Lesson 6: Simple Regression
February 9, 2017
Thu, Feb 9
- Scatter Plots (submit)
- Simple (bivariate) regression
- Demonstrate Linear Regression in Google Sheets
- XL Miner Add-On
- Line fit with Scatter Plot
- Fitting Lines to Data (video)
- Demonstrate Linear Regression in Google Sheets
- Run simple regression using Sheets with XL Miner using Data sets 1, 2 and 3 from previous activities.
- Highlight the following:
- R-Squared
- SSE (SS Residual)
- SSyy (SS Total)
- b1 and b0 (coefficients)
- Highlight the following:
- Run simple regression using Sheets with Scatter Plot line fit for the Fertility-GDP data
- Submit the following in class on Tue, Feb 14
- Print regression output from XL Miner for all 3 data sets on 1 page
- Print your Scatter Plot with line fit on 1 page