Module 4: Regression Modeling Part 1
September 5, 2021
- Time Series Analysis
- Build a Regression Model to predict Real Estate prices
- Use East Pueblo RE Sales 2014-2016
- Test all variables and select the best combination
- Produce a Final Model, aiming to maximize R^2 and F-Statistic
- Build a Regression Model to estimate MLB winning percentage
- Use 2013 MLB Team statistics
- Test all variables and select the best combination
- Produce a Final Model, aiming to maximize R^2 and F-Statistic
- Submit Your Assignment
- Put your final models on two separate worksheets (maybe label one tab “Real Estate” and the other “MLB”) within *one* single Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx).
- Bb is sort of a disaster when it comes to Excel uploads so please submit using the link below.
- Upload your Excel file here