Lesson 10: Recovery and Housing Affordability in US Markets
October 2, 2018
- Eviction
- Affordable housing
- Guest speakers
- Gary Miller and Casey Edwards (10/23)
- Sarah Mize (11/1)
- Bob Root (11/13)
- Lee Meisner (TBD)
- Exam 2 on Thu, Oct 11
- Recovery
- Warren Buffett interview with Charlie Rose
- Economic Recovery [@ 06:30]
- Housing Recovery [@ 07:00]
- Fiscal Policy [@ 10:00]
- Buffett Rule (Higher tax on income over $1M) [@14:00]
- Warren Buffett interview with Charlie Rose
- Housing Affordability
- Affordability by US market
- Fiscal Policy
- Follow up on discussion from previous class
- What fiscal policies might improve housing affordability?