t stop there. Bloomberg News published a story identifying the top 10 US cities with the highest per-capita rate of vehicle thefts in 2016. Guess what? Pueblo was SECOND ON THE LIST, with about 3 vehicle thefts per day here. Stats are roughly the same for this year, as well.

    In Pueblo, for every 100,000 people, there are about 21 crimes that occur DAILY. You have a 1 in 14 chance of becomming the victim of a crime here.

    In short, it would not be inaccurate to say that Pueblo is full of dumb, lowlife scum. There is little here to keep most regular people occupied and happy. It is a poor, miserable, dead-end town populated by untrusting people who cannot be trusted.

    The only real point you made in this article that is not BS is about the cost of living. Yes, it is cheap to live in Pueblo. Have you heard the saying “you get what you pay for?” Of course it doesn’t cost much to live in a town that is essentially a large toilet bowl. Demand for real estate, and subsequent value, tends to be low for such places. Hey, look, it doesn’t cost much to live in Detroit or Compton!

    The climate is delightful? It is common to have many 90*+ days, often 100*+, throughout the summer in Pueblo. As mentioned in the article, it is EXTREMELY sunny. Sunny = hot as hell. If you like living where it’s really hot, okay. Otherwise, it’s uncomfortable and requires constant A/C. No one in their right mind would use the word “pleasant” to describe the weather here.

    “…relatively short drive away from world class skiing, mountain biking, hiking, climbing and a variety of other outdoor activities” – You mean 2+ hours drive? Perhaps your definition of “short drive” differs from most of us. Most kayaking enthusiasts will NOT go near the Arkansas River due to contamination concerns. If you don’t believe me, a quick Google search will show what I’m referring to. And golf, tennis? Seriously? Is there some great, renowned golf course or tennis court here in Pueblo that no one knows about? No one comes to Pueblo to play golf, tennis, or any other sport.

    People sling mud at Pueblo for good reason. Defending this place with such weak and invalid points only makes you look unintelligent and misleading.

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Dear John Smith,
      I’m sorry Pueblo hasn’t worked out for you.
      Best wishes,

  • Noopur 7 years ago

    I am thinking of relocating to Pueblo in future. How are the manufactured housing areas of Pueblo? Are they kept up to some standards of cleanliness?
    Thanks for the very useful information. You have been very helpful!!

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hard to say. I don’t think of areas with manufactured housing as sufficiently homogeneous to generalize. I think standards probably run the full spectrum and you’ll need to investigate individual locations. Best wishes, Justin

  • Maggie Wehrmann 7 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    We are hoping to move from the Lakewood/Littleton area to Pueblo. What specific neighborhoods would you recommend? We like mature trees/quiet streets.

  • Lucy 7 years ago

    Just retired and I’m moving back to Pueblo, CO cuz the pot is legal and the rent is cheap.

  • Lucy 7 years ago

    Packing up and planning on moving end of March. Will be looking for rental to accommodate some special needs. Can you help?

  • David 7 years ago

    Lucy : ” Just retired and I’m moving back to Pueblo, CO cuz the pot is legal and the rent is cheap. ”

    Correct me if I’m wrong Justin , but there are still no shops inside the Peublo City limits
    that sell cannabis products , you have to go into the county to P. West ?

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hi David,
      There are now a handful of shops (I think 8) licensed to operate within city limits. Not sure how many are actually open for business. There’s also Strawberry Fields just north of city limits on the frontage road off I-25.

  • Jerry Cluff 7 years ago

    Justin, I found your site to very interesting with various comment. I inherited property from my parents in Pueblo~~I grew up in La Junta~~the crime is terrible in Pueblo. Pueblo has a reputation of being the most crime city in Colorado. Our little bungalow has been broken into four times in the 12 years we have owned it. In January 2016 squatters literally trashed our cozy summer bungalow. They stole our personal checks, our expired passports and other ID. We had to change bank account #’s (we had our acct for 47 years~~it was a dear friend) as the squatters wrote fraudulent checks on our acct. Our bungalow is on a quiet street near the fair grounds. Other rental bungalow on Lambert has been destroyed by druggies. A guy parked his truck in our garage and the garage caught on fire burning his truck and the roof and interior of the garage. It is sad the drug gangs are running the town. The police are so overwhelmed with the crime. The judges let these criminals in and out of jail like a revolving door. One judge is in partners with a rehap center~~he doesn’t want the criminals going to jail~~he sends them to drug rehab (they don’t go) so he and his partners benefit monetarily. The only way this crime is going away is to rid the corrupt judges and have stiff penalties for these criminals. The city is obsessed with the weeds in Pueblo~we have been assessed heavy fines ~~no sooner is our property cleaned up and people bring their trash and dump it on our property. We only spend the summers in Pueblo so it is difficult to oversee our properties. Fortunately, I found a buyer for our rental~~reduced the price down drastically as the druggies were using it for drug parties. I understand your pride in the community you grew up in as I am very proud of my home town, La Junta. Pueblo has serious drug issues. They need to rid the city of the drug dealers~~one way ticket out of Pueblo. TAKE BACK YOUR WONDERFUL HOME TOWN !!

