Lesson 3: Simple Linear Regression
January 20, 2020
- Quiz #1
- Scatterplots
- Correlation
- XLMiner Add-On
- Simple Linear Regression
- Bivariate (2 variables)
- i.e., one x and one y variable
- Demonstrate Linear Regression in Google Sheets
- Pueblo RE 2014 – 100 rows
- LINEST() function in Sheets
- PEARSON() function in Sheets
- Trendline within Scatter Plot chart interface
- Estimate Price assuming SqFt = 1200, 1600, 2000
- Background
- Use Snowpack n Runoff data
- Source: National Water and Climate Center, USDA
- Snowpack = x/independent/explanatory variable
- Runoff = the y/dependent/response variable
- Use LINEST() to generate linear regression equation and R²
- Generate Scatterplot
- Fit Trendline
- Label with Equation and R²
- Compare the linear equations and R² values for consistency
- Estimate Runoff assuming March Snowpack = 10, 15, 20
- Watch speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- I have a dream (full speech begins at 01:20)
- Mountaintop (conclusion of last speech before his assassination)