Term Project
April 17, 2018
- Project Description
- The term project will require you to estimate vehicle populations for each county in Colorado (n=64).
- Step 1. Select a unique Make-Model from this list of available vehicles and email your selection to me. First come, first serve (students may not work on the same Make-Model).
- Step 2. In reply to your email I will send population data for your vehicle. The data will have 500+ rows corresponding to different counties in the US (but not all US counties) and the population of your vehicle will be listed. This will be your response variable (y).
- Step 3. Download demographic data for all US counties. These are your predictor variables (x). You will need to insert your vehicle population data into the demographic data sheet to facilitate analysis.
- Make sure County IDs are matching correctly
- You can delete unmatched counties (counties without a vehicle population provided) but you’ll want to keep track of the Colorado demographic data
- We will review this step in class next week
- Step 4. Use these data to estimate the population of your selected vehicle in each of Colorado’s 64 counties.
- Use Python, Sheets, Excel or any data analysis tool(s) you prefer
- Produce data graphics to illustrate your approach and your results
- Be sure to provide the 64 vehicle population estimates
- Step 5. Deliver your results in one of the following formats (and expect to answer questions during your presentation):
- Python program (live demonstration on repl.it or similar)
- Oral Presentation (PowerPoint style)
- Video production (must run on your laptop, a lab PC or the PC in my office)
- Large Poster (24 x 36)
- Written Report (4-8 pages)
- Grading Criteria
- Quantitative estimates for each of the 64 Colorado counties
- Description of estimation methodology
- Use of graphics and/or illustrations
- Demonstrated comprehension and ability to answer questions
- Thinking probabilistically
- Turn-around time
- Due Date
- Sooner is better – speed matters, but quality matters more
- Next week in class or during Finals week (in-class or in my office)
- Last chance to submit will be during our Final Exam time slot.
- Thursday, May 3rd 1:00-2:30 in HSB 117
- Friday, May 4th 10:30-12:00 in HSB 117