# This program repeats our Lesson 13 but from a file import scipy import scipy.stats as stats print ("Welcome to my Lesson 13 Python program!") print ("(I never thought college would be this cool)") # define x and y x = [4,6,7,11,14,17,21] y = [18,12,13,8,7,7,4] print ("x: ") print x print ("Mean of x: ") print scipy.mean(x) print ("y: ") print y print ("Mean of y: ") print scipy.mean(y) # Pearson Correlation Coefficient for x, y print ("Here comes the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (and corresponding p-value)") print stats.pearsonr(x,y) # run linear regression for x and y lr = stats.linregress slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, stderr = lr(x,y) print ("Slope is ") print slope print ("Intercept is ") print intercept # calc and print r-squared rsq = rvalue**2 print ("R-Squared is ") print rsq # cool, you made it through the program with no errors print ("May the force be with you")