Exam 1
Part 1 – Take Home Instructions
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The last digit of your PID determines which column of data you will use for the exam. If your PID ends in 3 your assigned column is “Dataset 3”. If your PID ends in 4 your assigned column is “Dataset 4”. And so on.
Your assigned column has either a 1 or a 0 in each row. You will include each Country listed with a 1 in your assigned column. You can ignore the countries with a 0.
Each country is part one of 3 Mega Regions: (1) the Americas, (2) Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) and (3) Asia Pacific. Use Excel’s “Filter” feature to separate your countries by region.
Gather the GDP Per Capita (x) and Total Fertility Rate (y) data for each assigned country. I have included data from my 10 countries. You may share country data with your classmates by posting a comment or link below. Help each other avoid lots of data entry.
You will analyze data from each of the three regions separately. So, you must complete the following steps [highlight color=”options: yellow, black”]3 times[/highlight], once for each region.
- Create a Scatter plot
- Calculate the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r)
- Calculate the slope of the regression line (b1)
- Calculate the y-intercept of the regression line (b0)
- Produce the resulting regression equation: y = b1*x + b0
- Calculate r-squared (r^2)
- Produce predicted Total Fertility Rates for 4 hypothetical countries with GDP Per Capita of $10k, $20k, $30k and $40k.
Show all work! Don’t skip steps or I will assume you don’t know what you’re doing!
Bring the Part 1 Take Home work to class on Feb 2nd or 3rd and submit printed copies of your work. Printed copies should be well organized, neat and easy to read! Do you want to be paid like a professional after graduation? Begin producing professional work now!
You may use Excel to complete the Take Home work. You may also complete the work by hand if you prefer. Either way make it legible or your exam score will suffer.
[highlight color=”options: yellow, black”]Part 2 will be the in-class exam on Feb 2nd or 3rd.[/highlight]
- Be prepared to complete similar work by hand.
- Be prepared to answer questions about your Take Home results.
- Be prepared for me to ask you to think about and interpret your results.
- The in-class exam is open book, open notes, open calculator. But not open neighbor.