Module 7: Data Science Toolkit
November 29, 2021
- Module 6
- M5 Revisions
- DataCamp
- Video Lecture
- Data Science
- Combination of statistics + programming with big data
- Hot like computer software development in the 1990’s
- Salaries are high
- Python
- Programmers and companies are moving to Python
- Google uses Python extensively
- Python is gaining market share rapidly
- R
- Statistical Computing
- Growing fast but not as fast as Python
- Python is easier, more flexible
- R is more robust for heavy duty statistical modeling
- Many job ads ask for both R and Python skills
- You don’t need to be a data scientist to ride this wave.
- Steve Jobs never wrote code.
- But Jobs knew the critical importance of customer experience.
- And he knew marketing.
- Data Scientists need partners with business expertise.
- Search for job openings in the industry you chose in Module 5 using keywords “analytics” or “data science”.
- Choose one of the job openings (whatever interests you most) and prepare a resume and cover letter you might submit to apply for the position.
- Keep your resume/cover honest – don’t misrepresent yourself – but try to work in some of the concepts and keywords you’ve learned in this class to make your application more appealing.
- Submit one word doc with all three items below included.
- Job advertisement
- Resume
- Cover letter