Lesson 12
March 2, 2015
Mon, Mar 2
- Multiple Regression homework: black_7e_excel_database
- Blog Check 2: Lessons 5-12 due Mon, Mar 9 at 11am
- Exam 2
- Part 1 (take home): Pueblo Real Estate Regression Model (details in next class)
- Part 2 (in-class): Wed, Mar 11 and Thu, Mar 12th
- Indicator (dummy) variables
- Use the Manufacturing data (from Problem 1 on p. 549)
- Create indicator variables using the “Value of Indus. Shipmnts” field, coded from 1 to 4.
- Rerun your regression model including the Indicator variables.
- Post regression output to your blog and describe the impact of the Indicator variables.
- Use the Annual Food Spending data (from Problem 4 on p. 549)
- Create indicator variables using the “Region” and “Location” fields
- Rerun your regression model including the Indicator variables.
- Post regression output to your blog and describe the impact of the Indicator variables.
- Ch 14 p. 566-569 Indicator (Dummy) Variables