Lesson 5: Time Series Analysis
February 6, 2024
- Measurement of forecast error with MAD and RMSE
- Curvilinear Regression
- Review (Wed) and Exam 1 (Fri) next week
- Demonstrate 3rd and 4th order polynomial curve fitting and forecasting
- You will analyze the price index tracking property prices in Singapore
- You can view and download data here: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/QSGR628BIS
- Create a polynomial regression model
- The model will be used to forecast the Quarterly Property Price Index
- There should be 4 separate forecasts, one each for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 in 2024.
- Use a 2nd, 3rd or 4th order polynomial
- Prepare a Spreadsheet file
- You’ll use the spreadsheet to explain your forecast
- Make it easy to understand
- Create a Video
- You will provide a brief tour of your spreadsheet and explain your analysis.
- Your video should be approximately 1-2 minutes in length. It’s okay if it’s a little longer or a little shorter.
- It doesn’t need to be fancy. Just you speaking clearly and explaining your spreadsheet and your forecast.
- You can use Zoom or some other screen recording setup OR you can simply use your phone’s video recorder.
- Submit links to your Spreadsheet and your Video
- Upload your video to YouTube or Google Drive or some other hosting location
- Share your Google Sheets spreadsheet
- Be sure both are accessible (don’t make the video “Private”)
- Due before class on Wed Feb 14