Spring 2017 – Advanced Statistics
BUSAD 360 Advanced Statistics Course page (posts in reverse chronological order)
- Final Review
- Lesson 22: Python Presentations
- Simulation Program Presentation Hours on Friday
- Lesson 21: Python Presentations
- Lesson 20: Python Presentations
- Lesson 19: Variables, Lists, Functions, Conditionals and Loops in Python
- Exam 3 Instructions
- Lesson 18: Random Sampling from a Normal Distribution
- Lesson 17: Monte Carlo Simulation
- Lesson 16: Linear Regression in Python
- Lesson 15: Calculating Sum of Squares in Python
- Lesson 14: Big Data Analytics and Python
- Lesson 13: Polynomial Regression
- Lesson 12: Measuring Forecast Error
- Exam 2 Results
- Exam 2 Review
- Exam 2 Instructions
- Lesson 11: Binary Variables
- Lesson 10: Multicollinearity
- Lesson 9: Intro to Multiple Regression
- Lesson 8: Testing Significance of Slope and Overall Model (t-test and F-test)
- Lesson 7: Correlation
- Lesson 6: Simple Regression
- Lesson 5: Scatterplots
- Exam 1 Results
- Exam 1 Review
- Exam 1 Instructions
- Lesson 4: Residual Analysis and R-Squared
- Lesson 3: Linear Regression
- Lesson 2: Pearson Correlation Coefficient
- Lesson 1: Introduction to Advanced Statistics