Lesson 12: Using Python to Calculate Regression Estimates
February 26, 2018
- DataCamp
- Variables
- Lists
- Functions
- NumPy
- Exam 1 Remodels
- Basic Python Programming
- We need a “sandbox” where we can write programs
- Let’s try this repl.it
- Write a basic “Hello World” program
- Check out my HelloWorld program
- Write a program to calculate a y^ equation
- Use Lists and basic functions
- Check out my SellingPriceEstimates program
- We need a “sandbox” where we can write programs
- Preview Matplotlib
- Line plots
- Scatter plots
- Histograms
- repl.it
- First, join my classroom on repl.it
- Write a “Hello World” program
- Write a program to calculate y^ for the eight Exam 1 properties
- DataCamp
- Complete Ch. 1 “Matplotlib” in Intermediate Python for Data Science
1 Comment
i’m not for sure if you have received my dice game but here is copy https://repl.it/@F_tafoya/OvalSqueakyBrowsers