Lesson 20: Using Real Estate to Build and Preserve Wealth in a Volatile World Economy
November 15, 2018
- Taxes and Real Estate
- Assignment:
- Write a 2-page paper reviewing our guest speakers
- Gary Miller and Casey Edwards
- Joe O’Brien
- Lee Meisner
- Bob Root
- What did you enjoy?
- What did you learn?
- Who taught you the most?
- Who would you invite back?
- Due Tue Dec 4 at 10:30a
- Write a 2-page paper reviewing our guest speakers
- Final Exam on Tue Dec 4 at 10:30a
- Nature of wealth
- Contracts
- Physical Assets
- Collateral
- Inflation, deflation and volatility
- Precious Metals
- Bitcoin and other Cryto-currencies
- Impact on existing monetary system
- Future of the US Dollar as the World’s “Reserve Currency”
- Fed, BoE, BoJ, ECB
- ZIRP = Zero Interest Rate Policies
- QE = Quantitative Easing (money printing)
- BRICS = Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
- Currency wars
- Advantages of Real Estate
- Physical asset
- Inflation hedge
- Opportunity in an “inefficient” market
- Enduring value
- Relatively easy to insure
- Disadvantages of Real Estate
- Vulnerable to local market deterioration
- Vulnerable to deflation
- Vulnerable to natural hazards