Lesson 23: The Home Stretch
April 18, 2018
- Opportunity
- Data Analysis Internship at Pueblo Community College
- Internship Credit + $12/hour
- Job Description IR Intern
- Contact Kevin Milder
Director of Institutional Research | Pueblo Community College
900 W. Orman Ave | Pueblo, CO 81004
Office 719-549-3195 | Email [email protected]
- Exam 2 Redo Results
- Grade Reports
- Snapshot report card, everything included except Term Project
- How to read the grade sheet, each column in order left to right
- Name = your name
- S = Section (1115 or 100)
- hw1, hw2, hw3 = homework sets
- set 1 = Regression w/sheets
- set 2 = Intro/Intermediate Python for Data Science
- set 3 = Statistical Thinking in Python I and II
- hwAll = overall homework score
- ex1 = Exam 1 score
- ex2a = Exam 2 (original) score
- ex2b = Exam 2 Redo score
- ex2 = Exam 2 score used to calculate overall score
- Overall = this is your current score/grade in the class
- 60 = overall score if you earn a 60 on the Term Project
- 90 = overall score if you earn a 90 on the Term Project
- If one of your scores seems wrong
- see me after class or during office hours, or
- send an email
- all scores except Term Project will be locked in at 1pm on Thu, Apr 26
- Term Project
- Work on your term project