Lesson 2: Theories of Economic Disparity
January 23, 2025
- Factfulness Questions
- Factfulness (book by Hans Rosling on Amazon)
- Watch How to not be ignorant about the world (Ted talk)
- Syllabus and Course Overview
- Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond
- agricultural practices spread easily in mideast/eurasia
- easily domesticated animals were plentiful in mideast/eurasia
- both facilitated specialization and development of technology
- animal domestication also facilitated animal-borne disease immunity
- World Regions
- Niall Ferguson – 6 Killer Apps of Prosperity
- competition
- scientific revolution
- private property rights
- modern medicine
- consumer society
- work ethic

- My alternative, hierarchical “Prosperity Apps”
- Peace (war is really bad for prosperity)
- Public Health
- Market Economy (no “stupid central planning”)
- Education and Infrastructure (invest in the future)
- Equal opportunity
- Discuss
- Watch Best stats you’ve ever seen (Ted Talk)