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hi Jerry,
      Thanks for sharing your perspective. Sorry to hear about your property crime woes. The two locations you mention aren’t helping. Lambert, on the West Side, is a pretty tough area and the State Fairgrounds neighborhood is hit and miss. North of the fairgrounds isn’t bad but there are major problems just south of the fairgrounds that tend to spill over. And, of course, absentee ownership comes with downside risk. Unoccupied homes are clear targets, as you’ve discovered. If you continue to hold on to your Pueblo properties you might consider working with a local property manager to keep a closer eye on things. None of this is meant to dispute or discount your negative experiences with crime in Pueblo. It’s a sad state of affairs. I don’t know about corruption at the judicial level but the city is in desperate need of new leadership. I’m still bullish on Pueblo long-term because population growth along the Front Range will eventually run roughshod over the old conservative crowd in Pueblo who claim to want economic growth and change but continue to work tirelessly to protect the status quo.
      Best wishes,

  • Erika 7 years ago

    Hello Justin, I have a question, I’m from Kansas looking at relocating to the Colorado area hopefully this summer. I’m looking at the Pueblo area but I’ve noticed the pay is a little bit better in the Springs area. Is there a lot of people that commute to Colorado Springs for work or do most people stay in Pueblo?is the rush hour traffic terrible?

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hi Erika,
      There are many people who commute between Pueblo and Colorado Springs. I’m one of them. If you want to live in Pueblo and work in Springs I would try to find a job in south or downtown Springs. But it’s totally doable. It’s an easy commute from south Springs to north Pueblo but traffic becomes a problem on the north side of Springs (and persists all the way to Denver and beyond). Hope this helps.
      Best wishes,

  • David 7 years ago

    Thanks Justin , I was in Pueblo three and a half years ago and P. West was the only
    place to go for recreational sales , I’m glad the city changed it’s policy and it’s odd
    Co. Springs ( city ) as well as all of el Paso county is still not open for any rec. sales .
    One would hope that tax revenues would improve school and police funding in Pueblo .

    Noopur asked about ” manufactured houses ” and I would think that one key to a city’s
    future is attracting Millenials , and they do not want fixer uppers , more like plug’n’play .
    Myself as a 53 year old also don’t want to waste precious time renovating , so it is
    surprising not to see more made in factory house mfrg. that does not look like
    TrailerPark steroetype stigma . There exists ‘ 3d type printer ‘ that plots a concrete
    structure with relatively low cost per square foot . Russia/China developing these
    for use but not here in the land of the free etc …

    Cheers , more Qs to come from me

  • David 7 years ago

    Have you Justin or anyone you know had experience with foreclosure or bank/sheriff sale of a house
    in Pueblo ? Do you have any thoughts on what is going on with the power co ? I saw this today .


    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hi David,
      Yes, I’ve purchased foreclosures in Pueblo but they are now few and far between. And those that make it to market aren’t as attractively priced as they were in the good ole days (2010-2012). Re power: there seems to be momentum to take advantage of Pueblo’s abundant solar radiation and to give Black Hills Energy the boot. Not sure where things stand at the moment. I predict it will move slow, like molasses in winter time.
      Best wishes,

  • David 7 years ago

    When I search on homes dot com in my price range $50k to 100k , I’m actually
    seeing many foreclosures , I will have to do much more research before diving into that ,
    by the way , when I try searching for those specs in other areas besides Pueblo , the choices
    are little to none and the foreclosures start immediately .
    As far as energy , when the news says the power co. is setting up infrastructure for Natural Gas ,
    I’m guessing that has to do with fraking , farther north of Pueblo , how close to the county
    does the fraking start ? , is there shale under Pueblo ?
    If new solar is going to compete with private investor gas/fraking , solar is going to need it’s own
    group of private investors to compete , the slow Gov’t. with a limited tax base is no match .

