Lesson 16: Hydropower on the Amazon
March 10, 2020
- Midterm Exam results

- Guest speaker on Thu, Mar 19
- Scott Kenyon, CEO of Applaudo Studios
- El Salvador
- Econ/Finance Club
- Beginning this semester
- Contact Professor Kevin Duncan for details
- Oil Prices (George Friedman, Geopolitical Future)
- Geography of South America
- Map Quiz (13 countries)
- Natural Resource Extraction in South America
- Historical Theme
- Resource Extraction
- Conquistadors to Chevron
- Damming, Drilling and Mining
- Negative impacts on indigenous communities and environment
- Historical Theme
- Economy of Brazil
- In “BRICS”, B=Brazil
- Hydropower on the Amazon
- Hydropower Basics
- Belo Monte Dam

- Damocracy (start at 9:15, end at 27:30)
- Watch The Mountain that Eats Men (BBC)