
Justin Holman is CEO of Aftermarket Analytics, where he leads efforts to develop cutting edge sales forecasting and inventory optimization technology for the Automotive Aftermarket. Prior to joining Aftermarket Analytics, Justin managed corporate consulting for the Strategy & Analytics division at MapInfo Corporation, leading major projects for retail clients including The Home Depot, Darden Restaurants, Bridgestone-Firestone, Sainsbury’s and New York & Company. Before that, Justin served as Vice President of Software Development at LogicTools, now part of IBM's supply chain application software group. Justin holds a B.A. from Claremont McKenna College, a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon and an Executive Management certificate from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.


  • Rique Lucero 8 years ago

    Professor Holman,

    Google Sheets isn’t allowing me to copy and paste correctly, seems there is a bug. I’ve been reading some forums and this is common, and hasn’t been corrected. The problem I’m having is that when I copy my data from Python, it all gets pasted into one cell; sometimes pasting some data in one cell, then pasting some more in other cells. So, I end up with some data (10 values with commas) in A2, some data in A3 (30 values with commas) and so on until they’re all pasted; they get pasted but not in individual cells so I can properly tranpose them using the =TRANSPOSE(array) function.
    Boo, I say!
    I’ve tried the Special Paste and used all of the different values afforded to me, with no luck!
    Maybe someone else has had this issue and found a work around.
    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Rique Lucero (I wear my sunglasses at night)

    • Rique Lucero 8 years ago

      Oh, never mind, duh!
      If some are having this issue, go ahead and copy/paste into Google Sheets. It will be all in one cell. Then go to Data>Split Text To Columns(in the drop down menu)>Seperator(Comma). This was the trick. Off I go!

      Rique Lucero(Still wearing my sunglasses an night)

      • Justin 8 years ago

        Glad to see you were able to sort this out. Thank you for posting your solution for the benefit of other students!
        JH (wishing I was cool enough to wear sunglasses at night)

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