Lesson 12: Election Polling Project
October 15, 2018
- Exam 2 Results
- Design of Experiments
- Census and Sampling
- Sampling and Surveys
- Design of Experiments
- Explanatory variables
- Response variable
- Subjects – objects or participants in experiment
- Treatments – experimental conditions
- Example
- Explanatory variables
- Exam 1 Part 1 begin day/time
- Hours of sleep night before exam
- Study hours
- Homework completion
- Response variable:
- Exam 1 Score
- Subjects
- Students
- Treatments
- Open book vs Closed book
- Written vs Multiple Choice
- Morning vs Afternoon
- Explanatory variables
- Experimental Design Principles
- Comparison of Treatments
- Placebo effect
- Control group
- Randomize assignments
- Bias
- Double-blind
- Repetition
- Limit impact of individual observations
- Confirm hypotheses
- Comparison of Treatments
- Census and Sampling
- Census = attempt to count entire population
- US Census every 10 years
- Most costly non-military federal government operation (except maybe bailing out banks)
- Sample = gather info from a portion of the population
- Sample Types
- Voluntary response sample
- Complete an optional survey
- Inherent bias
- Example: Google Survey
- Simple random sample
- select from a population
- each individual has equal chance of being selected
- Example: random selection of subset of enrolled students
- Stratified random sample
- divide population into groups or strata
- random sampling, equal chance of selection within each group
- Example: random selection within major (30% CIS, 35% Mgmt, 35% Econ)
- Voluntary response sample
- Sample Types
- Census = attempt to count entire population
- Samples and Surveys
- Toward Statistical Inference
- Population parameters
- Sample statistics
- Sampling distribution
- Bias and Variability
- to reduce bias, use random sampling
- to reduce variability, use larger sample sizes (p. 215)
- variability determines margin of error
- see illustration on p. 218
- Toward Statistical Inference
- Election Polling Project
- We will follow and attempt to forecast 2 political contests in Colorado
- Governor
- 3rd Congressional District
- Significance – politics matters to businesses
- Colorado Governor
- Candidates
- Jared Polis (Democrat)
- Walker Stapleton (Republican)
- Scott Helker (Libertarian)
- Bill Hammons (Unity)
- Polling by Keating Research and Magellan Strategies
- Candidates
- 3rd Congressional District
- Candidates
- Scott Tipton (Republican) – Incumbent
- Dianna Mitsch Bush (Democrat)
- Debate at CSU-Pueblo
- Polling – none really
- The Big Line 2018
- 3rd CD shifting left according to Cook Political Report
- DMB comes out swinging in Club 20 debate
- Candidates
- We will follow and attempt to forecast 2 political contests in Colorado
- County Assignments provided
- Estimate voter turnout in your assigned County (use methods from previous lesson)
- Compile basic information about your assigned county
- Population
- Registered Voters
- 2016 Election Results
- Previous Midterm Election Results (2014, 2010, 2006, 2002)
- Design a survey for polling (both Governor and CD-03 races) in your assigned county
- Read FiveThirtyEight’s forecast for Colorado’s 3rd district
- Read about the Governor’s Race