Lesson 25: Final Exam
April 21, 2020
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- Latin America Exam Results
- Grade Update
- Course Evaluations
Final Exam Instructions
- Write a 2-4 page essay to answer the following question.
- Due Tue Apr 28 at 11:59pm.

Yesterday the price of oil collapsed and fell into negative territory. This means current sellers must *pay* buyers to take delivery of oil. How will this dramatic market implosion impact major world regions in the next 5 years?
There aren’t right or wrong answers. This is an opinion piece. Your job is to present and defend a coherent position.
Congratulations to the following students who have been excused from the Final Exam due to outstanding performances this semester.
- Scott M.
- Dipendra S.
- Clinton N.
- Christian N.
- Jizelle M.
- Kylene F.
- Kristy H.
- Page H.
- Nathan S.
- Karida S.
- Prepare to discuss oil prices and economic impacts on Thursday.
- Prepare any questions about the final essay assignment.