Review for Exam 2
March 18, 2024
- Exam 2 will cover Lessons 7-14 and Chapters 4-7
- 1-page “cheat sheet” parameters
- Must be unique and your own work
- Must submit with completed exam
- Will be graded
- Topics
- Water Cycle
- Hydrosphere
- Salt water vs Fresh water
- Fresh water components
- Evaporation
- Condensation
- Precipitation
- Runoff
- Worksheet
- Humidity
- Specific humidity
- Saturation
- Dew point
- Relative humidity
- Adiabatic Process
- Dry vs Wet adiabatic rates
- Clouds and Fog
- Precipitation
- Convective
- Orographic
- Types – rain, snow, sleet, hail
- Thunderstorms
- Tornadoes
- Wind Circulation
- Hadley Cells
- Subtropical High Pressure Systems
- Coriolis force
- Asian Monsoon
- Ocean Circulation
- Follow wind circulation patterns
- El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
- Weather Systems
- Synoptic charts
- Air Mass Formation
- Maritime vs Continental
- Polar, Tropical, Equatorial
- Fronts
- Cold
- Warm
- Occluded
- Stationary
- Low and High Pressure systems
- Cyclones (Low pressure)
- Anti-Cyclones (High pressure)
- Tropical Cyclones
- Hurricanes/Typhoons/Cyclones
- Climate
- Climate Drivers
- Climate Classification
- Climographs
- Climate Categories
- Tropical Rainforest
- Tropical Monsoon
- Desert
- Humid Subtropical
- Mediterranean
- Oceanic
- Continental
- Water Cycle
- Practice Exam
- Study for Exam 2