Lesson 17: Demographics, Boom-Bust Cycles and New Construction
November 2, 2017
- Multifamily
- Term Papers due in class on Thu, Nov 9
- Demographics
- Demographics Impact on Real Estate
- Spending on housing through a lifetime
- Types of housing – single level
- Motivations for buying/selling
- Baby Boomers (1946-1964)
- Gen X (1965-1979)
- Millenials (1980-2000)
- Demographics in Commercial/Retail Site Selection
- Customer Profile – age, gender, race, income, education
- Target Marketing
- Trade Area analysis
- Sales by geography
- Competitive analysis
- Supportable Stores Analysis
- Market Deployment Optimization
- Harry Dent
- Spending by age cohort
- Housing preferences by age cohort
- Economic forecasting using theories of cycles
- New Construction
- US data
- 1960
- pop 180M
- starts 1.25M
- rate 7.0 per thousand
- 1990
- pop 250M
- starts 1.19M
- rate 4.8 per thousand
- 2010
- pop 309M
- starts 587k
- rate 1.9 per thousand
- http://lenkiefer.com/2017/09/19/housing-starts-grinding-higher-or-to-a-halt/
- 1960
- Pueblo data
- 1990
- pop 123k
- starts 191
- rate 1.55 per thousand
- 2010
- pop 160k
- starts 213
- rate 1.33 per thousand
- 1990
- US data