Lesson 15: Python Basics, GDP-Fertility Regression and Scatter Plots
November 8, 2015
Mon, Nov 9
- Intro to Programming in Python
- Reading
- Python-powered Regression with GDP-Fertility Rate data
- Lesson15_GDPFertAmer (csv data)
- Lesson15.py (python program – rename to .py)
- Use Python and Matplotlib to generate graphics
- Use your assigned GDP and Fertility data from Exam 1
- Convert to CSV format
- Create a Python program to run linear regression with your assigned “Americas” data
- Repeat using your assigned EMEA and Asia Pacific data
- [You can write 3 separate programs, 1 for each region; or, for bonus points, just 1 program for processing all 3 regions.]
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[…] Python Basics, GDP-Fertility Data and Scatter Plots […]