Lesson 9: Intro to Multiple Regression
February 21, 2017
Tue, Feb 21
- t-test of slope
- F-test of overall model
- Intro to Multiple Regression
- y-hat = B0 + B1*x1 + B2*x2 + …. Bn*xn
- Multiple Regression with XL Miner
- Simple Multiple Regression Demo (Sheets)
- Another demo with Sample Real Estate Data
- Write the linear equation for y-hat by hand
- Complete Problems 1 and 2 using Sheets data
- Highlight R-squared, SSE and SSyy, p-value for t-test and Significance of F
- Write the linear equation for y-hat by hand
- Run Multiple Regression using East Pueblo RE Sales 2014-2016
- Highlight R-squared, SSE and SSyy, t-test with p-value and F-test with Significance of F
- Write the linear equation for y-hat by hand
- Print and submit