Lesson 2: Intro to Data Processing with Python
January 16, 2019
- Syllabus
- Sheets tutorial video
- Attendance
- Data Science
- Combination of statistics + programming with big data
- Hot like computer software development in the 1990’s
- Salaries are high
- Python
- Programmers and companies are moving to Python
- Google uses Python extensively
- Python is gaining market share rapidly
- Repl.it
- pure web development environment
- free and easy
- new “multiplayer” feature
- https://repl.it/@justinholman/ReadCSV
- Set up an account (or use your Google or Facebook account) on Repl.it
- Create a new “repl” Python program
- Upload your csv file, or copy-paste your csv data into a new csv file
- You can copy-paste from my code at https://repl.it/@justinholman/ReadCSV
- Modify the program to read your .csv data file
- Modify the program to print (to screen) your player data (don’t worry – I’ll show you)
- Take a screen capture of your Repl.it program with your name on it and add to your digital portfolio file