  • David 7 years ago

    After a little web searching I’m seeing that the current gas boom is far away from Pueblo to the north ,
    probably this is not the place for pros/cons of fracking , but why the push would not be towards
    solar in southern Colorado escapes my logic and reasoning . Whether by public or private investment .

  • David 7 years ago

    My wife and I just bought a home in Pueblo. After much searching and debate we found a house in the “Northside” of town, and nothing except 4= year old reviews shed any light on the area. Whats the atmosphere like in the W 13th/N Elizabeth area?

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hi David,
      The corner of 13th and Elizabeth is a bit edgy, mostly due to the presence of the Food Pantry at the Salvation Army location on 13th. And, in general, things are a bit rough between 17th and downtown along West, Elizabeth, Greenwood, Grand. That said, fairly close proximity to Parkview and Downtown make things convenient and prices should be very affordable. If you’ve already purchased it doesn’t matter but typically I would recommend staying north of 17th Street and between West and Court until you get to 24th.
      Best wishes,

  • David L. 7 years ago

    Hi all , This is the first David , not the David who bought the house on Elizabeth , my moving to Pueblo is still a few months away ,
    I just wanted to say that the StreetView Map option I can take on the realty sites is very valuable at getting an idea of the area
    a home is near .

  • David L. 7 years ago

    Hi’ Justin , another Q : I was checking out a house on Belmont near Lakeview
    it’s in Bessemer but close to Beulah Heights , not far from Minnaqua Lake , and my Q is
    not necessarily about the quality of the neighborhood , as it looks alot like the place
    I grew up with contractors and trades people and well maintained smaller house
    inter-mixed —
    Can you tell me about the lake/reservoir — does it have flooding concerns ?
    the house has 2 bedrooms/bath in the finished basement .
    Do you ever remember any floods that effected that part of the city , I know they
    made alot of improvements overtime to deal with the river , but any info ? thanks .

  • David L. 7 years ago

    Thanks , that is helpful , as there is no wiki page for Minnequa Lake ,
    but it looks like any exit flow goes to the south into a large flood area
    and then farther down to the St. Charles Reservoir , the google maps satellite
    image does a better job of showing the buffer to the north .
    I also see that the stock the lake with fish , cool .
    Now it looks like Pueblo may build a minor league baseball stadium near Riverwalk ,
    and the team owners to use it also for little league and have those visitors use hotels the owners
    would build , any opinions on that idea ?


  • Cooper 7 years ago

    Please god don’t listen to this guy. Pueblo is the worst place in Colorado and there’s fucking nothing to do. It’s also hot as fuck all the fucking time.

  • David L. 7 years ago

    Those certainly are some breathtaking arguments Coop , ” there’s f**king nothing to do. It’s also hot “.
    Maybe success in Pueblo is more of an IQ test .
    My issue now is that I’m not seeing many empty lots for sale to buy and install a pre-fab modular-home , as is now a viable option rather than a fixer-upper .
    A few north in Hyde Park and few others in sketchy neighborhoods .
    The east-side of Pueblo WEST is looking like it has better options to buy an empty lot and if anyone can tell me why there are so few in the city or give a web-site ( city ?) that shows any options , I would be thankful .

  • Diane 7 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    I somhow found your sight. Read your column. Great read! Want to make one comment that you don’t have to drive to Denver to connect to flights as you have an awesome airport right in your own back yard. No parking fees, no long waiting for security, friendly staff. I know this as my son runs the airport. He moved to Pueblo two years ago with his wife for the reasons you mentioned above. They now have a one year old daughter. My daughter in law is a teacher/tutor. She too is concerned about the school situation as is my son but they know that it takes a village. They have a few years before their daughter enters school. They are enjoying Pueblo! You didn’t mention the awesome park they have! Which includes a zoo, carnival, pool, and endless park space!

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hi Diane,
      I like the Pueblo airport too but flight times and flight prices are rarely a good enough value to justify. I prefer COS. It’s pretty convenient and offers direct flights to the west coast, midwest, etc.
      City Park is indeed a great resource. We love the Zoo and summer Kiddie Rides.
      Best wishes,

  • Pam 7 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    Are you on social media?

  • David Cravens 6 years ago


    I just ran across your blog and found it very interesting. I was born and raised in Pueblo, lived in Belmont and graduated from USC (Pueblo) in 1984. At that time period I could not leave fast enough or go far enough away and ended up in Pennsylvania for my first Engineering job out of college. I remained there for 8 years where I met my wife of 28 years. We moved back to CO in 1992 to the Denver area and have worked here since.

