GAAS Presentation Available
May 23, 2012
As I mentioned in a previous blog post I was in Chicago last week attending the Global Automotive Aftermarket Symposium and had the opportunity to deliver a talk on the Inventory Optimization Process in the Aftermarket.
It was my first presentation to a large audience and I think it went pretty well. It was certainly a great opportunity for me and I learned a lot more about the Aftermarket during the 2-day symposium. Hopefully I’ll have more chances to speak at these types of events.
If you’re interested, you can listen to an audio recording of my presentation.
Before you begin listening you might want to download my presentation so you can follow along with the graphics that I refer to during the talk.
I’d be grateful for any feedback on my presentation, the content, my delivery, etc. I know there’s plenty of room for improvement so don’t be shy about sharing constructive criticism.