Lesson 18: Quantitative Exploratory Data Analysis
March 28, 2018
- Exam 2 – scoring update
- Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)
- Term Project
- Data Analysis project
- Python or Sheets (or Microsoft Excel, if you must)
- Question – which do you prefer
- I assign the data and project objectives
- Or you create your own project (and find appropriate data)?
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Visualization with the Seaborn package
- Check out my histograms on repl.it
Activity (in class):
- Using your real estate csv file (from Exam 1)
- Make 4 histograms of “Selling Price”
- regular histogram (vertical bars)
- density curve only
- density curve with “rug”
- regular histogram with density curve and rug
- Histograms can be separate .png files
- Bonus: all four on one grid saved to graphic (.png file)
- Show me your repl.it program
- Make 4 histograms of “Selling Price”
- Complete Ch. 2 Quantitative Exploratory Data Analysis in Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)