    My wife and I purchased a house in Pueblo West this last May and will be moving there next May so that we can re-purpose our lives after being in the rat race for 36 years. My wife is a 2/3rd grade teacher in Arvada and will pursue teaching in Pueblo. We are very much aware of the difficulties in the education system in District 60 and 70 but my wife feels that she will be a great asset where ever she lands and is looking forward to the challenge.

    We are very exited to start our new lives in Pueblo.

    We will be down in a few weeks to attend the East High School 40 year class reunion at the Gold dust and River Walk, lots of classmates coming in from out of town.

    • Justin 6 years ago

      Hi David,
      Funny how things can come full circle, huh? Hope your transition back to Pueblo is smooth and successful.
      Best wishes,

  • Genevieve 6 years ago

    Hello Justin,
    I really enjoyed reading about everyone’s experience. Thank you for sharing your experience!

    My Fiancé and I are looking at relocating to the lovely state of Colorado next year sometime. We are just now, starting our search on locations. We are both from small towns of population of under 50,000. However, I lived in Phoenix, Arizona for 10 years and don’t mind the city at all. I don’t want him to go into too much of a culture shock either. I like the location of Pueblo being close enough to Denver, and not too far from home.
    I wanted to ask you, what side of town we should start looking for a house? More than likely, we will be looking at renting for the first year so we have some time to settle in before making a house purchase. There isn’t a need to near schools since we don’t have young children. My one daughter (20) may or maynot be tagging along.
    Thanks again for your input!

    Have a great day!

    • Justin 6 years ago

      Hi Genevieve,
      Hard to recommend a particular neighborhood without knowing more about your situation. What sort of house do you want – ranch, two-story, new construction, etc? What’s your budget? What sort of neighborhood amenities do you like – walkability, quiet, etc. Let me know and I’ll try to steer you in the right direction. Generally, I like Belmont, University, Country Club, North Elizabeth, Big Hill, Aberdeen, Mesa Junction, El Camino and Northridge. Check my neighborhood map for references: http://www.justinholman.com/2014/05/14/pueblo-neighborhoods-1-0/
      Best wishes,

  • David L. 6 years ago

    Genevieve , you can get a good look at a house and neighborhood by using google maps , copy and paste an address into GMaps , you get a street-map view and a window to use a street-level view ( click on the pic on your left – click to where you want to advance to – click and drag to turn ) , and if you click the minus – button on the right , three times , you get the satellite view ( 2-d and 3-d ) , cruise around to see about the area , don’t forget what’s on the opposite street behind the alley on the next street ( a good amount of Pueblo features alley access ).


  • David L. 6 years ago

    I also am liking this site for it’s map feature ( all the way on the right in the center , there is a Map> button ) , put in your price and you can then search an area – click the + button and then drag the hand around .


  • Hazel 6 years ago

    Hi Justin. Appreciate your very thorough and thoughtful analyses. They are helpful!

    Considering a move to Pueblo for grad school for my wife, and we are interested to learn more about neighborhoods, the city, and what to expect. We have lived in and loved an under-appreciated rust belt city, and Pueblo seems to have that same reputation, especially within Colorado.

    We will be visiting in about two weeks to take a look around and get a feel for it. Wondering if you might be willing to answer a few more specific questions so we can make best use of our limited time to get to know it? If so, please shoot me an email. I’d appreciate the chance to pick your brain a bit!


  • Hazel 6 years ago

    Hi Justin. Appreciate the thoughtful and thorough analyses!

    My wife and I are considering a move to Pueblo and are lucky to have run across your insights. We’ll be visiting in a couple weeks to get a feel for it, and have a few specific questions the answers to which would help us focus our limited time visiting.

    Would you mind shooting me an email? I’d be grateful for the chance to pick your brain just a bit.

    – Hazel

  • Don Kurta 6 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    My wife and I are planning to move to Pueblo in the next 90 days as soon as we sell our home in the arctic tundra of MN (we are done with these minus 30 to minus 40 degree temps with windchills and snow in addition to that). We have been perusing Pueblo real estate for the last few months trying to get a bead on home prices and the better areas. From everything I’ve researched , I agree that Pueblo has and will be more “discovered” in the coming years. We have a friend in Puebo West but, the real estate is a bit more expensive (each house does come with acreage, albeit quite barren) than Pueblo. Moreover, due to the fact of how Pueblo West is not a conventional “city”per se, I believe that they will be having to raise revenue by increasing property taxes to fund the growing infrastructure that will be needed in coming years. Therefore, we are searching in Pueblo proper. We’d like to be closer to the city, restaurants shopping etc. and have some established trees. It would be great if we could have an income producing property that we could also reside in.It appears that the Aberdeen area is touted quite often as being quite desirable. Do you have any other suggestions? We’re probably lookingin the $225K to $250K price range. I very much enjoyed the info that you’ve provided thus far- any additional help would be appreciated. FYI, my son’s name is also Justin.
    Don & Kathy

