
Justin Holman is CEO of Aftermarket Analytics, where he leads efforts to develop cutting edge sales forecasting and inventory optimization technology for the Automotive Aftermarket. Prior to joining Aftermarket Analytics, Justin managed corporate consulting for the Strategy & Analytics division at MapInfo Corporation, leading major projects for retail clients including The Home Depot, Darden Restaurants, Bridgestone-Firestone, Sainsbury’s and New York & Company. Before that, Justin served as Vice President of Software Development at LogicTools, now part of IBM's supply chain application software group. Justin holds a B.A. from Claremont McKenna College, a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon and an Executive Management certificate from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.


  • Marc 8 years ago

    Justin, thank you for your update on Pueblo. To your knowledge, do you know if there are any plans for the Somerlid campus? Do you know if there are any plans to start a private high school on the north side?

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Marc,
      I’m not aware of any plans for Somerlid or for a private high school on the north side. I just think it would be good for Pueblo.
      Best wishes,

  • Michael Menor 8 years ago

    Pueblo has two basic problems it is an uneducated and poor community it is like a dog chasing its tail! Until Pueblo improves the education of its citizens we will continue to wander to making foolish decisions for this community!
    Too many to list !,

  • Marc 8 years ago

    Justin, thanks for your reply. I have many questions about starting a school in Pueblo and relocating there in general. Would it be ok if I contacted you from time to time as a resource about these things?

  • Stephen 8 years ago

    Hi Justin, I came across your blog about Pueblo – great info! I am relocating west from the east coast and have narrowed it down to a couple areas to settle on. It would seem that I am similarly situated as you are/were. I am self-employed doing IT work (and work from home), so I can basically live anywhere, so long as there is a good, reliable internet connection. My customers are all over the country, so I do not need to rely on local work. (Although I do from time to time hire some local help with bigger projects – and take the odd side job that may come along) – So from reading your post and replies, I assume the best places to live are north of the Arkansas River and west of I-25? How about Pueblo West? I see alot of affordable rentals available there. I am looking to rent for a year or so before we buy – that way we can look around first. I appreciate any feedback you can give me! (Email if ok)

    • Justin 8 years ago

      Hi Stephen,
      You might want to read through comments on my original Pueblo post. Use keyword “Aberdeen” to find a list of neighborhoods I recommend on various sides of town. I also have a “Pueblo neighborhood” post you might enjoy. Look me up when you get settled. I’m in the software business and we might be able to help each other. Or feel free to use my contact form to begin an email conversation.
      Best wishes,

  • Marc Boubonis 7 years ago

    I am disabled. Have $40,000. Seeking quiet and modest accommodations in order to write fiction. Pueblo is looking to be the place. Rather have rural location because also desire a chicken coop. Thanks.

  • Combiz 7 years ago

    Hi Justin,
    I read your blogs about Pueblo.Thank you for taking the time to write as well as your honesty.

    I myself love Pueblo. I got my undergrad in Computer science from CSU-Pueblo. Like yourself I have been in high tech business for past 25 years. I always wanted to come back to Pueblo. Recently, I changed jobs and now I work from home supporting many teams in US and Canada.

    Last week I traveled to Colorado spring and Pueblo to see if I still like it. I realized my feeling for Pueblo is alive and well. I looked at some properties in Aberdeen and country club neighborhoods. Both were nice but the Aberdeen ones were too big for me. I am a very active/outdoor person and single. My son is already in college, although Pueblo school system affect everyone indirectly but it does not impact me directly. Appreciate your thoughts on any pitfalls and What do think about the cuntry club neighborhood?

    Thanks again,

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hi Combiz,
      I love the Country Club neighborhood. I lived there in High School and for the past 5 years. It’s a great neighborhood with lots of terrific people. And the Pueblo Country Club golf course, swimming pool and clubhouse/restaurant are all top notch.
      Best wishes,

  • Sandy 7 years ago

    I am so glad I came across your bolg. My husband and I are looking to relocate from TN to Pueblo to be close to family. We have a son in Denver and 1 that just moved to Monument. Can you tell us a good area to look at. We will be selling our home so will have enough to buy. We are retired and prefer living on an acre or 2. Any help would great. Thanks, Sandy

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hi Sandy,
      If you want some acreage you could look (1) “out in the County” which means out in Blende/Avondale area, (2) south near Colorado City or Rye, (3) southwest near Beulah, or (4) in Pueblo West. Lots of landscape variety to choose from so can’t really recommend any particular location. If it was me wanting acreage I’d probably opt for Beulah or Rye because I like mountains. But none of these locations offer much convenience and you’ll be driving a lot.
      Best wishes,

  • Jake 7 years ago

    Hi Justin. I found Pueblo looking for a house. What I have found sounds like my perfect climate, in a state that is drop dead gorgeous. Me and my partner have some money, not 200k or anything, but we can safely move. Were not skilled (You know, Home Depot, Target ect …) Could we rent a 500Mo house and live on trash wages in a place like Pueblo? I used to have a 350Mo apartment with a job that basically payed $20 a day x2 and we made it work, this time we both have decent wheels and 100ish K. I hate Minnesota, I want to leave. We could make it in Pueblo, and I would have a place to take my Jeep out 😉 *sigh* Fall down twice, get up three times they say, its so true, keep going!

    • Justin 7 years ago

      Hi Jake,
      You wouldn’t get much for $500/month but it’s not impossible if you’re flexible on neighborhood characteristics. You’d find many more options in the $600-800 range and, split among two incomes, seems financially feasible. You might also consider purchasing a home, maybe a fixer if you have skills, for under $100k and either service an affordable mortgage payment or pay cash and eliminate rent/mortgage. I think with some effort and patience (and again neighborhood flexibility), you could find something in the $50-75k range to fit the bill. Hope this helps.
      Best wishes,

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