
Justin Holman is CEO of Aftermarket Analytics, where he leads efforts to develop cutting edge sales forecasting and inventory optimization technology for the Automotive Aftermarket. Prior to joining Aftermarket Analytics, Justin managed corporate consulting for the Strategy & Analytics division at MapInfo Corporation, leading major projects for retail clients including The Home Depot, Darden Restaurants, Bridgestone-Firestone, Sainsbury’s and New York & Company. Before that, Justin served as Vice President of Software Development at LogicTools, now part of IBM's supply chain application software group. Justin holds a B.A. from Claremont McKenna College, a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon and an Executive Management certificate from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.


  • Top 25 Sunniest US Cities Ranked by Housing Cost « justinholman 13 years ago

    […] recently put together a way to calculate the price of a day of annual sunshine.  I thought some people might be interested in finding just the sunniest places in America ranked […]

  • pjc 13 years ago

    This is a good analysis, and very interesting.

    However, if you just go by sunny days as your metric of “nice weather”, then you’d conclude that Chicago has a slightly nicer climate than Portland OR and Seattle WA. I think the population dynamics of the last 30 years, and rudimentary common sense, would indicate that this is patently false.

    Still, I think a reasonable accounting for “how much do you pay for decent weather”, would likely rank Pueblo fairly high. But focusing purely on sunny days is a bit distorting, overly rewarding sunny and cold, or sunny and quite hot, or sunny and humid, and punishing cloudy and mild.

    • justinholman 13 years ago

      pjc, thank you for the comment. I agree that this can be misleading as it’s not meant as a metric of “nice weather”. Right up front I state that this assumes you just want the most sunshine for the lowest housing cost. I like the example of Chicago vs Portland/Seattle because I think a lot of people mistakenly assume that they’ll prefer the climate in the Pacific Northwest but have no idea how little sunshine they’ll see during the winter months. Most people are surprised to hear that I like the climate in Ann Arbor better than in Eugene, Oregon. Summers in Eugene are just about perfect but the long grey dreary winters were tough to take even though the mild temperatures were very nice.
      I like the question “how much do you pay for decent weather” and I plan to work on this a bit but it will take more data, more time and I’m not sure there’s a way around the subjective side of what constitutes good weather. Some people like it warmer than others, cooler than others, wetter than others, etc. In any case, thanks again for the comment and let me know if you have any additional thoughts.

  • Map of the Best Bargains in Sunshine « Geographical Perspectives 13 years ago

    […] recent blog posts I generated a list of the Top 25 Sunniest US Cities Ranked by Housing Cost and I explained my methodology in another post.  I was waiting on some new features in the MarketSeer web mapping system that we’ve been […]

  • Bob Holman 12 years ago

    Dreary winters in Eugene? That’s what the good Pinot Noirs and Maple Garden are for.
    Great Blog! I wish I would have known about it before now.

    • Justin 12 years ago

      Hi Bob – Sorry you you missed the blog until now! Glad you found it! Cheers, Justin

  • The Solar Shuttle | Geographical Perspectives 11 years ago

    […] a great way to communicate to the world that Pueblo has abundant solar energy capacity. Come to Pueblo and ride The Solar […]

  • Manny Ramirez 9 years ago

    How can I reverse this and find the best value for cloudy weather? I hate sunny days! I feel happy and cheerful when the weather is cloudy. Seattle might seem like the best choice for me but it seems like Buffalo or Pittsburgh offers the best comfortable cloudy weather for the lowest price.

    I do not mind a very warm day if the sky is completely overcast and cloudy but I dislike a sunny 75 degree day. I think the best way to cope with uncomfortable sunny days is to do all ones errands at night once the sun goes down. I want the least amount of sunshine possible. My ideal climate would be 364 cloudy days a year! I would be willing to suffer through one sunny day per year just to remind me how good I have it with 364 cloudy days per year.

    • Justin 9 years ago

      Hi Manny,
      Alaska is a good bet. If you don’t want to leave the lower 48 then here’s a list of places averaging 200+ cloudy days per year.

      City State Avg # Cloudy Days Per Year
      ASTORIA OR 239
      OLYMPIA WA 228
      SEATTLE WA 226
      PORTLAND OR 222
      KALISPELL MT 214
      ELKINS WV 212
      BECKLEY WV 210
      EUGENE OR 209
      BUFFALO NY 208
      MISSOULA MT 208
      SALEM OR 208
      CARIBOU ME 206
      SYRACUSE NY 205
      CLEVELAND OH 202
      MUSKEGON MI 202
      ROCHESTER NY 200

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