    • Justin 6 years ago

      Hi Don & Kathy,
      I hope your move goes well! In addition to Aberdeen, I would suggest checking out the North Elizabeth neighborhood (near Mineral Palace Park) and Belmont. The reason I mention those two neighborhoods is the desirability of these locations for people who are often looking to rent: hospital workers at Parkview and college students at CSU-Pueblo. If I was looking to rent out a converted studio unit or similar I think these areas would work best. And they’re good locations if you decide not to go after an income producing situation. I have a house for sale on the north side, near the Pueblo Country Club, that might work with a large utility room that could be converted to a studio with separate entrance. But, it’s a bit higher than your price range. In any case, good luck with the move and your transition to sunny Colorado. I think you’ll love it.
      Best wishes,

  • https://itsmyurls.com 6 years ago

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    And i am glad reading your article. But wanna remark on few general things, The web site style is perfect, the articles is really excellent : D.
    Good job, cheers

  • David 5 years ago

    Thanks for this post, it has been really helpful! I’m moving to Pueblo in the next month. Any recommendations for rentals? I’m looking for something like a 1 or 2 bed and 1 bath, something hopefully in a nice neighborhood, I’m in my 30’s. Heard there are a lot of scams on rentals, so thought I’d ask you. I saw that you replied to a post recently so I hope to hear from you. Thanks again!

    • Justin 5 years ago

      Hi David,
      It’s not easy to find quality rentals as there’s currently more demand than supply. My recommendation is to be “on the ground” in Pueblo to evaluate possible rentals – the scams tend to target people trying to arrange a rental situation from a distance. You’ll find something with a little patience and persistence. Good luck!
      Best wishes,

  • Elias Lopez 5 years ago

    Hello Justin,
    i am so glad i found your blog. seriously considering buying a house, and relocating to Pueblo CO from California, around Summer 2020. We have relatives in Aurora CO, and from what I have researched, it looks like Pueblo could be a better fit for us. i am also blessed to be able to work from a home office, so your opening statement was really music to my ears. i know there are good and bad things said about Pueblo, as i even found it on a list of the 10 worst places to live in CO. I am aware you wrote this a few years back. i would love to hear an update from you, and what positive and/or negative developments Pueblo has had during this time. Thank you in advance. Looking forward to an update, when you have a chance.

    • Justin 5 years ago

      Hi Elias,
      Pueblo is still a terrific value. Housing costs have gone up a lot in the past few years but, coming from California, it will look like the whole city is on sale. Public schools are still struggling and crime is still a problem but population growth all along the Front Range will continue to propel Pueblo’s economy. Good luck with the move!
      Best wishes,

  • HolidayInCroatia 4 years ago

    I’m amazed, I have to admit. Seldom do I come across a blog that’s both equally educative and amusing, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is an issue that not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. Now i’m very happy that I stumbled across this in my search for something concerning this.

  • Pete 4 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    This blog has been a great resource..thank you! Seriously considering retiring to Pueblo I’m 51 and currently live in Colorado Springs. Love it here in the Springs but a more feasible option may be Pueblo. I don’t plan on retiring until my 60’s but perhaps I purchase soon and rent till I’m ready to live there. Is it easy to rent out houses? I love the bungalow/craftsmen style. I’ll probably check out a lot of the areas you suggested this weekend or soon. I also love golf and would most likely become a member at Pueblo Country Club . Do you happen to know initiation cost and monthly cost? If not no worries I ‘ll check it out..

    • Justin 4 years ago

      Hi Pete,
      Yes, the rental market in Pueblo is strong and decent places will rent easily if priced correctly. The Pueblo Country Club is terrific. Nice pool, good food, lovely golf course. You’ll have to call them for the latest info on initiation and fees.
      Best wishes,

  • Angela Carlson 4 years ago

    Pueblo is an expensive dangerous place to live

    • Justin 4 years ago

      Compared to where? It’s less expensive than any city along the I-25 Front Range corridor, unless you include Walsenburg and Trinidad. And it’s not any more dangerous than Denver or Springs.

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