Lesson 21: Curve-Fitting with COVID-19 Data
March 30, 2020
- Go to uberconference.com/jh2020 to attend class!
- For audio only you can dial 719-299-2578
- Grades
- Stock Market Simulation Project
- DataCamp
- Python Simulations
- Coin Flip
- Dice Game
- Stock Market Sim
- Ode to Students
- Forecasting COVID-19
- Curve-Fitting and Visualization of COVID-19 Cases and Cases Per Million Population
- Raw Data Download
- Pivot Table Processing
- Line Charts – Total Cases and Per Cap
- Curve Fitting for US model
- Replicate the Line Charts and US Model using “Deaths”
- Email link to completed worksheet
- Due yesterday (or by Friday)
- Will count as this week’s Quiz