Exercise #7 (VIDEO)
October 2, 2013
Due Thu, Oct 3
This exercise will be similar to Exercise #6 but instead of using the “Data Analysis” TookPak add-in we will calculate the statistics using basic Excel functionality. Here’s what you need to do, step by step:
Step 1. Download the Excel worksheet that I presented in class on Tuesday: CalcPearsonRegression
Step 2. In place of the 5 rows of data (x and y), you will need to insert your 30 property records (insert 60 or 90 if you have them and want to use a larger data set). Specifically, you want to insert Total Property Values as the dependent (y) variable and Total Finished Sq Ft as the independent (x) variable.
Step 3. Use the formulas I created, or create your own formulas, to calculate the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, the Slope of the Regression Line and the Y-Intercept.
Step 4. Format a single page, print the page and turn in during class on Thursday.
Here’s a YouTube video (this is the newer version with higher resolution for better viewing) that takes you through the exercise step by step: http://youtu.be/Jg4Fr4FITmo
Oops, I think I inadvertently published a low-res video. I will re-record and post a higher-res version.
New video is rendering…it’s been running for about 45 min and progress bar says 45.1%. I have to attend a meeting at 6pm so hopefully I will have it posted before then.
New video has been posted.
Here’s the link to the old one (low res): http://youtu.be/VvyTwkGSj8o
And, here’s a link to the new one (higher res): http://youtu.be/Jg4Fr4FITmo
I’m unable to acces my data because it was saved on the school server. Will we be able to do this assignment when it’s back running and just email it to you?
Yes. Email it to Becky.
[…] your previously completed correlation analysis (see Exercise #7) to identify other key variables that may improve the regression […]