Lesson 2: Oil and Conflict in the Middle East
January 17, 2019
- Syllabus
- Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond
- agricultural practices spread easily in mideast/eurasia
- easily domesticated animals were plentiful
- both facilitated development of technology
- 6 Killer Apps by Niall Ferguson
- competition
- scientific revolution
- private property rights
- modern medicine
- consumer society
- work ethic
- for me, there are only 3
- scientific revolution + modern medicine: freedom to pursue scientific discovery and technology innovation
- competition: fair competition and appropriate role of government in economy
- work ethic + consumer society: opportunity for economic mobility
- geography vs “laws and rules invented by reason”
- location matters
- laws matter
- Geography of the Middle East
- Oil and Conflict in the Middle East
- Oil Price Volatility
- As oil declines, Middle East instability rises
- Watch Losing Iraq and The Rise of ISIS