Lesson 3
January 20, 2015
Thu, Jan 15
- Subscription or access to Economist, WSJ – focus on world/international stories with economic impacts
- Guns, Germs and Steel Part 1
- World Geography Assessment Results: list-countries-world-25j
- Press Conference
- Top Story: Unrest in Yemen
- Niall Ferguson’s TED Talk
“I want to explain to you that there were six killer apps that set the West apart from the rest. And they’re kind of like the apps on your phone, in the sense that they look quite simple. They’re just icons; you click on them.But behind the icon, there’s complex code. It’s the same with institutions. There are six which I think explain the Great Divergence. One, competition. Two, the scientific revolution. Three, property rights.Four, modern medicine. Five, the consumer society. And six, the work ethic.”
- Economic Philosophers & Philosophies, a few key figures:
- Adam Smith and Invisible Hand
- John Maynard Keynes and Aggregate Demand
- Friedrich A. Hayek and Austrian Business Cycle Theory
- Hayek vs Keynes – Fear the Boom & Bust and Round Two
- Blog post about Continents
- World Regions – via John Boyer, the Plaid Avenger

- World Theaters
- Climate Regions

- Read the Economist and WSJ – focus on world/international stories with economic impacts.
- Prepare to answer quiz questions about assigned learning materials.
- Think about a term project theme: Place, Industry, Company/Organization/People
- Next week’s theme:
- Region: [highlight color=”options: yellow, black”]North America[/highlight]
- Industry: [highlight color=”options: yellow, black”]Agriculture[/highlight]
- Company: [highlight color=”options: yellow, black”]Archer Daniels Midland Co.[/highlight] ADM