Lesson 19: Intervention and Migration in Central America, Part 2
April 5, 2017
Wed, Apr 5
- Intervention and Migration in Central America (Part 1)
- Puerto Rico
- US control after Spanish-American War
- Held as territory to maintain profitable sugar production operations
- Declared citizenship for Puerto Rico residents pre-WWI, drafted 20k
- Recruited to the US industrial northeast during post WWII-era
- Approx 5 million Puerto Ricans living in US today
- Guatemala
- Post-WWII had progressive government enacting land reform
- CIA infiltration and overthrow of government
- Brutal repression of political opponents and indigenous population
- Over 200k killed and 50k missing during decades of turmoil
- Documents confirm death squads were trained by CIA
- More than 1 million Guatemalans living in US today
- Mexico
- Most of southwest US was originally Mexican territory
- Modern border along Rio Grande River since Mexican-American War
- Over 350k Mexican Americans served in WWII
- Mexicans recruited during 1950s-1960s to Industrial Midwest
- More than 33 million Mexicans living in US today
- Cuba
- US occupation of Cuba, support of Batista in 1930s, 40s, 50s.
- Batista repression fueled dissent and inspired Castro-led revolution
- Turmoil led to refugees leaving Cuba and migrating to Florida
- More than 2 million Cubans live in the US (70% in Florida)
- US Policy in Central America and resulting emigration
- Documentary: Harvest of Empire (begin at 48 min mark)
- Profiling Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, El Salvador
- Prepare for Immigration discussion and debate