Lesson 13: Tropical and Subtropical Climates
March 11, 2024
- Submit your ENSO annotated bibliography
- World Climates
- Climographs in Google Sheets
- Exam 2 next week
- Chapter 07 Slides
- Climate Classification
- Koppen System
- Video (Geodiode, 11:38)
- Tropical Rainforest
- Strahler Wet Equatorial (1), p. 231
- Koppen Af
- Video (Geodiode, 02:00-06:00)
- Tropical Monsoon
- Strahler Monsoon and Trade-wind Coastal (2,3), p. 235-236
- Koppen Am, Aw
- Video (Geodiode, 02:00-07:00)
- Desert
- Strahler Dry Tropical and Subtropical (4,5), p. 239-241
- Koppen BWh, BWk, BSh, BSk
- Video (Geodiode, 02:00-07:00)
- Humid Subtropical
- Strahler Moist Subtropical Climate (6), p. 243
- Koppen Cfa
- Video (Geodiode, 02:00-08:00)
- Next time we’ll look at..
- Mediterranean
- Oceanic
- Continental
- For Exam 2 there will be questions asking you to categorize climate based on temp/precip climographs
- Categories will be limited to Tropical Rainforest, Tropical Monsoon, Desert, Humid Subtropical, Mediterranean, Oceanic and Continental.
- I’ll allow 1 piece of paper you can use to refer to examples of various climate types
- Begin working on your 1-page (2-sided) climate classification guide