Lesson 12: Investment Proposal “Pitch Deck”
December 14, 2023
We’re meeting online today at 10a! Click the meeting link below to join!
- ROI Analysis
- Video Lecture (start at 01:52, stop at 21:45)
- Funding your real estate investment
- Think of it as a business startup … because that’s what it is.
- Prepare a “pitch” for potential investors
- Feel free to use materials found elsewhere
In-class Activity:
Create an Investment Proposal “Pitch Deck”
- If you haven’t already, complete your ROI analyses
- Use the apartment building with the most promising financial profile
- Calculate valuation metrics (should already be complete)
- Price per unit
- Gross Rent Multiplier
- Cap Rate
- Finalize your ROI Analysis
- Prepare a PowerPoint (or Google Slides) “pitch deck” for potential investors.
- Include the valuation estimate
- Include the ROI analysis
- What is “the ask”, i.e., how much money do you need?
- Include a slide about yourself
- Why you are the right person to lead the investment?
- How will you participate and how will you be compensated?
- Save your pitch deck in a format you’ll want to use for presentation.
- Watch my Interview with Tanner Pile about starting a career in real estate
- Read this article about REITs versus direct real estate investment