Lesson 7: Oil and Oligarchy in Putin’s Russia
February 9, 2021
- Quiz 03 – upload your paper here
- European Union
- Sovereign Debt Crisis
- Net Migration
- Russia and Central Asia Geography
- Map Quiz Game
- Geopolitical Constraints (from Mapping Russia’s Strategy by George Friedman)
- Oil & Gas Contribution to Russian Economy
- Oil Prices (NY Times article)
- Putin elected President in 2000
- Until 2015 oil prices had gone up steadily, except during the 2008-2009 global recession

- Sphere of Influence: Russia’s Foreign Policy
- Russian Oligarchy
- Organized Crime power structure
- Pay “tribute” to power brokers above you
- Pueblo connection: EVRAZ owner Roman Abromovich (Forbes)
- Read A Hollow Superpower (Economist article)
- Watch Putin’s Way (Frontline video)
- Optional: Collapse of the USSR